| Wang Xuejun
Director of Institute of Technology Economics and Management
Email: wangxuejun@263.net.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753128
PhD, University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, China (1996-1999)
MBA, UB(University at Buffalo, the State University of New York), U.S.A(1988-1991)
B.A., Drainage and Irrigation, University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, China (1980-1984)
Curriculum Vitae
Teaching and research field
●Teaching course:
Human capital and technological innovation (Master's graduate students : 36 hours);
Career Planning of College students ( Undergraduates:36 hours)
●Research field: human capital and technological innovation, human resource management
Ÿ Director of Institute ofTechnology Economics and Management,Wuhan University, September 2005 – April 2018
Ÿ Professor ofSchool of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, September 2001 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor ofDepartment ofBusinessAdministration, Wuhan University,December1995-September2001
Ÿ Lecturer of Department ofBusinessAdministration, Wuhan University, September1991 -December1995
Ÿ AssociateLecturer of Department ofBusinessAdministration, Wuhan University,1986-1991
Ÿ Independent Director, Hubei Transportation Investment Group,2016-present
Ÿ IndependentDirector,Scientific andTechnical Corporation of Chinese Medicine, CEO Assistant and Dean ofBusiness Management Division,TCL,1997 -1998
Ÿ Member Staff, HumanResources Section,Hubei Provincial Department of Education,April,1986 –October,1988
Ÿ Study on the Construction of Professional title Appraisal and appointment Management system, Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College,2017.10-2018.6
Ÿ Research on the improvement of Asset Management quality, Shenzhen Power supply Bureau,2017.5-2018.10
Ÿ Planning of EducationTrainingfor EngineeringImmigration ofThree Gorges Reservoir Region,Chongqing Immigration Bureau, May 2013--December 2014
Ÿ BuildingAuthorityPersonnelCareerDevelopmentManagementSystem, Wuhan Economic Development Investment(Group)co., LTD , January, 2013- December,2014
Ÿ TheCadreAssessment andDevelopment, HenanSalt Industry Corporation, May, 2014- December,2014
Ÿ TheDynamicMonitoringfor the Social andEconomicDevelopment of Engineering ImmigrationofThree Gorges Reservoir Region, Hubei ImmigrationBureau, 2010-2013
Ÿ EcologicalFisheryIndustrialization andImmigrationBenefitsMechanismResearch,The threeGorges Office ofTheStateCouncil, 2012-2013
Ÿ ManagementMechanismOptimization, HubeiPowerTransmission andTransformationEngineeringCompany,2010-2012
International journal papers
●ZHAO Xiaoyu, WANG Xuejun,2017, “Research on theRelationship betweenCarbonFinanceDevelopment andLowCarbonization in China”,《Technical Bulletin》 2017 Elsevier P161-168
● Xiaojing ZHENG, Xi XI, Xuejun WANG,2016 “Is belief system dynamics under logic constraints really so simple?”《science》OTC.21,2016
●ZHANG Huaige,WANG Xuejun,2016,“Optimal licensing of uncertain patents in a differentiated stackeberg duopolistic competition market”,《International review of economics and finance》(SSCI)2016.9
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ LENG Qiqi and WANG Xuejun,218,A study on volatility of Interbank offered rate, Statistics and Decision-Making,2018.2
Ÿ GUO Xinghua, WANGXuejun, 2018, "Exploring theRealisticPath ofOptimizing the Poverty Alleviation of Electronic Commerce", Guangming Daily (theoretical Edition),2018.4.27
Ÿ GUO Xinghua, WANG Xuejun, 2016, "doing a good Job in helping the Poor in Industry", "Guangming Daily" (theoretical edition) December 15, 2015
Ÿ WANG Xuejun, ZHANG Wenmeng, 2015, A Comparative study on the efficiency of Regional R & D Innovation in China based on DEA Windows and SFA. 2015.8P1-8.
