| Xie Huobao
Department of Accounting
Email: xie_hb@263.net
Phone : +86-27-68753045
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1994-1998)
MSc, Accounting, Wuhan University, China (1990-1993)
B.A., Business Administration, Wuhan University, China (1986-1990)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,December 2003- present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,December 1997- December 2003
Ÿ Postdoctoral Fellow,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2002- 2006
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,December 1994-December 1997
Ÿ Independent Director,Zhejiang Semir GarmentsCo., Ltd, 2010-2016
Ÿ Independent Director,Huaxin Cement Co.,Ltd.,2002- 2008
Ÿ Independent Director,Zhongbai Holding Group Co.,Ltd.,2008 - 2011
Ÿ High-Tech Enterprises’ Growth and Financial Support, Wuhan University National Science Park, 2014
Ÿ Cash Flow Management and Risk Control, Beijing PowerhorseEngineering Machinery Co., Ltd, 2013- 2014
Ÿ Participating the Teacher-Training of ACCA, July 2007
Ÿ Financial Adviser, Hubei Jin Sanxia Printing Co., Ltd, 2005
Journal Papers
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Hui Lili, 2017, “Cost stickness, corporation governance, and executive pay-performance sensitivity—anempirical research based on the risk perspective”, Mangement Review, No. 29(3), pp110-125.
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Li Congwen,2017,“The development of the real economy requires a healthy interaction between industry and finance.”,Economic Daily,June 12.
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Hui Lili, 2016, Regional industry structure, industrial tax burden, and the effectiveness of the replacing business tax with value added tax policy: evidence from listed companies in china. China Accounting and Finance Review, June,1-58.
Ÿ Zhang Xi, Xie Huobao, 2014,Approaches to multiple attribute group decision making problems with interval grey uncertain linguistic. Journal of Intelligence & Fuzzy Systems, 27(4),1915-1922.
Ÿ Xie Huobao andHui Lili, 2014.“Agency Problem,Corporate Governance andCost Stickness”, Mangement Review, No.12, pp.144-161.
Ÿ Xie Huobao andHui Lili, 2014.“Executive Perks of China’ s Listed Companies: Effective Incentive or Implicit Corruption”, East China Economic Management, No.11, pp.1-5.
Ÿ Xie Huobao and Hui Lili, 2014. “The Specification and Governance forExecutive Perks ofEnterprises”,Guangming Daily, No.6.
Ÿ Fu Congrong andXie Huobao, 2014. “Study on the Relationship between Insurance Company Participation and Earnings Quality:Based on an Exponential Analysis on Publicly Listed Firms in China”, Insurance Studies, No.3, pp.44-53.
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Tan Yu and Hui Lili, 2014. “A studies on the impact ofIPO over-funding on Investment Efficiency: Evidence fromGrowth Enterprise Market”,Securities Market Herald,No.1, pp.19-25.
Ÿ Xie Huobao andWang Yan, 2013.“Impacts of Credibility and Creativity Values on Corporate M&As:A Case Study of China Pingan Acquiring Shenzhen Development Bank”, Insurance Studies, No.6, pp.76-83.
Ÿ Fu Congrong andXie Huobao, 2013.“Moral Building Spot and Long-term Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure”,Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences), No.3, pp.18-22
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Zhang Xi and Li Yanhua, 2012. “Earning Conservatism:Connotation, Influencing Factors, Degree of Usageand Policy Suggestions”, East China Economic Management, No.4, pp.97-100.
Ÿ Xie Huobao and Zhang Junfei, 2007.“Empirical Research on Relationship between Business Concentrative Degree and Enterprise’s Performance”,China Industrial Economy, No.9, pp.87-95.
Ÿ Xie Huobao, Zhang Yongtao and Pan Li, 2006.“Entrepreneurs’ Life Cycle: Phase Division and Evolution”,Economic Management, No.23, pp.49-54.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Xie Huobao and Zhang Xi, 2014.“An Effect Analysis from the Construction of Comprehensive Financial Group through Acquisition:A Case Study of China Pingan Acquiring Shenzhen Development Bank”, Commercial Times,No.9, pp.69-70.
