| Wu Xianming
Wu, Xianming
Department of Business Administration
Email: wuxianming2012@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753026
PhD, World Economics, Wuhan University, China (1996-2000)
MSc, National Economic Planning and Management, Wuhan University, China (1989-1992)
B.A., Economic Management, Wuhan University, China (1985-1989)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Director ofDepartment ofBusiness Administration,Wuhan University,May 2005-July 2013
Ÿ Professor ofManagement, Wuhan University,November 2003- present
Ÿ Associate Professor ofManagement, Wuhan University, June1999- October2003
Ÿ Lecturer ofManagement, Wuhan University, October 1992- May 1999
Ÿ Board of Directors member, HubeiZhongjing SME Investment Co., 2011–2013
Ÿ Board of Directors member, HubeiGongjian GroupCo., 2016–present
Ÿ Study on theAgriculturalMaterialsLogisticCenter, Wuhan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, 2001
Ÿ CostCultureConstruction inGuangdong Dayawan NuclearPowerPlant,GuangdongDayawan NuclearPowerPlant, 2001
Ÿ Study on the Strategy ofHubei Bons Co., Hubei Bons Co., Ltd., 2004
Ÿ Study on the Development History of Caterpillar, Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., 2007
Ÿ Study on theDevelopmentStrategy of Pinggao Group, Pinggao Group, 2007
Ÿ CompetitiveAdvantage andCompetitiveStrategy, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, 2011–2017
Ÿ BusinessDecision-making andStrategicManagement, Gezhouba Group, 2015–2017
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Xianming Wu, Xingrui Yang, Haibin Yang & Hao Lei, 2016. “Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Firms: value creation or value destruction?”Journal of Contemporary China, 25(97):130-145. (SSCI)
Ÿ Xianming Wu, Nathaniel C Lupton, Yuping Du, 2015.“Innovation outcomes of knowledge-seeking Chinese foreign direct investment”,Chinese Management Studies, 9(1):73-96.(SSCI)
Ÿ Wu Xianming, Liu Xueyuan and Huang Qihai, 2012.“Impact of the Institutional Environment on the Choice of Entry Mode: Evidence from Chinese Enterprises”, China:An International Journal,10(1):28-50. (SSCI)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Wu Xianming and Su Zhiwen, 2014.“TheCross-BorderMergers andAcquisitions as aLever forTechnologicalCatch-Up:A DynamicCapabilityPerspective”, Management World, No.4, pp.146-164.
Ÿ Wu Xianming and Huang Chuntao, 2016.“The Motives of Foreign Direct Investments by Chinese Enterprises: A Comparative Study between Upstream and Downstream Investments”,China Industrial Economics, No.1, pp.99-113.
Ÿ Wu Xianming,ZhangNan andZhao Qiwei, 2017.“Wage Distortion, Population Density and Firm Growth: Dynamic Analysis Based on Firm Life Cycle”,China Industrial Economics, No.10, pp.137-155.
Ÿ Wu Xianming andMei Shiye, 2016.“Catch-up Strategy Based on Independent Innovation: A Resource Dependence Perspective”, Economic Management, No.6, pp.29-40.
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2016.“Knowledge-seeking Overseas Acquisition and Innovation Performance: Evidence from Chinese Enterprises”, Jonmal of Industrial Engineering / Engineering Management, No.3, pp.54-62.
Ÿ Wu Xianming and Hu Cuiping, 2015. “Internationalization Motives, Institutional Environments, and Location Choices: A Latecomer Firm Perspective”, Economic Management, No.5, pp.51-62.
Ÿ Wu Xianming andYang Xingrui, 2014.“Cross-BorderMergers andAcquisitions by ChineseFirms:ValueCreation orValueDestruction?”,Economic Management, No.1, pp.45-55.
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2013.“Reverse Knowledge Transfer: An Empirical Study on Chinese Firms’ Transnational Acquisition Practices”,Economic Management, No.1, pp. 57-69.
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2011.“Institutional Environment and Entry Modes of Oversea Investment of Chinese Enterprises”,Economic Management, No.4, pp.68-79.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Su ZhiwenandWu Xianming, 2014.“Effect Mechanism of Acquisition-Based Dynamic Capability on Enterprise’s Technology Innovation: A Multiple-Case Study”, Technology Economics, No.1, pp.33-38.
