| Huang Jing
Department of Marketing and Tourism Management
Email: huangjing877@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753049
PhD, Management, Wuhan University,China (1998-2002)
MSc,Management, Wuhan University, China (1990-1993)
B.A.,Statistic, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China (1980-1984)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing:New product marketing (undergraduate, 36),Consumer marketing(Master,36) ,Organization theory(PHD,36), Organizational behavior(MBA,36)
Ÿ Research Areas : Brand management; Consumer behavior; New product marketing
Ÿ Director ofDepartment of Marketing and Tourism Management,Wuhan University, June 2013 –March,2018
Ÿ Professor of Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, Wuhan University, December 2003– present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Department of Business Administration, Wuhan University, September 1998- December 2003
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Department of Enterprise Administration, Wuhan University, October 1992 - June 1998
Ÿ Instructorof Department of Enterprise Administration, Wuhan University, 1984 - 1992
Ÿ Independent Director, Zhongbai Holding Group Co. Ltd. 2016—
Ÿ Independent Director, ROUTON Corp. Ltd., 2013 -
Ÿ Marketing Consultant, China Merchants Bank, 2009 – 2011
Ÿ Marketing Consultant, Hubei Province Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, 2009 – 2012
Ÿ Brand Management,Bank of China branches in Hubei Province, 2013
Ÿ Brand Management, CR Snow, 2013
Ÿ Customer Relationship Management, ConstructionBank of China branches inGuangdong Province, Fujian Province, Jiangxi Province ,andmunicipal branch in Fuzhou City,2015, 2016,2017&,2018
Ÿ Service Marketing, PICC,2016
Ÿ Company Culture, 2016,2018.
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Fue Zeng a, Yunjia Chi a, Maggie Chuoyan Dong b, Jing Huang a,⁎The dyadic structure of exchange partners' governing-agency socialcapital and opportunism in buyer–supplier relationships,Journal of Business Research78 (2017) 294–302
Ÿ HuangJing, WuHongyu, TongZelin,2013.“The Effect of Moral Behavior of Company Leaders on New Product Purchase Intention”,Journal of Chinese Marketing, Vol. 1,pp.1-10.
Ÿ HuangJing and XiongWei,2010.“The Effect of Win-Back Investment on Lost Consumers’ Intentions of Reinitiating Relationship.”Frontiers of Business Research in China, Vol. 4(3),pp.485-497.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Huang Jing, Yan Lei, Yuan Fang. 2017. Research on the Mechanism of Entrepreneurs’ Micro Public Welfare Behavior on their Image Evaluation, China Soft Science, No.4, pp.109-119.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Xu Zhiwei. 2017. Consumer's Blood Glucose Levels Changes and Shopping Self-control, Journal of Marketing Science,Vol.12.No.3, pp. 15-129
Ÿ Huang Jing, Zou Yupeng, Liu Hongliang, Wang Jintang, 2017. Is "Dynamic" Better Than "Static"?The Effect of Product Presentation on Consumer's Evaluation-The Mediation Effect of Cognitive Processing,Chinese Journal of Management.Vol.14. No.5, pp. 742-750.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wang Yili, 2017. Accurate " SwattingFly" inTargetedPovertyAlleviation Campaign,People's Daily(Theory),Sept.22
Ÿ Huang Jing, Guo Yulang, Xiong Xiaoming,Wang Yili. 2016. Impact of Online Picture Presentation Orderon Consumer's Purchase Intention: Based on the Perspective of Information Processing Mode, Journal of Marketing Science, Vol.12. No. 1, pp.51-69.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wen Shengxiong. 2016. The Review of Chinese Indigenous Ethical Leadership and Future Research Directions,Human Resources Development of China, No. 3, pp.12-18.;Reprinted onManagement Science 2016(5) bythe Selected Materials ofRenmin Universityof China.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Yuan Fang,Guo Yulang, Yan Lei, 2016. Research on the Impact Mechanism between Entrepreneur's Social Responsibility Behavior Innovation and Consumers: Based on Grounded Theory, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, No. 9, pp. 149-155.
Ÿ Huang Jing,Xiao Xiao,Wu Hongyu, 2016, On the Applicaiton and Development of Signal Theory in Management Research, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition),No.4,pp.570-575.
