| Tao Houyong
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Email: taohouyong@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68756203
PhD, Human Resource Management, Nanjing University, China (2006-2009)
MSc, Management Science and Engineering ,Hefei University of Technology, China (2002-2005)
B.A., International Business and Trade, Harbin University of Science and Technology, China (1996-2000)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses :Management research methodology,Human resource management,Organization behavior
Ÿ Research Areas :Leadership & Followership
Ÿ Associate Professor ofDepartment ofBusiness Administration,Wuhan University, 2009 – present
Ÿ Lecturer ofEconomic and Management College,West Anhui University,2000–2006
Journal Papers (International)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Chen Z. G., Jia T., Tao H. Y. “Waiting or Making Decision:A News-vendor Inventory Model with Forecast Evolution Process”.Systems Engineering,2017, 35(4): 116-121.
Ÿ Li L., Tao H. Y.“The Construction and Measurement of Chinas Regional Inclusive Innovation Performance”.Science&Technology Progress and Policy,2016, 33(24):116-123.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Zhang J., Li L. “Study on the Influence of Differential Leadership on Employees’ Prosocial Organizational Behavior”.China Industrial Economics, 2016,3:114-129.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Yang T. F.“Impact of the Evolution of‘Differential Mode’ Theory on Entraprises and its Correction”. Study and Practice, 2016, 10:16-25.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Li L. “The Double-edged Sword of Cross-cutting Identity of Senior Executives and Its Effect on the Growth of Non-SOEs”. Management Review, 2016,28(10):153-168.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Yang T. F. “the Application Research of ‘Flipped Classroom’ and‘Micro Classroom’ Teaching in HRM”. Education Teaching Forum, 2016, 21:196-197.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Hu W. F.“A Study of the Effect of LMXSC on New Generation Employees’ Career Success”. Chinese journal of Management, 2015,12(12):1764-1772.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Zhang J., Li L. “Driving Force of Innovation Investment from SMEs : Government Subsidy or Credit Financing——Empirical Evidence from Shenzhen SMEs”. Science& Technology Progress and Policy, 2015, 32(22):83-88.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Hu W. F., Guo X. X.“The Forming Path of New Employees’ Following During the Superior-Subordinate Interaction”. Human Resources Development of China, 2015,15:24-33.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Hu W. F., Li L.“A Research on Measurement of ‘Differential Mode’ of Status and Its Impact”. East China Economic Management, 2015, 29(6):170-179.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Zhang L.“Impact of the ‘Dual System’of the Employment on Sustainable Engagement and its Correction”. Luojia Management Review, 2015,1:179-191.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Li W., Chen J. A., Li L.“Research on the Interaction of Leadership-Followership Behavior: A Dual Psychological-positioning Perspective”. China Industrial Economics, 2014,12:104-117.
Ÿ Li L., Li Y. P., Tao H. Y. “Cross_Cutting Identities of Senior Executives, Strategic Interdependence and the Value of Non-SOEs”. Chinese Journal of Management, 2014,11(11):1611-1621.
Ÿ Tao H. Y., Guo X. X.“Incentives of Middle-level Managers' Career Plateau and its Intervention Strategies”. Journal of Hubei University of Economics, 2014,12(4):89-94.
Ÿ Li L., Tao H. Y., Guo X. X.“Differential Mode of Status Theory: Evolution and Its Impact on EmployeeEngagement”. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2013,7(1):119-137.
Ÿ Li L., Tao, H. Y. “Analysis on the dynamicalmechanism ofthe evolution ofShanzhai Model and theoptimization of Chinese mobile phoneenterprise niche”, Sciences Research Manangement,2013,34(2):112-119.
Ÿ Li L., Tao, H. Y. “Indulging Hand, guiding hand and Enterprise Independent Innovation: An Empirical Study Based on Equity Property Grouping”, Nankai Business Review, 2013,16(3):69-79,88.
Ÿ Li L., Tao H. Y. “An Empirical Study of Synergistic Driving-Force and Enterprise Innovation Performance”. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 2013,12:136-146.