Ÿ LIU Jin and WANG Xuejun, 2015,"Rent-seeking Corruption and Export of Chinese Enterprises; Promotion or suppression", International Trade Research,2015.6 P12-21
Ÿ LIU Jin, WAG Xuejun, ZHANG Sanbao, YE Yunlong, 2015, "CEO informal Power, formal Power and Corporate performance-evidence from China's Private listed companies", Management Review, vol. 27, P161-170
Ÿ ShenWenxin and Wang Xuejun, 2014.Transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry is the top priority, Newspaper of Guangming daily (theory) 17, April.
Ÿ Sui Mu and Wang Xuejun, 2014. The Study on Open Economy Development Model of Western Inland of China , Ningxia Social Science, No. 3.pp.54-57
Ÿ Liu Jin and Wang Xuejun, 2014. Rent-seeking Corruption and Enterprise R&D –Evidences from 12,367 Companies in 30 provinces,Journal ofStudies in Science of Science, No.10, pp.1509-1518
Ÿ Wang bin and Wang Xuejun, 2012. The Condition Analysis of Carry out The Innovation among the Small & Medium Enterprises, Newspaper of Economic daily (theory) 15, June.
Ÿ Jiang Yinhua and Wang Xuejun, 2012. Trend Analysis of Science and Technology Innovation based on The Ability of University Intellectual Capital, Journal ofScience & Technology Progress and Policy, No. 24
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2010. The Research on China's Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability Assessment based on 20 Years Panel Data,Journal ofScience of Science and Management of S.& T, No.5
Ÿ Wang Xuejun and Chen Wu, 2010. The Index System Construction and Its Related Study on The Regional Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, June.
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2010. The Assessment of The Regional Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability, Journal of Technology Economics, January
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2010. The Empirical Study on The Regional Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability based on Its Related and Effected Model, Journal of Technology Economics, February
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2010. The Empirical Study on Assessment of Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability in China based 20 Years Panel Data,Journal ofScience of Science and Management of S.& T., May
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2010.The Interactive Model Research on The Regional Intellectual Capital and Innovation Capability based on CSM,Journal ofCommercial Research, October.
Ÿ Wang Xiaobin,Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2009. The Regional Intellectual Capital and Economy Development, Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, March
Ÿ Wang Xuejun, Tang Hong and Rao Yangde, 2009.Innovation Collaboration andEnterpriseSustainableGrowth, Journal ofScientific Management Research, January
Ÿ Liu Mingxia andWang Xuejun, 2009.The Research on Effect of ReverseTechnologyOverflow of FDI inChina, Journal ofWorld Economy Study, September
Ÿ Wang Xuejun and Chen Wu, 2009. TheEmpiricalResearchon The Assessment of SocialismNewRuralReconstructionProcess, Journal ofChina Population Resources and Environment, January
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Li Zhuomei andWang Xuejun,2013.Introduction and enlightening on the quality assurance of training and evaluation of British national qualification system,2013International ConferenceonEducation andEducationalResearch, Singapore
Ÿ Zheng Ying,Wang Xuejun and Li Xiaotao, Xi Caiyun,2013.TheResearch onConstruction ofAssessment Instruments forPostgraduates based onCompetency model, The7th International ConferenceonInnovationMobile andIntentService inUbiquitousComputing, Wuhan
Ÿ Wang Xuejun and Zhang Wenmin, 2011. The Case Study on The StrategicTransformation of Dong HaiCorporation, Wuhan University Case Library
Ÿ Wang Xuejun, Zhang Wei, Qing Hui, Xu Weibo and Zhang Wenmin, 2014.The Case Study on The Staff levelCertificationSystemDesignof JXCompany, Wuhan University Case Library
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Huang Honglang, Wang Xuejun andJIANG Yinhua,2014.TheStudy onFinancingRisksof Faced bySmall & Medium-sizedTechnology-basedEnterprises with the CBRApproach, TheConference onAdvances inServicesScience andServicesInformationTechnology, WITPS Press (ISSN:17433517),Wuhan
Ÿ Zheng Ying, Wang Xuejun andLi Xiaojian,2013. TheResearch onConstruction ofAssessmentInstruments forPostgraduates based onCompetencyModel,The7thInternational Conference onInnovativeMobile andInternetServices inUbiquitousComputing, IMIS 2013, Washington. DC.