Ÿ HUANG Jing, LIU Hongliang, GUO Yulang, 2016.The Effect of Online Promotion Limits on Consumer's Purchase Decision: From the Perspective of ELM, Journal of Business Economics, No.5,pp.76-85.;Reprinted on Marketing Science 2016(9) by the Selected Materials ofRenmin Universityof China.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Lin Tao, Zhu Liya, Zhang Youheng 2015. The Effect of Entrepreneurs Language Style on Entrepreneurs Image, Journal of Marketing Science, Vol 11 No.2,pp.85-108.
Ÿ Huang Jing,Liu Ping, Zhang Rui,2015, the Frontier Study of Corporate Social Responsibility based on Mapping Knowledge Domains, Science & Technology Progress and Policy,No.05, pp. 84-89.
Ÿ You Touched It and I'm Relieved! The Effect of Online Review's Tactile Cues on Consumer's Purchase Intention, Journal of Marketing Science,Vol 11.No.1,pp.133-151.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Xiong Xiaoming, 2015. The Self-Effect of Entrepreneur Endorses for Other Brands, Chinese Journal of Management,No.05,pp.757-764.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Xu Zhiwei,2015.Review of Brand Personality and New Idea of Psychology,Wuhan University Journal, No.2,pp.116-122.; Reprinted on Marketing Science 2015(5).pp.46-50. bythe Selected Materials ofRenmin Universityof China.
Ÿ Tong Zelin, Huang Jing, Zhang Xinrui, Zhu Liya, Zhou Nan, 2015. The Consumers' Reaction to Entrepreneurs' Public Morality and Private Morality: The Cultural Effect of the Pattern of the Wrong Sequence, Management World,No.4, pp. 103-111+125+188
Ÿ Xu Zhiwei, Huang Jing, Liu Hongliang, 2015. The Ennegram Model of Brand Dimensions Scales,Journal of Marketing Science, Vol 11. No.1,pp.101-120
Ÿ HuangJing, Zhu Liya, Zhou Nan,2014.“An Empirical Study of the Impact Mechanism between Entrepreneur Microblogging Information and Consumers”, Management World, No.9,pp.107-119.
Ÿ HuangJing, Peng Zhihong, Xiong Xiaoming, 2014. “The Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Negative Exposure Events on Entrepreneurs’ Image——The Moderation Effect of Response Strategy and Entrepreneurs’ Image Trait”, Journal of Chinese Marketing, No.2, pp.29-43.
Ÿ Huang Jing, ZhuLiya, Xiong Xiaoming, 2014. “What Should Entrepreneur Micro -blogs Show to Audience”,Journal of Business and Economics,No.2,pp.49-57.
Ÿ Zhu Liya, Huang Jing, Tong Zelin, 2014.“A Review on The Effect of EntrepreneurialFront Stage Behavior on Brand”,China Soft Science, No.1 ,pp.171-179.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wang Cheng, Xiong Xiaoming, Lin Qinlan,2014.“Cultural Belief and Consumer’s Behavioral Intention in Interpersonal Conflict”,China Soft Science, No.7,pp.139-151.
Ÿ Yuan Bing, Huang Jing, Zeng Yifan 2013. “The Effect of Language Abstraction in Online Reviews on Consumers’ Brand attitude and Buying Intention”,Journal of Chinese Marketing, No.3, pp. 17-30.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Zhang Xiaojuan, Tong Zelin, 2013.“The Motivation of Entrepreneurs’ Front Stage Behabiors as Perceived by Consumers”,China Soft Science, No.4 ,pp.97-105.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Zeng Yifan, Tang Yang, 2013.“What-type or Why-type ,New Product Launch Communication Strategy”,Science & Technology Progress and Policy, No.6,pp.21-24.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wu Hongyu, Yaoqi, 2013.“The effect of reward type recommendation intention to customers”,Wuhan University Journal, No.3,pp.96-100.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Yu Yufan, Lin qinglan, 2012. “Mechanism of the Effect of Entrepreneur Spokesman’ Charitable Behaviors on Consumers”,China Industrial Economics, No.2,pp.119-127.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Tong Zelin, Zhang Youheng, Zhang Xiaojuan, 2012. “Effect of Negative Emotions and Persuasion Strategies on Brand Relationship Restoration”,Acta Psychologica Sinica, No.8,pp.1114-1123.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wang Xinggang, Tong Zelin,2011.” Effects of Spatial and Social Distance on the Evaluation for Brand’s Failure”,China Soft Science, No.7,pp.123-129.
