| Huang Minxue
Department of Marketing
Email: huangminxue@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-027-68753149
PhD, Marketing, Wuhan University, China (1997-2000)
MSc, Computer Science, Wuhan University, China (1992-1995)
B.A., Computer Science, Wuhan University, China (1988-1992)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses :MarketingManagement(undergraduate course,54 lessons),
Online Marketing(undergraduate course,54 lessons),
Management Information System(undergraduate course,54 lessons),
Marketing Research Method(doctoral course, 36 lessons,master course,36 lessons)
Ÿ Research Areas : Online Marketing, Electronic Commerce
Ÿ Teaching Areas :Online Marketing, Electronic Commerce
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology,2006-2007
Ÿ Professor of Marketing, Wuhan University, 2003 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Marketing, Wuhan University, 2000 - 2003
Ÿ Instructor, Wuhan University, 1997 – 2000
Ÿ Assistant Instructor, Wuhan University, 1997 – 2000
Ÿ Executive member of the marketing research board of senior education in China
Ÿ Executive member of the marketing research board of Hubei Province
Ÿ Executive member of the electronic business council of information economics
Ÿ Marketing research of Jing brand Cooperation, 2001 - present
Ÿ Marketing management and electronic business training, Meierya Futures Company, 2007 -present
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Irina V. Kozlenkova, Robert W. Palmatier, Eric (Er) Fang, Bangming Xiao andMinxue Huang*. (2017) Online Relationship Formation. Journal of Marketing 81(3), 21-40. (SSCI,A)
Ÿ Junyun Liao, Minxue Huang, Bangming Xiao(2017).Promoting continual member participation in firm-hosted online brand communities: An organizational socialization approach,Journal of Business Research..71(1): 92–101(SSCI,A-)
Ÿ Minxue Huang, Rizwan Ali, Junyun Liao(2017),The effect of user experience in online games on word of mouth: A pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) model perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 75(1):329-338(SSCI,B)
Ÿ B. Xiao,M. Huang and A.J. Barnes(2015).Network closure among sellers and buyers in social commerce community,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications ,14 (6):641-653 (SSCI,B)
Ÿ Eric (ER) Fang, Xiaoling Li,Minxue Huang, and Robert W. Palmatier (2015) Direct and Indirect Effects of Buyers and Sellers on Search Advertising Revenues in Business-to-Business Electronic Platforms.Journal of Marketing Research, 52(3):407-422. (SSCI,A,UT-Dallas 24)
Ÿ Wang,Feng,Minxue Huang,Zhigang Shou(2015).Business expansion and firm efficiency in the commercial banking industry: Evidence from the U.S. and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management,32(2):551-569 (SSCI,B+)
Ÿ Zhou,Yuanyuan,Alex S.L. Tsang,Minxue Huang, Nan Zhou(2014). Group Service Recovery Strategies Effectiveness: The Moderating Effects of Group Size and Relational Distance.Journal of Business Research,67(11):2480-85 (SSCI,A-)
Ÿ Zhou,Yuanyuan,Alex S.L. Tsang,Minxue Huang, Nan Zhou(2014). Does delaying service-failure resolution ever make sense?.Journal of Business Research,67(2):159–166 (SSCI,A-)
Ÿ Huang,Minxue&Huawei Zhu&Xuechun Zhou(2013). The Effects of Information Provision and Interactivity on E-tailer Websites, Online Information Review,37(6): 927 - 946 (SSCI,B)
Ÿ Zhou,Yuanyuan&Minxue Huang&Alex Tsang&Nan Zhou(2013). “Recovery strategy for group service failures: the interaction effects between recovery modes and recovery dimensions”, European Journal of Marketing, 47(8):1133 - 56 (SSCI,B+)
Ÿ Wang,Rui &Xiaoling Li &Minxue Huang(2012). Channel Management through Selective Announcement of Reward and Punishment Decisions,Journal of Business-Business Marketing,19(2):129- 146 (SSCI,B)
Ÿ Huang, Minxue&Fengyan Cai& Alex Tsang& Nan Zhou (2011). Making Your Online Voice Loud:The Critical Role of Resender and WOM Information,European Journal of Marketing, 45(7/8):1277 - 97 (SSCI,B+).
