| Ran Qiuhong
Department of Accounting
Email: ranqiuhong823@sina.com
Phone : +86-27-68753024
PhD, Accounting, Wuhan University (2001—2005)
M.A., Economic Management, Wuhan University (1989—1992)
B.A.,Economic Management, Wuhan University (1985—1989)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing (Program and credit hour) :
Ÿ Advanced Management Accounting Theory and Practice(graduate,216)
Ÿ Management Accounting Research(graduate,54)
Ÿ Performance Management ACCA(undergraduate,162)
Ÿ Research Areas: Management Accounting, Cost Management and Performance Evaluation,Intellectual Capital Measurement and Management
Ÿ Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, Jan. 2008 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, Jan. 2001 -Dec. 2007
Ÿ Tutor of Accounting, Wuhan University, Jan. 1994 - Dec. 2000
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, Jan. 1992 -Dec. 1993
Ÿ International Communication and Academic Visit, The University of Manchester,The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants(ACCA),July 2014-Aug. 2014
Ÿ Advanced Studies,Zhongnan University of Economics,Sept.1992-Jan.1993
Ÿ Cost Management,China State Construction Engineering Corporation,2016
Ÿ Budget Management,Daye Nonferrous Metal CO. LTD, 2010
Ÿ Performance Measurement,Wuhan Humanwell Hi-tech Industry CO.,LTD,2008
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Intellectual Capital and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Analysis from Chinese Listed Companies ,International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations,2010 Vol.7 No.4,EI.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Li Xiaoming and Zhang Ming, “Dividends Protection, Choice of Incentive Instruments and Firm Cash Dividends Policy”, Journal of Investment Research, No.3, pp.177-188, 2013
Ÿ 1.Ran Qiuhong,Liu Pingfen,“Executive Pay Gap,Product Market Competition and R&D Investment”,Luojia Management Review,NO.2,pp.124-139,2015
Ÿ 2.Ran Qiuhong, Bai Chunliang,Information Technology Investment、Dynamic Change of Intellectual Capital and Enterprise Performance,Science and Technology Management Research,No. 16,pp229-235,2017
Ÿ 3.Zhao Tuanjie,Ran Qiuhong,4.A preliminary analysis of the framework of the company's financial and business integration,Finance & Accounting,NO1,pp65-66,2018
Ÿ 4.Ran Qiuhong,Chen Chen,The Application of Activity-based Costing in Chinese Enterprises: Taking Xu Ji, Baosteel, China Telecom, and Dongfeng Motor as Examples,Finance & Accounting,NO14,PP39-41, 2015
Ÿ 5.Chen Chen,Ran Qiuhong,ŸResearch on Correlation between Ordinary Staff Salary and Corporate Performance—Based on Panel Data of Chinese Listed Companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen,NO.23,pp9-13,2015
Ÿ 6.Tang Xiao, Ran Qiuhong, Ren Zhong, The Value Relevance of Intellectual Capital of Listed companies on GEM——An Empirical Analysis Based on the Structural Equation Modeling, Modernization of Management,NO.4.pp75-77.2014.
Ÿ 7.Ran Qiuhong, Tao Sha, Tang Xiao, An Empirical Research of Multiple Capital Structure and its Performance Effect of Listed Company——Based on Intellectual Capital Perspective, Science & Technology Progress and Policy,NO12.pp.91-95,2013
Ÿ 8.Ran Qiuhong, Hu Chong, A Discussion On Target Costing——Based On Economic Value Added,Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO.12.pp16-18.2013.
Ÿ 9.Ran Qiuhong, Ren Zhong, Enterprise StructureofIntellectual Capitaland Independent Innovation Performance——A Practical Verification Use DEA,Science & Technology Progress and Policy, NO.6.pp85-89.2012
Ÿ 10.Ran Qiuhong,Feng Yanli, Fu Junyu, A Discussion of Application of Managerial Accounting in Small Business——Taking Pingdingshan as an Example,Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO.6.pp.12-13.2012.
Ÿ 11.Ran Qiuhong,Ding Leilei, Xiong Haixia,Research on Strategic Cost Management in Supply Chain, Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO6.pp101-103.2010.
Ÿ 12.Ran Qiuhong, Li Jilong, Liu Wenwen,Intellectual Capital Structure Andits Measurement Method , Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO.5.pp137-139 2010
Ÿ 13.Ran Qiuhong, Qi Fang, Deng Huiling,Empirical Analysis on Intellectual Capital Efficiency Differences ofListed Company in China, Communication of Finance and Accounting, NO.6.pp61-63+161.2009.
Ÿ 14.Ran Qiuhong,Luo Yan, Zhao Li, Empirical Analysisand Improvement Ideas on Intellectual Capital Information Disclosure of Listed Company,Economic Management,NO.11.pp9-24.2007.