Ÿ Li L., Tao, H. Y. “TheImpact of Identity of the Pattern of Difference on the Job Engagement of Labor Dispatching Employee”, Journal of Hubei university of Economics, 2012,10(1): 72-77.
Ÿ Li L., Li Y. P., Tao, H. Y. “The new idea of four-in-one MBA talent training of‘industry-university-research institute-user’”, Contemporary Educational Science,2012(01): 42-46.
Ÿ Li L., Tao, H. Y. “Impact Mechanism of Institutional Environment and Equity Balance on Innovation performance of Enterprise: Based on Moderated Mediator Effect”, Technology Economics, 2012, 31(7):20-27,54.
Ÿ Lu,F.Q., Tao, H. Y. “How to use institutionalSocialization tactics to improve employee’s willingness to retain”, Human resources development of China,2011,8:17-19,42.
Ÿ Li Y. P., Wu L.,Tao, H. Y. “Construct ‘super loop’ of industry-university-research and its strategy: Based on central universities and enterprises in Hubei”, Science & TechnologyProgress and policy,2011, 28(20): 1-4.
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Li, Y. P., Luo, Z. X. “Formation Mechanism of Shanzhai Model and Its Enlightenment to Organizational Innovation”, China Soft Science Magazine, 2010, 11: 123-135, 143. (This Journal is the TOP 3 management journal in China.)
Ÿ Bian J. H., Tao, H. Y., Shen, X. X. “On Four-in-oneDynamic Mechanismof Organizational Learning”, Science of Science and Management of Science & Technology,2010,4:168-175.
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Liu, H. “Which system of recruitment has adaptive efficiency: Research on the Comparison of ‘single-track system’ and ‘double-track system’”, China Industrial Economics,2009, 1:118-129. (This Journal is the TOP 2 economic journal in China.)
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Wang, X. J., Liu, H. “Make use ofOrganizational improvisation to enhanceenterpriseability to cope with economic crisis”, Foreign Economics and management,2009, 9: 53-59. (This Journal is the TOP management journal in China.)
Ÿ Hua, X. H., Tao, H. Y., Xie Z. Y. “Human resources management strategy under the financial crisis”, Human resources development of China,2009,1:24-26,53
Ÿ Bai, S. B., Liu, H., Tao, H. Y. “The risk free returns in contracted enterprises with supply chain financing”, Luojia Management Review, 2009,1: 7-13.
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Liu, H., Lü, H. J. “The relationship betweenorganizational centralization-decentralization pattern and organizationalperformance”, China Industrial Economics, 2008, 4:82-91. (This Journal is the TOP 2 economic journal in China.)
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Liu, H. “Study on the impact of knowledge-sharing mechanism on group performance”, Sciences Research Manangement,2008,29(2): 52-60. (This Journal is the TOP 2 economic journal in China.)
Ÿ Li, W. D., Liu, H., Tao, H. Y. “Middle-manager crisis: Types, Causes, and the counter measures”, Human resources development of China,2008,9:23-27.
Ÿ Li, W. D., Liu, H., Tao, H. Y. “Review of incentives of R&D worker” , Foreign Economics and management, 2008,11:35-42. (This Journal is the TOP management journal in China.)
Ÿ Bai, S. B., Liu, H., Tao, H. Y. “A Study of Enterprise Income with Supply Chain Financing”, Economic management, 2008, 19-20:114-117. (This Journal is the TOP management journal in China.)
Ÿ Lü, H. J., Liu, H., Tao, H. Y. “Analysis of the driven factors of organizational adaptability”, Foreign Economics and management,2007,29(10):47-53. (This Journal is the TOP management journal in China.)
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Liu, H. “Enterprise’s relationship boundary and effect of agent’s relationship pattern”, China Industrial Economics, 2007,9:70-78. (This Journal is the TOP 2 economic journal in China.)
Ÿ Tao, H. Y., Wu, Z. W. “Virtual enterprise in CollaborativeE-Business environment”, Journal of West Anhui University, 2004, 20(5):114-117.