Ÿ Yao Qi andHuang Jing,2011.”Effect of Persuasion Strategy on Consumer-Brand Relationship Restoration Intention”,Economic Management Journal, No.1,pp.155-165.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Yao Qi, Zhou Nan, 2010. ”The Effects of brand Relationship Norms on Consumers’ Relationship Restoration Intention with Brands”, Economic Management Journal, No.3,pp.96-107.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Wang Xingang, Zhang Sifei, Zhou Nan,2010.” The Effect of Entrepreneurs’Feeling-hurting and their Law-violating Behaviors on the Brand Image”,Management World,No.5,pp.79-85.
Ÿ Huang Jing, Xiong Wei, 2009.”The Effect of Input by the Brand that Made Mistakes on Consumers’ Willing of Relationship-Rebuilding”,China Soft Science, No.6,pp.119-127.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ HuangJing and Yao qi.2009.“ A Research of the relationship norms and face on consumers’ willingness to regain relationships with brands”. International Conference on Information Management ,Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,China
Ÿ Huang Jing,2015, Brand Management(2nd Edition),Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2014,Brand Marketing(2nd Edition),Beijing: Peking University Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2011,Database Marketing,Beijing: China Machine Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2009,New Product Management,Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2008,Brand Marketing,Beijing: Peking University Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2008,New Product Marketing,Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2005,Brand Management,Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Huang Jing,2003,People-oriented Corporate Culture,Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Government-fundedgrants(Natural Science Foundation)
Ÿ The Effect of the Virtual Sensory cues on thePerformance of E-business: Presentation Mode, Mechanism and Management Logic,¥525000, (2008-2010), Ref. 71572136
Government-fundedgrants(Natural Science Foundation)
Ÿ The Front-stage Behavior of Corporation Leader and Corporation Brand Equity: Relationship, Mechanism and Management,¥420,000, (2012-2015), Ref.71172207
Ÿ The Renew of Broken Consumer-Brand Relationship,¥210000, (2008-2010), Ref.70772045
Government-fundedgrants(Wuhan University)
Ÿ The Validity Standard of Front-stage Behavior of Leader based on Brand Equity Promotion,¥30000, (2011-2013), Ref.20110354
Ÿ Marketing Professional Students Innovation Ability Promote Research,¥20000, (2013-2015), Ref.JG2013016
Ÿ Research on the Evaluation of Personal Brand,¥100000, 2012
Ÿ Research on the Brand System Management ofYellow Crane Tower,¥180000, 2009
Ÿ TheFirstPrize of the 13thSocialScience Outstanding Achievement Award inNingxia. NingxiaHuiAutonomous Regional People's Government, 2017
Ÿ TheThird Prize of the 13thSocialScience Outstanding Achievement Award inNingxia. NingxiaHuiAutonomous Regional People's Government, 2017
Ÿ BestPaperAward 2016(Zhao Ping Award) nominee of Journal ofMarketingScience, Conference of China Marketing Science,2016
Ÿ TheAdvancedAward for female staff, WuhanUniversity,2018
Ÿ Research Paper First Prize Award, GAN BiqunDoctoral Forum ofConference of China Marketing,2016
Ÿ Research Paper First Prize Award, Conference ofHubeiMarketing Science,2016
Ÿ Honorable Research Paper Award, Conference of China Marketing Science, 2015
Ÿ Honorable Research Paper Award, Conference of China Marketing Science, 2014
Ÿ Research Paper First Prize Award, Conference of China Marketing Research Association in Colleges and Universities, 2014
Ÿ Excellent Guide Teacher Award, Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Innovation Activities of Wuhan University, 2014
Ÿ Honorable Research Paper Award, InternationalConference of Asian Marketing Associations,2014
Ÿ Team Leader of Teaching Dean contribution Award, Economics and Management school of Wuhan University,2012
Ÿ Journal of Science & Technology Progress and Policy, Editorial Board Member, 2012-2015
Ÿ Journal of China Marketing Science , Editorial Board Member, 2007-present
Ÿ Adjunct Professor of Tianjin Normal University,2008-2010
Ÿ Member of China Marketing Research Association in Colleges and Universities
Ÿ Member of Marketing Association in Hubei Province