| Yang Yanlin
Center for Economic Development Research
Vice Director, Institute of Economics,School of Economics and Management
Email: yyl7772@163.com, yyl7772@sina.com
Phone : +86-27-68753120, 68752611
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, P.R.China (1995-1998)
MSc, Economics, Center China Normal University, China (1987-1990)
B.A., Law, Hubei Normal University, China (1983-1987)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses :Industrial Economics; Labor Economics
Ÿ Research Areas : Industrial Development Theory; Industrial Analysis; Employment
Theory and Policy
Ÿ Wuhan University, Supervisor for Ph.D. Student, June 2006 – present
Ÿ Wuhan University,Professor,December 2004 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor, Wuhan University,July 1999 - November 2004
Ÿ Lecturer,Center China Normal University,July 1990 -August 1995
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Yang, Yanlin, Chen Yin‐E, and Liu Zhizhong, 2007. Energy Constraints and China’s Economic Development[J].Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 10, No.4, pp.343-354.(SSCI)
Ÿ Yang Yanlin and Xu Shuchang, 2012.Analysis of Industrial Trends in China's Overseas Direct Investment. China: An International Journal, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 105-118. (SSCI)
Ÿ Yang Yanlin and Shao Xu, 2017. Understanding industrialization and employment quality changes in China: Development of a qualitative measurement.China Economic Review, forthcoming. (SSCI)
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, 2010.Industrial Trend of China’s ODI.Transnational Corporations in China: Research and Development,Vol. I, Ottawa, Canada.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, 2011.An Empirical Analysis of the Employment for the Disabled Labors in Urban China.Economic Growth in China and Europe: Development in the Financial Sector and theLaborMarket,Metropolis-Verlag, In Marburg Germany, Economic Studies on Asia,Vol.10, pp.249-271.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Li Li, 2008. The Paradox Between Market Concentration Ration and Market Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Real Estate Industry in China,Financeand Trade Economics,No.3, pp.66-71.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Lou Feipeng, 2008.Rawski’s Discussion on Problems of China’s EconomicReform andDevelopment,Economic Perspectives,No.8, pp.83-88.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Yu Han, 2007.Analysison ofGlobal 1000BigBanks and Optimization of China’s IndustrialOrganizationStructure,Research on Economics and Management,No.1, pp.79-84
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Xu Shuchang, 2010.Researchon Resources andEnvironmentalConstraints and Industry TransformationinChineseCentralArea,Study and Exploration, No.2, pp.154-157.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Ouyang Jinjuan, 2014.Researchon Transformation and Development of TraditionalIndustry Ecologicalization,Macro-economic Management, No.10, pp.58-60.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Zhang Heng,2015.A Global Perspective Research on the Relationship between Services Industry and Urbanization: Based on Panel-data Empirical Analysis of 22 Counties in 1960-2013, ChineseJournal of Population,Resources and Environment,Vol.25,No.11, pp.248-257.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Zhai Chaoying,2016.Measurement and Correlation Analysis of Urbanization Quality and Employment Quality in China,Journal of Northeastern University (Social Science),Vol. 18,No.1, pp.42-48.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Cao Cheng,2016. The International Comparison andCalculation of China’s Demographic Dividend,Jianghuai Tribune,No.5, pp.35-42.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Tan Mengqi,2017.The Influence of Chinese Financial Talents on the Performance of Financial Industry,Financial Forum,Vol.22,No.1, pp.67-80.
Ÿ Xiao Yiping, Yang Yanlin,2017.The Effects of Changing Age Structure on Economic Growth,Population Research, Vol.41, No.4, pp33-43.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Yang Yanlin,LouFeipeng, andChenYin-E, 2008. The Employment Effect and Policy Innovation of Financial Industry in China [C].Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM'08. 4th International Conference on. IEEE, pp.1-4.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin,ZhanMingzhen, 2009. On the Resources and Environment Management Innovation in Central China.Management and Service Science, MASS'09. International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 1-4.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin,Chen Yin-E, 2012, Modern Fiscal and Finance Tutorial,Beijing: Capital University of Economics and Business Press.
