| Wu Huanwei
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Administration
Email: 5hw@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753174
PhD, Human Resource Management, Wuhan University, China (2004-2007)
MSc, Human Resource Management, Wuhan University, China (2001-2004)
B.A., major in Management Science; minor in English (dual degree), China University of Geosciences, China (1996-2001)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management;Human Resource Development
Ÿ Research Areas: Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management
Ÿ Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, Wuhan University, December 2012 - present
Ÿ Instructor of Human Resource Management, Wuhan University, July 2007 - November 2012
Ÿ Part-time employee, Software Company of Clever, 2000
Ÿ Trainee, Wuzhong Group of Suzhou, 1999
Ÿ Trainee, Mailyard Group, Dong bei Group and Huaxin Cement Plant, 1998
Ÿ The "human resource management" training, Guangdong Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, 2014
Ÿ The "coping with psychological adjustment" training, the people's Bank of Chinese Wuhan Branch, 2012-2013
Ÿ The “Development of Organizational Skills” training, the Bank of Shenzhen middle-level core staff training, 2013
Ÿ The "from a strategic height recognition of human resources management" , "performance management", "salary design and management" training, Hanyang Development Zone, 2013
Ÿ The "management" training, Jincheng consulting company, 2012
Ÿ The "human resources management" training, the qualification of economist certification training group, Gezhouba Dam, 2011
Ÿ The "performance management" training, the hydropower company Dayu water conservancy, 2011
Ÿ The "stress management" training, the rural credit cooperatives in Hubei Province, 2010
Ÿ The National Certification Series for Human Resource Management, Training Center of Wuhan University, 2005-2006
Ÿ The "human resource management" training, Huangshi mining group, 2006
Ÿ The National Certification Series for Human Resource Management, the Northern Consulting Company, 2004-2005
Ÿ The Selection and Employment Consulting, Hubei Mobile Company, 2008
Ÿ "Consulting Project for Wuhan Tobacco (Group) human resources management " limited company, Wuhan Tobacco Sales Company, 2002-2003;
Ÿ "Human Resources Management Consulting Project for Wuhan Double Limited by Share Ltd ", Wuhan Double Limited by Share Ltd, 2002;
Ÿ "Human Resources Management Consulting Project for Hubei Jingshan Light Machine Company, Hubei Jingshan Light Machine Company, 2002;
Ÿ "Consulting Project for Wuhan Chutian Laser (Group) Limited by Share Ltd management, sub project -- human resources management consulting project", take the job description, job evaluation, performance evaluation and compensation design work, Wuhan Chutian Laser (Group) Limited by Share Ltd, 2001-2002;
Ÿ The training programs, EMKT company, 2001- 2002;
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Li Xiaoming and Zhang Ming, 2013. “Dividends Protection, Choice of Incentive Instruments and Firm Cash Dividends Policy”, Journal of Investment Research, No.3, pp.177-188.
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, An Empirical Study of Job Performance, Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout of Employees In High-Tech Firms,Statistics and Decision, May, 2012.
Ÿ Qian Gaofeng; Wu Huanwei, Improving The Training of First-Line Manager through Work Guidance,Development of China’s Human Resource, Dec. 2010(11).
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, The Reflection and Integration of China’s Management Research from the Perspective of Management Philosophy,China’s Administrative Management, Nov. 2010(11).
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, A Study on the Effect of Individual Human Capital, Social Capital on Career Success,Forum on Scientific and Technology in China, Nov. 2010(11).
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei; Liu Zhuo, The Effect of Institution Innovation on the Development of National Economics.,Science, Technology and Management, Jan. 2007(1);
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei; Liu Zhuo, Competitive Advantage Analysis Based on Leadership Ethics,Research on Productivity, Apr. 2007(4);
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei; Liu Zhuo, Literature Review of Domestic Human Resource Management,Scientific Management Research,Aug. 2006(4).
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei; Li Yanping, Social Capital: The Pivotal Key to Success of Firms in Information Era.Guangming Daily(theoretical edition), 22nd , May, 2006,8th page.
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, Desegregating Management Research: An Overview and Synthesis of Micro and Macro Management Research,Jianghan forum, Dec. 2006(12).
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei; Liu Zhuo, A Reasonable Illumination of Management Research Methods.,Science, Technology and Management, Nov. 2006(6);
Ÿ Wu Huanwei; Li Yanping, Flexibility Management of Human Resource,Economics and Management, Aug. 2003(16).
Ÿ Wu Huanwei, A Study on The Realization Approaches of Strategic Human Resource Management.,Postgraduate Academy of Wuhan University Journal., Mar.2003, , Vol. 19(1).
