| Jianxin Tang
Department of Accounting
Email: tangjianxin@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753168
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1995-1998)
MSc, Accounting, Wuhan University , China (1985-1988)
B.A., Economics, Wuhan University , China (1981-1985)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University, November 2015 – present
Ÿ Director ofDepartment of Accounting,Wuhan University,May 2005 –2015
Ÿ Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,November 2004 –May 2005
Ÿ Associate Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,June 1999 -October 2004
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Accounting, Wuhan University,June 1992 -May 1999
Ÿ Instructor of Accounting, Wuhan University,July1988 –May1992
Ÿ Board of Directors member,Hubei Chutian Expressway CO., LTD, 2002 – 2008
Ÿ Board of Directors member, Accelink Technologies CO.,LTD, 2006 - 2009
Ÿ Board of Directors member, Wuhan Zhongnan Commercial Group CO., LTD, 2008 - 2014
Ÿ Board of Directors member, Wuhan Sanzhen Industry Holding CO., LTD, 2009-2015
Ÿ Board of Directors member, Shenzhen Huapengfei Modern Logistics CO., LTD, 2010-2016
Ÿ Board of Directors member, Zhongbai Holdings Group CO., LTD, 2011-present
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Wang Yuwen,Tang Jianxin,Corporate M&A,Earnings Management and Changes of Executive Compensation, Accounting Research, 2016(5).
Ÿ Hu Haiyan,Tang Jianxin, Auditor designation, audit quality and audit fees, Accounting Research, 2015(3).
Ÿ TangJianxin,Fu Xinyu,Chendong, The influence of public accounting firms’ expansion on audit quality, Auditand EconomicResearch,2015(2).
Ÿ LuoChunhua,TangJianxin,WangYusheng,“Study on CPA's Individual Characteristics and Accounting Conservatism”, AuditResearch, 2014(1)
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Hu Haiyan,”Transferring of control, Characteristics of the Enterprise andEmployee Compensation”, Communication of Finance and Accounting, 2014(1).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Chen Lue, Lu Jianlong, “Equity Ownership Structure, the Characteristics of Board and Tunneling: Empirical Evidence from China's Listed Companies”, Economic Review,2013(1).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Chen Huiyi,Finance of the SMEs and Information Sharing Mechanism, Communication of Finance and Accounting,2012(6).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Lu Jianlong,“The Bank Relationship, Political Affiliation and Private Enterprises' Access to Bank Loans——Come From The Empirical Evidence of China's Listed Companies”, Economic Review,2011(3).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Chen Dong,“Investor Protection Area, Characteristicsofthe Enterpriseandthe Coordination Effectof Different Mergersand Acquisitions”,Management World, 2010(8).
Ÿ Liu Qiliang, Chen Dong, Tang Jianxin,“Mandatory IFRS and Earnings manipulation”, Management World, 2010(5).
Ÿ Li Qingyuan, Tang Jianxin ,“Determinants and Productivity of Vertical Integration: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms”,Nankai Business Review, 2010(3)
Ÿ Tang Jianxin , Su Lei, Pan Hongbo“The Relationship between Financial Constraints and Political Connections of Listed Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in China”, Communication of Finance and Accounting(Academy), 2010(1).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin , Yang Le, Huang Qiong,“Comparative Study of Performance between Financial Holding Banks and Non-financial Holding Banks”,Communication of Finance and Accounting(Academy), 2010(2).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin , Chen Dong,“Heterogeneity, Information Sharing and Financing of SMEs”,Economic Review, 2010(1)
Ÿ Chen Dong, Tang Jianxin,“Ultimate Controller, Investor Protection and Auditor Switching——An empirical research based on privatization”, Accounting Research, 2009(11).
Ÿ Liu Qiliang, Tang Jianxin, “Study Effect, Private Relationship, Audit Tenure and Audit Quality”,Auditing Research, 2009(4).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Gu Jihong, Fu Aichun “Government Audit and National Economic Security: Theoretical Foundation and Path”,Auditing Research, 2008(5).