Ÿ Jian Xinghua,Yang Yanlin,2009,Industrial Economics, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Chen Yin-E,2000.Practise and Trend of State-owned Industrial Firm Reform, Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin,2004.Development of Resources Economics, Beijing: Science Press.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Lou Feipeng,2010, Employment Issues in the Economic Development in China, Shangdong: Shandong People.s Publishing House.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin,2011.Research on Unemployment Peak, Beijing: Science Press.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Zhan Mingzhen, 2012.Research on The Finance and Organization
Development of China in The Open world, Beijing: People’s Publishing House.
Ÿ Yang Yanlin, Zhan Mingzhen,Xu Shuchang, 2016.CoordinatedDevelopment of
Resources, Environment and Economy in Central China: Theory and policy, Beijing: Science Press.
Ÿ Researchon CoordinatedDevelopmentof Resource,Environment andEconomyinChinaCentralArea,¥200000, 2006-2011, Ref.06JJD790023.
Ÿ Research on RestrictionofPopulationResourcesEnvironmenton Industrialization, andNewChineseIndustrialization,¥20000, 2010-2013, Ref.09&ZD025.
Ÿ Research on theDevelopment of China’s ResourcesIndustry,¥15000, 2007-2011, Ref:[2007]1108.
Ÿ Research on theInteractiveRelationship betweenUnemployment,Employment andEconomic growth,¥44000, 2001-2005, Ref:01JA630011.
Ÿ Researchon AgricultureStructureAdjustment andIndustryManagementof HubeiProvince,¥20000, 2001-2007, Ref:2001ABB044.
Ÿ Researchon Two Oriented Industryand TwoOrientedProductionin the Process of Constructing Two Oriented Society,¥50000, 2008-2012.
Ÿ Study on the China’s Industrial Development andEmploymentGrowth, ¥40000, 2008-2012.
Ÿ InnovationBase of China’s EconomicDevelopment andInternationalCompetitiveness,¥31000, 2009-2012.
Ÿ Study onLong-termProtectionMechanism ofLegitimateRights andInterests ofMigrantWorkers,¥10000, 2006-2009, Ref:05&ZD056.
Ÿ Resolution of theTwoPeakUnemploymentin HubeiProvince since theReform andOpening up,¥50000, 2008-2010, Ref:[2008]89.
Ÿ TheStudy onManagementMechanismof EnergyIndustry based on SCPAnalysis,¥20000, 2009-2011, Ref:09ZZKY031.
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ theFirstPrize of theExcellentResearchWorks inHumanity and Social Science inHubei Province, People's Government of Hubei Province, 2001
Ÿ theThird Prize of theExcellentResearchWorks inHumanity and Social Science inHubei Province, People's Government of Hubei Province, 2001
Ÿ the First prize of the 4th Excellent Research Works in Population Science in China,National Commission forPopulation andFamilyPlanning, 2007
Ÿ the Third Prize of the State Research Topics for the Second Sample Survey on the Disable Population in China, LeadingGroup of the Second Sample Survey on the Disable Population (Sate Council), 2007
Ÿ the Second Prize of the State Research Topics for the Second Sample Survey on the Disable Population in China, LeadingGroup of the Second Sample Survey on the Disable Population (Hubei), 2008
Ÿ the Second Prize of the 6th Excellent Research Works in the Humanity and Social Science in China’s Universities, National Ministry of Education, 2013
Ÿ Journal of Population, Resource and Environmental Economics,anonymousreferee, 2011-present
Ÿ Ph.D. Dissertation in More than 10 Top China’s Universities, evaluation expert, 2007-present
Ÿ Transnational Corporations Review,anonymousreferee, 2012-present
Ÿ China Post-Doctor Scientific Foundation, evaluation experts,, 2011-present
Ÿ Institute of Degree and Postgraduate Education Development of Ministry of Education, evaluation experts, 2012-present
Ÿ Vice Director &Secretary of Hubei Industrial Association, 2011-present
Ÿ Member of ChinaIndustrial Association, 2008-present
Ÿ Member of Hubei Population Association, 2008-present
Ÿ Expert of Hubei Employment Promotion Association, 2009-present
Ÿ Member of China Labour Association, 2016-present
Ÿ An Study on the Internationalization of Industries and the Industrial Policy in China, KunmingMunicipalGovernment, June 2, 2011
Ÿ An empirical Study on the Urbanization and the Employment Quality in China, Hubei Province Association ofPromotingEmployment, November 8, 2013