Ÿ He Jiajun andWang Xuejun,2013. TheAnalysis ofEnvironmentalPopulationCapacity for the YunyangCountry based on theEcologicalFootprint,The19thInternationalConference onIndustrial Eng.and Eng. management, Berlin
Ÿ Zhong Yang andWang Xuejun, TheFinancing Risk Model and Countermeasures of the Television Media Industry, The 9th International Conference on Innovation andManagement. ICIM 2012, Netherlands
Ÿ Li Xiaotao, Wang Xuejun andLiu Yong,2009. TheProperties andEvolutionMechanisms ofRegionalInnovationSystem: fromA Perspective ofComplexAdaptiveSystemTheory,Conference on management ofTechnology, Zhengzhou
Ÿ Wang Xuejun andJiangYinhua,2010.Analysis on Mechanism of Knowledge Management in Forming Innovative Clusters,2010 International Conference on Information Science &Management Eng.
Ÿ Wang Xuejun,Huang Honglang andLiu Yong,2009. TheGreyRelation analysis onHumanCapital,TechnologicalProgress andRegionalEconomicGrowth:AnEmpiricalSystem onCentral ChinaRegion,The Conference onManagement ofTechnology, Zhengzhou
Ÿ Jiang Yinhua andWang Xuejun, 2011. TheStudy onInnovationNetwork based onKnowledgeManagement, The4thInternational Conference onInstitute ofStatistics &Management Eng. Symposium
Ÿ Liu Jin andWang Xuejun,2010.TheMeasurement and Decision-making in theRiskManagement ofInformation-sharing ontheSupplyChain, The International Conference on Computing, Control andIndustrial Eng. Wuhan
Ÿ Wang Chengyun,He Jiajun andWANG Xuejun,2010.TheResearch onHumanCapital andEconomicDevelopment ofReservoirArea based on theEmpiricalStudy on Yunyang, The International Conference onManagement Innovation, Shanghai
Ÿ Zhang Xin and WANG Xuejun,2009.The AffectingFactorsAnalysis ofTechnologicalInnovationDiffusion,The4thInternational Conference on Innovation& Management, Wuhan
Ÿ Wang Xuejun andChen Wu,2009.AStudy on theManagement ofSocialCapital: APerspective of Complexity Science Management, The4th International Conference on Innovation& Management, Wuhan
Ÿ RaoYangde andWang Xuejun,2007. TheResearch onDynamicCustomer-relationshipManagement: from theView of E-commerce,The13thInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.
Ÿ Wang Xuejun andChen Wu,2007.AStrategicInnovation for theProblems of ARF(Agriculture, RuralLand, Farmers)in china:A Four-dimensionalSystemicModel onRuralHumanEngineering, The1stInternational Conference onManagement Innovation, Shanghai
Ÿ Wang Xuejun andChen Wu,2007.A Study onEnterpriseInnovationMode based onIntellectual Capital, The5thInternational Conference onSymposiumManagement ofTechnology
Ÿ Wang Xuejun, 2000,ElectricPowerMarketing, Beijing:China Water & Power Press.
Ÿ Wang Xuejun, 1995,Strategic accounting,Wuhan:Wuhan University of Technology Press.