Ÿ Huang, Minxue & Alex Tsang (2010). “Development and Current Issues Related to Internet Marketing Communications in China”,Journal of Interactive Advertising,11(1) (ABI)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Pan Haili&Huang Minxue(2017),The Cultivation and the Difference Effect of Consumer Emotional Relationships: An Interactive-compensatory Effect of Satisfaction, Attachment, and Identifcation on the Customer’s Behaviors, Nanka Business Review, (4):26-72(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Wang Yiting&Liao Junyun&Liu Maohong(2017),Mixed effects of inconsistent reviews on consumers: The moderating roles of product attributes and regulatory focus. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(3):370-382(CSSCI)
Ÿ Liao Junyun&Huang Minxue&Peng Jie(2017).TheRelationship between Firms’Virtual Brand Community Engagement Activities and Consumers’Community Commitment.Management Review, 31(10):73-83(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Pan Haili&Liao Junyun(2017),Brand Communication in the Social Media Era: AReview on Brand Community Identification. Economics Management, vol .39(2):195-208(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Peng Jie&Li Ping(2017).Research on the Effect of Enterprise Microblogs on its Communication Effect. Luojia Management Review ,15(3): 118-133
Ÿ Wang Lu&Hunag MInxue&Xiao Lu&Zhou Nan(2016), Two sides of social capital: social structure, knowledge flow and communal new product development,Journal of Marketing Science, 12 (2): 1-13(CSSCI)
Ÿ Wang Dianwen&Huang Minxue&Zhou Nan (2016),Social contagion in first buying and upgraded buying,Journal of Management Science, 29(5). (CSSCI)
Ÿ Liao Junyun&Huang Minxue&Peng jie (2016). Scoilaization Strategy in Virtual brand community,Nanka Business Review ,(5), 171-181. (CSSCI)
Ÿ Liao junyun&Huang Minxue(2016).Online product reviews, brands and product sales: an empirical study based on sales of hotel. Chinese Journal of Management,13(1), 122-130(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Lei lei&Zhu Huawei (2016),Money or romance: How should companies lead consumers in we-media sharing?, Acta Psychologica Sinica,2,211-220(CSSCI)
Ÿ Xiao Bangming&Huang Minxue&Liao junyun(2015). A study on network closure in transactional community, Journal of Management Science, 5,129-144(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Wang Beibei&Liao Junyun(2015). The influence mechanism of review variance in customer reviews on product sale, Journal of marketing science,3, 1-17(CSSCI)
Ÿ Xiao Bangming &Huang Minxue &Sun Peixiang(2015). Network evolution of transactional community: a differentiated mechanism study based on social network closure, Chinese Journal of Management,12(8),1191-1203. (CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Wang Qiyuan&Xiao Bangming&Wang Dianwen(2015). A Study on the Evolutionary Mechanism of the Idea Leader in the Consumer Advice Network of the Expectancy Clue and the Network Structure.Management World,7,109-121 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Liao Junyun&Zhou Nan(2015),Can community experience enhance the brand loyalty? the different role of experience componet. Nanka Business Review,3,151-160. (CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue&Xiao Bangmin&Sun Peixiang(2015),Network evolution in transactional community based on network closure theory,System Engineering Theory and Practices,Vol. 35 (5): 1165-1176(EI,CSSCI)
Ÿ Xiao Bangming &Huang Minxue(2015). Viral marketing in transactional community:the ABMS simulation based on social influence, homogeneity, and network structure,Journal of Marketing Science,Vol. 11 (1): 22-38 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Zhou Xuechun & Wang Changzheng (2014).the more expertise the more un-loyalty?Nankai Business Rivew,vol. 1, 105-112 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Zhang Yin &Huang Minxue & Zheng Haidong(2014).The study of the reflection of the public on the production reclaim——based on integrated method modeling,Management Review,vol. 4, 120-131.(CSSCI)
Ÿ Lei lei &Huang Minxue(2014).The exploration of the algothrism of production estimation under the era of big data. Luojia Management Review, vol. 1129-141
Ÿ Wang Dianwen &Huang Minxue & Zhou Nan(2013), Do the effects of hubs keep unchanged during the new product diffusion?Journal of Marketing Science, Vol. 9 (4): 20-29
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Zhou Xuechun(2013)A study of the paradox and mechanism of investor education based on commitment.Nanka Business Review.vol. 2, 141-162 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Feng Xiaoliang &Huang Minxue (2013).A study of the motivation of problem solvers in crowdsourcing,Business Economics and Management.vol. 4, 25-35 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Feng Xiaoliang &Huang Minxue & Zhang Yin(2013).Is the attitude of dilemma consumer more easily affected by others?——the difference of attitude componence,Nankai Business Review,vol. 1, 92-101(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Zhou Xuechun(2012). Customer education, preparation and participation: a case from fund market, Chinese Journal of Management, vol. 7, 66-75.
