LIN Wanfa |
Associate Professor |
Department of Accounting |
Email: linwanfa2013@163.com |
Phone : +86-27-68755309 |
PhD, Accounting, Central University of Finance and Economics, China (2015) |
M.A, Quantitative Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (2012) |
B.A., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Sichuan Normal University (2008) |
Ÿ Teaching Focusing: Accounting Principles; Advanced Financial Management; Python and Stata Programming
Ÿ Research Areas: Bond Credit Spread; Financial Intermediaries(Underwriter, Credit rating agency, Analyst)
Ÿ Associate Professor, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, July 2020 - Present
Ÿ Lecturer, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, September 2015 - July 2020
Ÿ External academic experts, Investor Protection Research Center, Business School of Beijing Technology and Business University
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Kaijuan Gao, Wanfa Lin, Li Yang and Kam C. Chan, 2020, The impact of analyst coverage and stock price synchronicity: Evidence from brokerage mergers and closures, Finance Research Letters, 33.
Ÿ Hong Zhou, Guoping Li, and Wanfa Lin (Corresponding author), 2016, Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Spreads—An Empirical Study in Chinese Context, Annals of Economics and Finance, 14, 17-1: 79-103.
Ÿ Hong Zhou, Chang Zhou, Wanfa Lin(Corresponding Author) and Guoping Li, 2017, Corporate Governance and Credit Spreads on Corporate Bonds: An Empirical Study in the Context of China, China Journal of Accounting Studies, 4, 50-72.
Ÿ Kaijuan Gao and Wanfa Lin(Corresponding Author), 2018, Margin Trading, Short Selling, and Bond Yield Spread, China Journal of Accounting Research, 11(1):51-70.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Yingfei Liu and Zhongkuang Zhao, 2019, Underwriter Rating and Bond Credit Spread——Empirical Evidence from the “Securities Company Classification Supervision Regulations”, China Industrial Economics, 1,174-192.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Zhongkuang Zhao, Yingfei Liu and Min Song, 2020, Can Rating Information of Bond Market Improve Stock Market Information Quality? Evidence from Analysts' Forecasts, Journal of Financial Research, 4,166-185.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Huiyong Zhong and Qingyuan Li, 2018, The Gains and Losses of Senior Management Experience? Evidence from the Bond Market, Journal of Financial Research, 6,171-188.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Jianbo He, Chang Zhou and Zhongcheng Zhang, 2017, “Investor-Pay” Model for the Credit Rating of “Issuer-Pay” Model: Base on the Experimental Evidence of China Bond Rating, Accounting Research, 9, 62-68+97.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin and Xiaobo Ao, 2018, Corporate Credit Rating and Audit Fees, Auditing Research, 3, 95-103.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Yajiong Wang and Lixia Xing, 2020, Qualitative Information of Enterprises and Credit Rating of Bonds: Evidence from the Nature of Stock Right, China Soft Science, 4, 123-131.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin, Yingfei Liu and Qin Yang, 2019, Executive Financial Experience and Corporate Credit Rating: Based on the Perspective of Earnings Management, Journal of Management Science, 32(04):3-16.
Ÿ Wanfa Lin and Yingfei Liu, 2019, Credit Rating Adjustment and Corporate Leverage: Based on Financing Constraint Perspective, Business Management Journal, 41(06):176-193.
Government-funded grants
Ÿ Lin Wanfa, Chinese National Natural Science Foundation for young scholarship, “Information Effect and Function Effect of Credit Rating—a Research based on Heterogeneity of Rating Agencies”, 2016-2019
Ÿ Lin Wanfa, Humanities and Social Science Project supported by The Ministry of Education, “Short Sales Mechanism, Information Dissemination and Bond Market Response”, 2016-2019.
Ÿ The Research Report “The Effect of Intellectual Property Protection of New Plant Varieties on Seed International Trade” Published in Sept 2013 Won 2nd Prize on the 8th National IPR Outstanding Research Report of National IPR Department and Excellent Soft Science Research.
Ÿ The Paper “Information Asymmetry and Bond Credit Spreads” Published in Accounting Research in Dec 2013 Won 1st Prize of Accounting Excellent Paper of Chinese Accounting Society of finance Ministry in 2012.
Reviewer of Journal of Management World, Journal of Financial Research, Accounting Research and Nankai Business Review.