Ÿ HE Jiajun and WANG Xuejun,2017.6,A study on the Reconstruction of the livelihood ability of immigrants in the three Gorges Reservoir area based on Employment.Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press
Ÿ LI XIATAO and WANG Xuen 2017.7,Human Capital to the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Economic Development and Immigrant Households' Income Growth Research,Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press
Ÿ Chen Wu and Wang Xuejun, 2012.A Study on Regional Innovation Competence Based on Intellectual Capital,Beijing:Science Press
Ÿ Wang Xiaobin and Wang Xuejun, 2011.TheEvolutionMechanism ofInnovationCluster,Beijing:Science Press
Ÿ Rao Yangde, Wang Su, Xun Xiangfu andWang Xuejun, 2012.Innovation Collaboration andEnterpriseSustainableGrowth,Beijing:Science Press
Ÿ The Research on EvolutionPathofTraditionalIndustrialCluster toInnovativeCluster, RMB 210 Thousands, 2008-2010,NO:70773084
Ÿ The Research on AuditMethod ofThreeGorgesFollow-upAffairs, RMB 300 Thousands, 2011-2012,NO:212000110
Ÿ The Research on Industrialization of Ecological Fisheries andBenefitsMechanismof ImmigrationinTheThreeGorgesReservoirRegion, RMB 790 Thousands, 2010-2013, NO:250000192
Ÿ The Research on TrainingPlanningof ImmigrantEducation in TheThreeGorgesReservoirRegion, RMB 400 Thousands, 2013-2014, NO:250001253
Ÿ Research on the strategy of improving the assets quality of Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau,100 Thousand,,2017.5-2018.10
Ÿ A study on the Professional Development of Organ personnel of Wuhan Financial holding Group,300 Thousand,2015.10-2016.8,
Ÿ The Research on StaffAssessment andDevelopmentinNanningPowerSupplyBureau, RMB 150 Thousands, August 2012-Nov 2012, NO:250000166
Ÿ The Study of theFeasibility ofComprehensive Improvement at Xiaoluo Area of YunCounty, RMB 1,000 Thousands, 2012-2013, NO:250000320
Ÿ The Research on StaffAssessment andDevelopmentin Yulin PowerSupplyBureau, RMB 270 Thousands, 2012, NO:250000153
Ÿ The Research on ManagementMechanismOptimizationofHubeiPowerTransmission andTransformationEngineeringCompany, RMB 300 Thousands, 2010-2012, NO:250001180,
Ÿ The Research on CadreAssessment andDevelopmentin HenanSalt Industry Corporation, RMB 320 Thousands, 2014, NO:250001236
Ÿ TheConstruction of CourseQuestionBankin Economics and Management, RMB 118 Thousands, 2013,NO:105-232081
Ÿ The Research on Assessment andDevelopment in Human Resources, RMB 468 Thousands, 2011,NO:105-239846
Ÿ The Research on Human Resource Planning of Liuzhou PowerSupplyBureau, RMB 410 Thousands, 2011,NO:105-238282
Ÿ Research on RuralPowerDevelopmentStrategy ofCHINA SOUTHERN POWER GRID, RMB 300 Thousands, 2010,NO:105-239036
Ÿ Research on TheTeamConstructionat theGrass-rootsLevelPowerSupplyBureau, RMB 270 Thousands, 2010, NO:250000361
Ÿ Research on TheDynamicMonitoringin Societyand EconomyDevelopment of TheThreeGorgesReservoirRegion Immigrant(Yunyang County), RMB 800 Thousands, 2010, NO:250001183
Ÿ Research on PaySystemOptimizationatChina No.15 Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd, RMB 400 Thousands, 2009,NO:105-237346
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ The FirstPrize ofThe 7thScience andTechnologyInnovation Awards of ChinaServiceIndustry,China General Chamber of Commerce, 2014
Ÿ The NationalTopQualityCourse(HR),Chinese Ministry of Education, 2012
Ÿ TheAward forThe HubeiOutstandingDoctoralDissertationGuidanceTeacher, Hubei Provincial Department of Education, 2010
Ÿ TheAward for GansuSocialScienceOutstandingAchievement, Gansu Municipal People's Government,2003
Ÿ Award for TheExcellentPostgraduateGuide Teacher, Wuhan University, 2003
Ÿ The Journal ofScientific Management Research,Editorial Board Member, 2010-present
Ÿ Senior Member, Chinese Society of Technology Economics Research Society, Beijing, 1995
Ÿ Committee Member,HubeiScience andTechnology andManagementResearch Society, Hubei, 2002
Ÿ Executive Director, China Society for Technical and Economic Research,2016