Ÿ Chen Dong, Tang Jianxin, “On SBCS & Small Business Lending”,Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2007(6).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin , Chen Dong,“The Asymmetric Information, the Third Party Credit Information And Smalland Medium-Sized Enterprise Financing”,Economic Review,2007(1).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Zhang Jinxue,“Pecking order and Industry Regulation -An Analysis on "Abnormal Pecking Order" in China”,Communication of Finance and Accounting (Academy), 2005(12).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, He Hong“TheEmpirical Analysisof Mergerand Acquisition Coordination Effectin Listed Companies”,Economic Review, 2005(5).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Chen Gang,“Capital Structureandthe Company Product Market Strategy-A Model Analysis”,Communication of Finance and Accounting (Academy), 2004(11).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, Liu Shichun,“The Empirical Analysisof Control Transfer Effect Between China's Listed Companies”,Economic Management,2004(4).
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, 2009.4, AssetsEvaluationTutorial,the editor,SciencePress.
Ÿ Tang Jianxin, 2011.8, AssetsEvaluation,the editor,WuhanUniversityPress.
Ÿ Tang Jianxin 2003.1,Infrastructure andEconomicDevelopment-theory andPolicy,co-author, first author,WuhanUniversityPress.
1. The National Natural Science Fund Project,70672066: “The Merger andAcquisitionPerformanceResearch Based on theCoordinationEffect,Influence ofCost and theAssetSpecificity”, RMB: 200 thousands, host.
2. TheNationalSocialScienceFundProject, 06 BJY067: “The Research of Investment inRuralInfrastructureConstruction”, RMB: 80 thousands, host.
3. HubeiScienceResearchProject, 2006 AA402C50:“The EconomicEvaluationResearch of Public welfare,Basic InvestmentProject”,RMB: 200 thousands, host.
4. The HumanitiesSocialSciencesYouthProjectof Wuhan University: “TheInvestigation andAnalysis of theDecisionFactors of Cost ofCapital,CapitalBudget andCapitalStructureofChineseListedCompany”,RMB: 200 thousands, host.
1. The CostCultureConstructionResearch ofGuangdongNuclearPowerCompany,RMB:260 thousands, host, 105231197.
2. The CostManagement andControlResearch ofGuangdongDayaBayNuclearPowerPlant, horizontal topic,RMB: 140 thousands, host, 105231766.
3. The Investigation andStudyof FinancialManagementPracticeinChineseListedCompany, horizontal topic,RMB: 100 thousands, host, 105233319.
4. The EvaluationofThe Caribbean Ocean ParkInvestmentProject, horizontal topic, RMB: 10 thousands, host, 105233155.
5. The Economic Evaluation Research ofInfrastructureProjectofThe YangtzeRiver HangwuAdministration, horizontal topic, RMB: 150 thousands, host, 105235365, to his fundsRMB: 100 thousands.
6. The Non-business CapitalStripping andDisposalProblemsResearchofLarge andMedium-sizedState-ownedEnterprise, horizontal topic,RMB: 500 thousands, host, 105235503.
7. The Merger andAcquisitionPerformanceCaseStudyofChina'sListedCompanies, the horizontal topic,RMB: 500 thousands, host, 105231790.
8. TheEnterpriseInternalControlConstruction, horizontal topic,RMB: 100 thousands, host, 105238286.
Ÿ Best Paper Award,“Learning effect Personal relationship Audit tenure and Audit quality”, ASC(Accounting Society of China), July 2010
Ÿ Second Award in the 12th session of humanities and social science of Wuhan university,“Investor Protection Area, Characteristicsof The Enterpriseandthe Coordination Effectof Different Mergersand Acquisitions”, Wuhan University, June 2012
Ÿ Second Award in excellent teaching achievements, Wuhan University, 2012
Ÿ TheStandingDirector of Accounting Association in Hubei Province.
Ÿ The Vice President of Auditing Association in Hubei Province.
Ÿ The Vice President of Auditing Association in Wuhan City.
Ÿ TheStandingDirector of Internal Auditing Association in Hubei Province.
Ÿ The Director of China Accounting Association.
Ÿ CPV(Certified Public Valuer), Wuhan, 1996 - present
Ÿ CPA (Certified Public Accountant), Wuhan, 1992 -1999
Ÿ How to finance under the contractionary monetary policy, Hubei Daily, February 5 th, 2008(12)