Ÿ 15.Ran Qiuhong,Luo Yan,Ideas of Strategic Management and Strategic Management Accounting , Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO.10.pp90-92. 2007.
Ÿ 16.Ran Qiuhong, 2007, Knowledge- oriented Management Control System: Basic Framework and Concrete Operation, Accounting Research,NO.9.pp60-66+96.2007.
Ÿ 17.Ran Qiuhong,Liu Yufeng, Study on Cost Management Pattern of the company:A thing of StrategicCost Management Pattern, Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO.6.pp15-17.2005.
Ÿ 18.Ran Qiuhong, A Survey ofIntellectual Capital Measurement Method, Economic Management,NO.8.pp39-45.2004.
Ÿ 19.Ran Qiuhong, Intellectual Capital Accounting: Situation and Development , Communication of Finance and Accounting,NO16.pp19-22+25 ,2004.
Ÿ 20.Ran Qiuhong, ADiscussion ofOrganizational Structure Transformation andManagement Control System Innovation, Jianghan Tribune,NO3.pp18-20.2004.3
Ÿ 21.Ran Qiuhong, Li Jing, Further Improve Management Accounting Practice in China, Commercial Economy Studies,NO.9.pp39-40.2004.
Ÿ 22.Ran Qiuhong, Li Jing, PerformanceofBoard of DirectorsandManagement Accounting, Financial Accounting,NO12.pp13-15.2003.
Ÿ 23.Ran Qiuhong,TheTransformationofManagement Accounting Practicein America,Finance & Accounting,NO.7.pp44-45.2001.
Ÿ 24.Ran Qiuhong,TheTheory and Method ofStrategic Cost Management, Economic Management,NO.2.pp.34-382001.
Ÿ 25.Ran Qiuhong, The Innovation Of Cost Accounting And Management in Era ofKnowledgeEconomy,Science & Technology Progress and Policy,NO.3.pp112-113.2001.
Ÿ 26.Ran Qiuhong, Strategic Cost Management: Concept、Method and Application, China Soft Science,NO.5.pp.110-114.2001.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Application of Activity-based Costing in T Semiconductor Package Testing Factory, China Case Center for Professional Degrees Eduation(Master of Professional Accounting Case),201712530303,2017
Ÿ HBS Faculty,Li Xiaoming, HBS Research Associates, 2007."Gome Electronics: Evolving the Business Model", Harvard Business School Case 9-308-026.
Ÿ Li Xiaoming, 2011. “Paper’s Title”,Harvard Business Research, No.5, pp.60-82.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Research on Some of the Basic Theory on Intellectual Capital Management Accounting, Xiamen University in 2005 International Seminar on Management Accounting.
Ÿ 《Cost and Management Accounting》,Chief Editor, Wuhan University Press 2014
Ÿ 《Accounting》,Wuhan University Press 2003
Ÿ 《Cost Accounting》,Chief Editor, Guangxi Normal University Press 1995
Ÿ Intellectual Capital Management Accounting Research》,Wuhan University Press 2007
Ÿ Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund:《Enterprise Structure of Intellectual Capital and Independent Innovation Performance》,¥70000, 2010-2012,09YJA630118
Ÿ Hubei Accounting Society Fund,Study on the Management Accounting Control System to Improve the Dynamic Capabilities of Enterprises' Technological Innovation, -Based on the Investigation and Research of High-tech Enterprises in Hubei Province,¥10000,2016-2018,HBKJ2016Z01
Ÿ Wuhan University Fund,Excellent Course "Advanced Management Accounting Theory and Practice" Construction Project,¥30000,2013.4-2015.9
Ÿ HubeiSoft Science Project:《Research on Situation and Measures of Intellectual Capital Structure and Independent Innovation Performance in Hubei High-techEnterprise》,¥20000, 2009-2010, 2008DEA043
Ÿ Hubei Scientific Problem Tackling Project:《Research onAssessment System and Cultivation Mechanism of Intellectual Capital in Hubei High-tech Enterprise》,¥20000, 2007-2008,2007AA101C71
Ÿ Economic commission ofWuhan City Project:《Research onIndexSystemandMeasures ofthe construction of a comprehensive well-off society andTake the lead in basically realizing modernization inWuhan City》,¥20000, 2003-2004
Ÿ 《The AdaptabilityAnalysisof the Pricing Theory of ordinary Shares inChinese A share market》,¥20000,2004-2006
Ÿ 《Research on Enterprise Structure of Intellectual Capital and Independent Innovation Performance Relation》,¥50000, 2008-2009
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Outstanding Teaching Outcome Award, Wuhan University, 2005
Ÿ Certified Public Accountant, Wuhan, 2000
Ÿ AcademicMember of Institute of Management Accountants, USA