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, An Analysis on The Improvement of the Performance Appraisal Systems of Central Bank Branches.,China National Conditions and Strength, May, 2012.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Wu Huanwei; Wang Zhengning, 2010, “Impact of Renqing on Chinese Management Behavior: a Literature Review and Future Directions”,The 9th Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2010), Wuhan, China
Ÿ Wu Huanwei,2008, “The Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Firm Social Capital,4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (Wicom2008), Dalian, China
Ÿ Wu Huanwei,2008, “The Rising of Mid-China and Human Resource Development of Professionals”,4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (Wicom2008), Dalian, China
Ÿ Wu Huanwei; Liu Fang, 2008,”Supplementary Fit and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion”,The 7th Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2008), “Unlocking the Full Potential of Global Technology”, Wuhan, China
Ÿ Li, Yanping; Liu, Fang; Wu, Huanwei, 2007,”An Empirical Research on the Relationship of Human Resource Management and Social Capital of Enterprise”,The 6th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Management Challenges in a Global World (WHICEB2007) ,Wuhan
Ÿ Li Yan-ping; Wu Huanwei; Seror, Ann , 2006,”Strategic Human Resource Management and Social Capital: Evidence from People’s Republic of China”,13th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, France
Ÿ Li Yanping; Wu Huanwei, 2006,”A Study on Effects of Social Networks on Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Business”,8th West Lake International Conference on Small and Medium Business, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou
Ÿ Li Yanping; Wu Huanwei, 2005,”A Study on the Performance of Human Resource Management Function: A Social Capital Perspective”,5th International Symposium on Multinational Business Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing
Ÿ Wu Huanwei, 2003, “Foreign Frontier Research on Strategic Human Resource Management”.,Annual meeting and symposium of China’s institution of teaching and practice of human resource management, Xiamen
Ÿ Wu Huanwei, 2003, “A Study on the Characteristics and Developmental Approaches of U.S. Labor Force”,Annual meeting and symposium of China’s institution of teaching and practice of human resource management ,Xiamen
Ÿ Li Yanping; Wu Huanwei, 2002,”The Outlook for China’s Professional Manager Talents Development for the 21st Century”,4th International Symposium on Multinational Business Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing
Ÿ Li Yanping; Wu Huanwei, 2007,Training and Development, Press of Peking University, Oct. National Planning of 11th Five Years textbook;
Ÿ Li Yanping; Wu Huanwei, 2004,Management Ethics, Press of Macau University of Science and Technology.
Ÿ Liu Fang; Wu Huanwei, 2011,Research on the Relationship of Individual Human Capital, Social Capital on Career Success, Educational Press of Hubei Province,;
Ÿ Wu Huanwei, 2005,A Reflection on The Integration Structure of Management, Chapter 4 of Research of The Management Development and Methodology, edited by Institute of China’s enterprise management research, Research Center of Scientific Management of China Academy of Social Science, Key Subject of Business Management of China Academy of Social Science., Press of financial and economic of China, 1st edition
Government-funded grants
Ÿ A Study on the Process of Person-Organization Fit Based on the Response Surface Methodology (RSM): The Measurement and Boundary Conditions of Misfit,¥70000,Ref. 12YJC630232
Ÿ A Study on The Dynamic Fit of Work Value: From the Perspective of Economic Ideology Cross-Vergent,¥70000,Ref. 105275004
Ÿ Annual Dean Award for Teaching Contribution, Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2013;
Ÿ First prize (2/65) of Teaching Contest for Youth Teachers of Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2012;
Ÿ Ranked 2nd (2/279), Top 10 of Teaching Evaluation, First term of 2011-2012, 2012;
Ÿ Ranked 7th (7/269), Top 10 of Teaching Evaluation, First term of 2010-2011, 2011;
Ÿ Teaching fellow (ranked 5th), The Multi-Dimensional Development of Professional HRM Talents Based on Knowledge Pre-Transfer, Outstanding teaching achievement of Wuhan University, 2011
Ÿ Member of Leader teacher (ranked 7th), National-Level Quality Courses, Human Resource Management, National Educational Department of China, 2010;
Ÿ Second prize (5/50) of Teaching Contest for Youth Teachers of Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2010;
Ÿ Ranked 4th (4/255), Top 10 of Teaching Evaluation, First term of 2009-2010, 2010.
Ÿ Second prize (4/48) of Teaching Contest for Youth Teachers of Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2008;
Ÿ Research fellow (ranked 4th), Third prize of the 6th Outstanding Social Science Research Achievement of Hubei province, The Stretch of Social Capital Function of Strategic Human Resource Management;
Ÿ Research fellow (ranked 2nd), Second prize of the 11th Outstanding Research Achievement In Humanity and Social Science Research of Wuhan University, Strategic Management of Human Resource: From Social Capital Perspective, 2007.
Ÿ Management Review of Nankai, reviewer
Ÿ The third Biannual conference for IACMR, reviewer
Ÿ Certified Global Career Design Facilitator(GCDF), U.S.A., 2014
Ÿ Member of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR)
Ÿ The invited experts of "life" column of Hubei satellite TV Channel
Ÿ The judge for the 11thsession Recruitment challenge contest for China University of the "Jason Cup", December 6th, 2014
Ÿ The judge for the third session of the Graduate Recruitment contest for central China University the semi-finals simulation judges, November 30th, 2014
Ÿ The judge for the planning elite challenge contest for the new economic, May 4th, 2014
Ÿ The judge for the case study contest of Kang Teng, November 26th, 2012
Ÿ The judge for the first "Qunying sail" Entrepreneurship contest for University of central China, December 19th, 2010