Cases and Practical Papers
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Li L., Peng, F.,Tao, H. Y. “Which employment system does have better adaptive efficiency? The 2nd International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information”, BMEI 2012, May 11-13 2012, Guangzhou China. (EI index)
Ÿ Ying Peng, Hong Liu, Houyong Tao, “Analyzing the Pathway of Organizational Change Based on the Environmental Complexity”. 2009 International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Business Intelligence, 2009, 6:6-7, Beijing, China.
Ÿ The Chapter Ten and Twelve in the textbook“Human Resource Management” edited by Li Yanping, Li Xiyuan.
Ÿ “A Study of the Effect of Employee Relationship on OrganizationBehavior”, 2016, 5.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.A visiting scholar for a period of 12 months supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC), File No. 201308420485.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for“Mechanism of leader-follower interaction on newcomers’ followership: The perspective of dyadic psychological positioning”, Granted No.71472140. 2015-2018.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for“Mechanism ofdifferential mode of status on employee engagement”, Granted No.71002099. 2011-2013.
Ÿ Tao Houyong. Supported byHumanities and Social Science Research Projects of the Ministry of Education for “The research on development mechanism of engineering talents in the mobile internet era: The perspective ofindustry-university-research interaction”,GrantedNo.15JDGC016. 2015-2017.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by Independent Scientific Research Project of Wuhan University for “The research on development mechanism of engineering talents in the mobile internet era: The perspective ofindustry-university-research cooperation”,2015.
Ÿ Tao Houyong. Supported by Wuhan Science andTechnology Bureau Soft Science Item Project for “The Survey onentrepreneurship education of universities in Wuhan and research ofcultivationmodeof innovation andentrepreneurship talents” , Grant No. 2016040306010198. 2016-2017.
Ÿ Tao Houyong. Supported by Hubei Science andTechnology AgencySoft Science Item Project for “The Survey onentrepreneurship education of universities in Hubei and research ofcultivationmodeof innovation andentrepreneurship talents”, Grant No.2016ADC067. 2016-2017.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by Wuhan University“Hubei Research” Project for“The research on the strategic conception andimplement pathof ‘Joy Hubei’ ”, Granted No. 20130308.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by Independent Scientific Research Project of Wuhan University for “Collaborative development mechanism between Discipline Company and discipline chain”, Granted No.20110353. 2012-2013.
Ÿ Research fellow, Humanities and Social Science Research Projects of the Ministry of Education (NSFC) for “Mechanism Innovation of Industry-University-Research in the Chinese context” (Project Coordinator: Li Jian), No. 10JZDW003. 2011-2014.
Ÿ Tao Houyong. Supported by Wuhan Science and Technology Project for“Thedeveloping status andcountermeasure study ofindustry-university-research cooperation in Wuhan”, Granted No.201040333111-02. 2011.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Social Science Foundation of Hubei Association for Science & Technology for “System Innovation of Industry-University-Research in East lake high-tech development zone” Granted No. 20110416. 2011-2012.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported byPostgraduateIndependent Scientific Research Project of Wuhan University for “The research oninteraction mechanisms ofindustry-university-research cooperation andinnovative talent training”,Granted No.201110501020015.
Ÿ Research fellow, Soft science research projects of Department ofScience &Technology of Hubei Province for “Research on the cooperation status among the 7 National Central Universities and enterprises in Hubei Province” (Project Coordinator: Li Yanping), No. [2009]91. 2009-2011.
Ÿ Tao Houyong.Supported by Graduate Cultivation Innovative project of Jiangsu Province for “Influence of Corresponding Choice between Centralization and decentralization on organizational adaptive capacity” Granted No. CX08B-045R. 2008-2009.
Ÿ Research fellow, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for “Matching Theory and empirical research on Organizational complexity and its environment” (Project Coordinator: Liu Hong), No.70872041. 2009-2011.
Ÿ Research fellow, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)for “Research on complex adaptive theory in organizational innovation”(ProjectCoordinator:Liu Hong), No. 70572047. 2006-2008.
Ÿ Research fellow, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)for “Research on a number of issues of human resources management in the transition economies”(ProjectCoordinator:Zhao Shuming), No. 70732002. 2008-2012.
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Member ofAnonymousReviewer of Nankai Business Review(This Journal is one of the topmanagement journals in China.)
Ÿ Member of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)