Ÿ Wang Feng &Huang Minxue(2012).A study of new product growth based on finite automats,Journal ofManagement Science,.vol. 7, 26-35(CSSCI)
Ÿ Zhang Yin & Huang Minxue(2012).The dark side of product reclaim,Economic and Management Research.vol. 4, 96-105(CSSCI)
Ÿ Wang Changzheng & Zhou Xuechun &Huang Minxue(2012)Uniformity and diversity: How does the face hind or promote the need for independency,Journal of Marketing Science, vol. 4, 18-34(CSSCI)
Ÿ Li Xinjian &Huang Minxue & Li Xiaoling(2012). How can marketing channel do everything by doing nothing? A study of the mechanism of channel strategies,Journal of Marketing Science,vol. 4, 1-17(CSSCI)
Ÿ Zhu Huawei&Huang Minxue(2012). Does looking far away lead to self-control or impulse? Self-construction and impulsive adoption,Journal of Marketing Science,vol. 3, 45-62(CSSCI)
Ÿ Li Xinjian & Wu Chunmei &Huang Minxue& Li Chongguang & Li Xiaoling(2011).Strategies on displayed price comparison based on customer trust,Chinese Management Science,vol. 5, 124-130 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Xie Tingting & Feng Xiaoliang(2010). How do the consumers with dilemma understand the diversified word of mouth?Psychological Report, vol. 10, 998-1100 (CSSCI)
Ÿ Zhu Huawei &Huang Minxue & Fu Guoqun(2010). Why do promotion only bring popularity rather than adoption?Economics Management, vol. 1, 86-91(CSSCI)
Ÿ Zhang Yin &Huang Minxue(2012). A review on products reclaim from multiple perspectives, Economic Review. vol. 4,121-124(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Wang Yan & Jiang Shuqin(2011).Interpersonal transferring of information based on internet,Luojia Management Review, vol. 1, 105-116
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Feng Xiaoliang & Xie Tingting(2010). A new understanding of consumers’ attitude: dyadic dilemma attitude,Advances in Psychological Science,vol. 6,987-996(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Feng Xiaoliang & Wang Feng & Cai Rong(2010).The mechanism of negative word of mouth from unsatisfied consumers,Wuhan University Journal (philosophy & Social Science), vol. 3, 138-146(CSSCI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Wang Feng & Xie Tingting(2010). Review on word of mouth diffusion under the online context,Chinese Journal of Management, vol. 1, 138-146 (CSSCI)
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Wang Dianwen(2015). Markting strategy in the era of Mobile Internet,Qinghua Management Review.vol 1.
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Qi Xinde(2013). Is “Dear,free shipping!” a wise strategy?Qinghua Management Review.vol 6.
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Zhou Xuechun & Wang Changzheng(2012), The dilemma of customer education: an empirical study from funds investors,Economics Research, vol. 12(supplement), 80-90.
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Wang Dianwen(2010).From customer relationship management to group of customers management,Enterprises Management, vol. 6, 98-100
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Li Man(2010). Diversified management on brand lost,Enterprises Management, vol. 2, 90-92
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Liu Maohong & Huang Minxue (2009). The Optimal Pricing Model of Commission of China Futures Exchange.: Competition-oriented or Cost-oriented. ICIM 2009.12(EI)
Ÿ Li Jianxin & Huang Minxue & Li Xiaoling(2009).Consumer Information Search Behavior with Time Tolerance. EMS 2009.10(EI)
Ÿ Ye Ke & Zhu Huawei & Huang Minxue(2008).Can ETailers benefit from providing rich information?” Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12(EI)
Ÿ Huang Xuesong & Liu Maohong & Huang Minxue (2008). People as transmitters: What makes An online marketing message contagious? Proceedings - 2008 International Seminar on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering, FITME 2008.12(EI)
Ÿ Zhu Huawei & Zhou Yuanyuan & Huang Minxue(2008).Do Consumes always keep Silence in the Internet Era When Dissatisfied?EMS 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Wang Feng(2008). Using Online WOM to Forecast Box Office for Movies Coming Soon.WiCOM 2008 Proceedings,2008.10(EI)
Ÿ Cai Fengyan &Huang Minxue(2007).Consumer as monitor: the role of relationship norm in consumers' complaint intention.2007 Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2007.10
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Zhu Huawei & Liu Maohong(2007).Why Do Chinese Users Use Pirated Software: An Integrative Perspective?EMS2007 Proceedings,2007.9(EI)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Li Xiaoling(2007).Service Quality in Web 2.0 Electronic Commerce:An Integrative Perspective from Typical Service and Technique Adoption.ISM2007 Proceedings, 2007.7(EI)
Ÿ Zhu Huawei & Huang Minxue(2009).Customer Attitudes toward Credit Card in an Emerging Market. WHICEB 2008. (ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Liu Maohong & Xie Tingting & Huang Minxue(2008).How to Improve Software Development? A Perspective from Customers' Perceived Quality. WHICEB 2008.(ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Xu Shanshan & Huang Minxue(2007). Does Negative Online Word-of-Mouth Influence Consumer Negatively? WHICEB 2007. (ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Mei Peng & Zhang Ning(2006).How Web Contents Influence Price Sensitivity of Online Consumers for Different Tangible Products. WHICEB 2006.(ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Liao Yichen & Huang Minxue(2006).What are motivations of experiential tour? A study based on on-line. WHICEB 2006. (ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Huang Yong & Cao Huoping(2005). How Personal Skill and Challenge of Websites Affecting Online Behaviors on Information-Oriented and Trade-Oriented Websites.WHICEB 2005. (ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Cai Fengyan & Huang Minxue(2005).How the Characters of Online Messages Influencing on Buying Behaviors of the Members in the Online Community. WHICEB 2005(.ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Huang Minxue & Xiao Li(2004).How Interactivity and Vividness Influence the Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising under Different Product Types. WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ Zhu Huawei & Huang Minxue & Ma Jing(2004).Effects of Functional Factors and Symbolic Factors on Online Brand.WHICEB 2004.(ISTP/ISSHP)
Ÿ 2017,Electronic Commerce (fiveth version): Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2015,Online Marketing (third version): Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ 2014,Electronic Commerce (fourth version): Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2007,Electronic Commerce (third version): Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2007,Online Marketing (second version): Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ 2004, Electronic Commerce (second version): Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2002, Enterprises Electronic Commerce: Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2002,the Evolution and Transaction Mode of Electronic Virtual Market, Wuhan University
Ÿ 2001,the principle of online marketing: Mechanic Industry Press.