Ÿ Xie Huobao andLin Xin, 2014. “The Usage of the Consolidation and the New Subject Method”, Finance & Accounting, No.9, pp.27-28.
Ÿ Xie Huobao and Zhang Xi, 2014. “The Construction of Enterprise ERP System in the Big Data Era: Evidence form Suning Appliance”,Finance & Accounting, No.2, pp.18-20.
Ÿ Xie Huobao and Wei Meiang, 2012. “The Inter-temporalAccounting and Disclosure of Changes inFairValueGains andLosses:A study on TransactionMonetaryAssets”,Finance andAccountingMonthly,No.7, pp.7-10. Renmin University of China: Finance and Accounting Monthly 2012(11).
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Xie,Huobao,Chen,Chunyan,2013. “Enterprise compensation incentive theory on principle-agent relation”,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany
Ÿ Tao Lan, Xie Huobao,2010. “Political connection, Diversification and Firm valuation: Evidence from family-owned firms in China”,EBM 2010 internationa conference on engineering and business management, Chengdu, People’s R China.
Ÿ Xie Huobao,2012,Financial Accounting, “National MBA Top-Quality Teaching Materials”, Wuhan:Wuhan Universityof Technology Press.
Ÿ Xie Huobao,2009,Principle ofAccountancy, Wuhan:Hubei People Press.
Ÿ Xie Huobao,2003,Marketing Auditing Research, Wuhan:Wuhan University Press
Ÿ Hosting the Branching National NatureScienceFoundationProject “InternationalConvergence ofAccountingStandards,Accrued-based&Real Earnings Management, and Economic Consequences: Based on International and Comparative Studies of China”, 2011, ProjectNo. 71172206.
Ÿ Hosting the NationalSocial ScienceFoundationProject “Research on Executive Compensation Management System Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in China”, 2010, Project No.10BGL067.
Ÿ Hosting theProvince-Level Educational Reform Project “Research on Talents Training modeof Charted Certified Accountants Educational Reform Experimental Class”, 2010, Project No. HubeiHigher Education Bureau 2010(22).
Ÿ Hosting theProvince-Level Postdoctoral Project “Research on Evaluation of EnterpriseOperatingPerformance”, 2001, Project No. HubeiPostdoctoral Management Bureau 2002(3).
Ÿ Hosting the Minister of Education Project“Research on Completeness of Enterprises’ Capital”, 1996, Project No.96JAQ630010.
Ÿ Hosting the Project “Research on Enterprises’Ownership Reform with the Financial Management Perspective”, 2014-2015, ProjectNo.105-250001254
Ÿ Hosting the Project “Research on Budget Management of VSD Companies”, 2013-2014, ProjectNo.105-230851
Ÿ Hosting the Project “Research on Enterprises’Cost-Control”, 2007, ProjectNo.105-236258
Ÿ Research on Financial Planning, cooperated with Holcim Group(Switzerland),2006, ProjectNo.105-234537
Ÿ Third Place Award of “The Provincial Teaching Achievement Prize of Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province”, “Research on Educational Reform of IntermediateAccountingBased on Case and Experiment”, 2009.
Ÿ “TopTen ofMyFavoriteTeachers”, Wuhan University, 2007.
Ÿ First Place Award of “The Provincial Teaching Achievement Prize ofColleges and Universities in Hubei Province”, MBA Teaching Reform and Innovation (Accounting), 2001.
Ÿ Luojia Management Review,Invited Reviewer, 2012-Present
Ÿ Economic Review,Invited Reviewer, 2010-Present
Ÿ Member of Expert Evaluation Commissionfor Senior Accountants in Wuhan, 2013-2014.
Ÿ Associate Chairman of Budget Accounting Association in Wuhan,2010-2013.
Ÿ Certified Public Accountant, Wuhan,1993-1994.
Ÿ The Financing Innovation and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,Organizer (ex.Wuhan University National Science Park), September 9th 2014.
Ÿ Enterprises’ Development driven by Finance,Organizer(ex.Chongqing University), August 30th 2014.
Ÿ Xie Huobao Talking About IPO Over-financing, Securities Times,March 12th 2014.