Ÿ Yang Xingrui andWu Xianming, 2013.“The Innovation Model of Enterprise’ Sustainable Growth in the Post-Crisis Era——Multi-Case Study of China’s High-Tech Born Global Enterprises”,Science & Technology andEconomy, No.1, pp.29-33.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2014.“TheCross-BorderMergers andAcquisitions as aLever forTechnologicalCatch-Up:A DynamicCapabilityPerspective”,2014 Frontiers of Business Research in China International Symposium, Beijing
Ÿ Tan Liwen and Wu Xianming, 2014,Transnational Management, Wuhan:Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Tan Liwen and Wu Xianming, 2011,Strategic Management, Wuhan:Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2008. Creative Assets and Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises,Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2008
Ÿ Wu Xianming, 2014.OverseasM&As,ReverseKnowledgeTransfer andInnovationPerformance, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
Ÿ National Social Science foundationFundedProject: Motives andConditions ofForeignDirectInvestmentof ChineseEnterprises under theCondition ofEconomicGlobalization,¥40000, 2000, Ref. 00CJY001
Ÿ ChinaPostdoctoralScienceFoundationFundedProject:Research ontheCorporate Governance of ChineseEnterprises inForeignDirectInvestment,¥10000, 2001, Ref. 200114
Ÿ NationalNaturalScienceFoundation FundedProject:Research onthe Created Assets-Seeking ForeignDirectInvestment of ChineseEnterprises,¥130000, 2004, Ref. 70372026
Ÿ Ministry of Education, "New Century Excellent Talents Support Program" FundedProject:Study on theMechanism ofGlobalLearningforChineseEnterprises in theProcess ofInternationalization,¥200000, 2008, Ref. NCET-08-0424
Ÿ Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences PlanningFoundation FundedProject:Impact ofInstitutionalEnvironment on theChoice ofEntry Modes forthe OverseasInvestmentofChineseEnterprises,¥90000, 2011, Ref. 10YJA630171
Ÿ National Social Science foundationFundedProject: Study on theReverseKnowledgeTransfer in Chinese Firms’ Cross-Border Mergers andAcquisitions,¥150000, 2012, Ref. 11BGL044
Ÿ National Social Science foundationFundedKey Project: Study on theMainInfluencingFactors andOperationalMechanism for the Created Assets-SeekingCross-BorderMergers andAcquisitions,¥250000, 2012, Ref. 12AZD034
Ÿ Wuhan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives FundedProject: Study on theAgriculturalMaterialsLogisticCenter, ¥100000, 2001, Ref. 105-231219
Ÿ GuangdongDayawan NuclearPowerPlant FundedProject:CostCultureConstruction inGuangdong Dayawan NuclearPowerPlant, ¥160000, 2001, Ref. 105-231197
Ÿ Hubei Bons FundedProject: Study on the Strategy ofHubei Bons Co., ¥96600, 2004, Ref. 105-233050
Ÿ Sany Heavy Industry FundedProject: Study on the Development History of Caterpillar, ¥80000, 2007, Ref. 105-235272
Ÿ Pinggao Group FundedProject: Study on theDevelopmentStrategy of Pinggao Group, ¥300000, 2007, Ref. 105-235657
Ÿ "New Century Excellent TalentsSupportProgram", Ministry of Education,2008
Ÿ Wu Xianming and Huang Chuntao,“The Motives of Foreign Direct Investments by Chinese Enterprises: A Comparative Study between Upstream and Downstream Investments”, TOP10 in World Economics 2016, Rankings Top 1 Chinese Papers in International Investment Studies
Ÿ Wu Xianming and Huang Chuntao,“The Motives of Foreign Direct Investments by Chinese Enterprises: A Comparative Study between Upstream and Downstream Investments”, TheFirstPrize ofOutstandingAchievements in Humanities andSocialSciences of Wuhan University in Fourteenth, 2017
Ÿ Wu Xianming andSu Zhiwen,“TheCross-BorderMergers andAcquisitions as aLever forTechnologicalCatch-Up:A DynamicCapabilityPerspective”, TheThreePrize of theTenthOutstandingAchievements of Social Sciences in HubeiProvince, 2016
Ÿ Wu Xianming, Nathaniel C. Lupton and Du Yuping, “InnovationOutcomes ofKnowledge-seeking ChineseForeignDirectInvestment”, Emerald Publishing Group “Highly Commended Paper Award”, 2016
Ÿ Li Ping, Liu Yipeng, Wu Xianming and Yang Zhengyin, “Reverse Merger and Acquisition by Chinese Firms for ISE: The Invisible-Touch Model of Post-M&A Integration Process”,International Business Association (AIB) China 2017 Best Paper Award (first place), 2017
Ÿ GraduateExcellentCourse: "TransnationalManagement" , WuhanUniversity, 2013
Ÿ ProfessionalDegreeGraduateExcellentCourse:"Strategic Management", WuhanUniversity, 2014
Ÿ Management World ,AnonymousReviewer,2014-present
Ÿ China Industrial Economics,AnonymousReviewer,2016-present
Ÿ Jonmal of Industrial Engineering / Engineering Management,AnonymousReviewer,2016-present
Ÿ Management Quarterly,AnonymousReviewer,2016-present
Ÿ Nankai Business Review,AnonymousReviewer,2008-present
Ÿ Member of Academy of International Business (AIB)
Ÿ What Is the New for“the NewState-OwnedEnterprises", Guangming Daily,May 6th 2003, page B2
Ÿ ThePitfalls ofCorporateGovernance, Guangming Daily,June 4th 2002, page B2