Ÿ 2001,Electronic Commerce: Senior Education Press.
Ÿ 2017, Research on marketing engineering and innovation in big data era: research on the social diffusion mechanism of virtual products.BeiJing University Press
Ÿ 2017,Research on marketing engineering and innovation in big data era: dynamic segmentation and relationship stability research of fund clients.BeiJing University Press
Ÿ 2016.Research on marketing engineering and innovation in big data era: research on the marketing management of steel industry under the risk of price fluctuation. BeiJing University Press
Ÿ 2015,Research on marketing engineering and innovation in big data era: the value, mechanism and governance of social media. BeiJing University Press
Ÿ 2011,the Formation, Propagation, and Mechanisms of Online Word of Mouth: Wuhan University Press
Ÿ 2001,Online Economics and Online Marketing: Central Radio and Television University.
Ÿ 2000,Online Marketing: Wuhan University Press.
Government-funded grants
Ÿ Research on panoramic and prescriptive marketing management and decision driven by big data in consumer market, ¥2400000,2018-2021,Ref. 91746206
Ÿ Omni marketing model in the era of mobile Internet, ¥500000, 2017-2020, Ref. 71672132
Ÿ The study of mechanism of user generated content based on multi-relationship network evolution,¥600000, 2014-2018, Ref. 71372127
Ÿ The study of online mutual influence and adoption of related consumers,¥290000, 2010-2012, Ref. 70972091
Ÿ The study of online word of mouth and its influence,¥180000, Ref. 70672067
Ÿ The study of marketing innovation of virtual social network platform based on two-sided market,¥200000, Ref.NCET-12-0420
Corporate-funded grants
Ÿ The study of online word of mouth and its influence,¥1920000, 2008-2016
Ÿ Marketing research of Meierya Futures Company,¥370000, 2007-2012
International collaborative grants
Ÿ The study of socialized customers and its mechanisms under the era of Web 2.0, $200000, 2014 - 2015, Ref. 71328203
Ÿ The education department elite of the new century, 2012
Ÿ 3rd prize of the 12nd Huo Yingdong young teacher prize, 2010
Ÿ Excellent doctoral thesis of hubei province,2012
Ÿ Excellent paper award in the journal of JMS marketing science.2012
Ÿ Excellent thesis of China university market research institute,2012
Ÿ Excellent paper award in the journal of JMS marketing science.2011
Ÿ Second prize of excellent teaching materials of the ministry of education,2002
Ÿ Cross-century, the 11th five-year plan teaching materials, the ministry of education high-quality teaching materials,2000,2007,2008
Ÿ Journal of Marketing Science, Associate Editor, 2013-present
Ÿ Executive member of the marketing research board of senior education in China
Ÿ Executive member of the marketing research board of Hubei Province
Ÿ Executive member of the electronic business council of information economics
Ÿ Expertise of electronic business board in the Department of Labor
Ÿ Deputy secretary-general of hubei e-commerce association
Ÿ The 12th youth committee of hubei province
Ÿ The 12th youth committee of wuhan
Ÿ Editorial board and professional editor of JMS marketing science journal
Ÿ Contributing editor of JIAD
Ÿ Huazhong Univeristy of Science and Technology
Ÿ Zhongnan University of Economic and Law
Ÿ Huadong University of Technology
Ÿ Huazhong University of Agriculture
Ÿ Wuhan University of Science and Technology