| Liu Linqing
Professor, PhD supervisor of Business Management, PhD supervisor of Industrial Economics
Director, Department of Business Administration
Director, Institute of Business Strategic Management
Email: liulinqing@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753796
PhD, Business Administration, Wuhan University, China (1999 to 2002)
MSc, Business Administration, Wuhan University, China (1996 to 1999)
B.A., Microbiology, Business Administration(double major) Wuhan University, China (1991-1995)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching Courses : Strategic Management; Entrepreneurial Management; Organization and Management Theory; Management Research Methodology
Ÿ Research Areas : Strategic Management(focus on international industrial competitiveness in the context of the global value chains), Entrepreneurship and Innovation(focus on strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation under the service dominant logic); the Theory and Practice of Management Education(focus on the global production and local innovation of management knowledge with research methods of bibliometrics analysis and content analysis)
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Naveen Jindal School of Management in University of Texas at Dallas, September 2015- September 2016
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Management School in Lancaster University, September 2011- August 2012
Ÿ Professor of Business Administration Department, School of Economics & Management, Wuhan University, October 2011– present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Business Administration Department, School of Economics & Management, Wuhan University, November 2006- October 2011
Ÿ Lecturer of Business Administration Department, School of Economics & Management(formerly School of Business), Wuhan University, July 2002 – October 2006
Ÿ Assistant ofChongqing NormalCollege, July 1995 - June 1996
Ÿ Independent Director, Hubei Sanfeng Intelligent Conveying Equipment Co., Ltd.(300276), 2016- present
Ÿ Independent Director, Wuhan Humanwell Hi-Tech Industry Company Limited (600079), 2009- 2015
Ÿ Independent Director, Jiangsu Kingfield Company Limited(002239), 2007- 2012
Ÿ Financial Officer,a part-time job in Hongyuan Co. Ltd. July 1999 - February 2001
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and S.Y.Mei, 2016, “Visualizingthe GVC Research:a Co-Occurrence Network Based Bibliometric Analysis”, Scientometrics, 109(2): 953-977. SSCI Journal Impact Factor(2015):2.084
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and S.Y.Mei, 2015, “How Canan Indigenous Concept Enterthe International Academic Circle: theCase ofGuanxi”,Scientometrics, 105(1): 953-977. SSCI Journal Impact Factor(2015):2.084
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, L.W.Tan and H.Y.Ma, 2011. “Two-dimensional Governances and Industrial International Competitiveness: A View from Global Value Chains”, Nankai Business Review International, 3: 325-344.
Ÿ L.W.Tan, H.Y.Ma, and L.Q.Liu, 2009, “Myths and Realities of China's Apparel Industry: From a Global Value Chain Perspective”, China Economist, 2:103-115.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and C.Tan, 2016, “Effects of Export Structure on Economic Performance: A View from Social Network Analysis”, Journal of International Trade, 6:15-27.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and S.Y.Mei,, 2016, “Guaixi Studies in Management: A Literature Review Based on SSCI Database”, Chinese Journal of Management, 4:613-623. Reprinted by Remin University of China to include in Management Science (201606).
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, F.Y.Han and S.Y.Mei, 2016, “The Catching up Strategies of Emerging Market Firms: a Literature Review”, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 14:155-160.
Ÿ T.Zhang, andL.Q.Liu, 2016, “Research on Different Paths of Industrial Policies between China and USA-Based on the Space Product Theory”, Economic Management Journal, 8:18-28.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, C.Tan, S.S.Jiang, and H.Lei, 2015, “The Steering-wheel Model of Platform Leadership Achievement-A Case Study of Li&Fung”, China Industrial Economy, 1:134-146. Reprinted by Remin University of China to include in Corporate Management Research (201505). The Practice Version is published in Tsinghua Management Review(201503).
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, T.Zhang and F.Y.Han, 2015, “Panorama of China’s MBA Programs under the Background of Education Reform: Based on the Co-plot Method”, Management Review, 10:161-172.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and H.X.Wu, 2015, “The New Thought of Technology Commercialization Based on Paradox Thought-A Case Study of Yang Daichang”, Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 22:36-39. Reprinted by Remin University of China to include in Innovation Policy and Management (201503)
Ÿ H.Qiao, andL.Q.Liu, 2015, “Research on the Role of Industrial Technology Institute in the View of National Industrial Innovation” , Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 22:51-60.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, J.F.Gan and R.Yang, 2014, “ Searching for “Invisible Colleges” in the International Management Research of China: A Social Network Analysis Based on the SSCI Journals from 1978-2010”, Chinese Journal of Management, 1:1276-1286.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and C.Tan, 2014, “Emerging Structural View of the Industrial International Competitiveness”, Economic Review, 3:153-160.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and J.F.Gan, 2014, “Preliminary Thoughts on the Construction of New - type Industrial Technology Research Institute”, Science & Technology Industry of China, 12:38-41.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, Q.H.Huang and Z.S.Yan, 2013, “The Capability-added Match in the Country Space: A Structure View of Industrial International Competitiveness”, China Industrial Economy, 4:17-29. Reprinted by Chinese Social Science Digest(201308)
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, H.Lei and L.W.Tan, 2010, “From Commodity Dominant Logic to Service Dominant Logic——A Case of Apple Co. Ltd”, China Industrial Economy, 9:57-66. Reprinted by Remin University of China to include in Innovation Policy and Management (201101)
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, L.W.Tan and H.Y.Ma, 2010, “Two-dimensional Governances and Industrial International Competitiveness: A View from the Global Value Chains”. Nankai Business Review,12: 43-51.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, and L.Zhou,2010, “Analysis on International Competitiveness of African Agricultural Products and Trade Complementarity between Africa and China”. Journal of International Trade, 4:40-48.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, W.X. Li and Y.T.Zhang, 2009,“Comparative Advantage, FDI, and Indigenous Industrial International Competitiveness——Study on the Vulnerability of International Competitiveness of the China-made”, China Industrial Economics, 8:47-57. Reprinted by Remin University of China to include in Industrial Economics(201001)
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, G.Q.Shi, and X.X.Chen, 2009,“A Study on the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of MIT”.Comparative Education Review, 7 : 20-24.
Ÿ G.Q.Shi, L.Q.Liu and X.X. Chen,2009, “The Innovation-entrepreneurship Education and Construction of Entrepreneurship Network in Entrepreneurial University: A Case Study of Stanford University”,Studies in Foreign Education, 36(6) :79-83.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, L.Zhou, and X.X.Chen,2009, “Comparative Advantage, Unit Value and Competitive Advantage of Local Businesses: A Case Study on the Vulnerability of International Competitiveness of China Athletic Footwear Industry”, Finance & Trade Economics, 6:90-96.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, Q.H.Xia, and L.Zhou, 2009 “The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of Entrepreneurial University: a Case Study of MIT”, Journal of Higher Education,30( 3):19-26.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, L.W.Tan and G.Q.Shi,2008,“Rents,Power and Performance: Thinking on Competitive Advantage in Context of Global Value Chain”, China Industrial Economy, 1:50-58.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and L.W.Tan,2006,“ The Double Dimensional Evaluation of the Industrial International Competitiveness in the Context of Global Value Chain”, China Industrial Economy, 12:37-44.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and L.W.Tan, 2006, “Patenting for R&D VS R&D for the Patent”, China Industrial Economy, 6: 86-93.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and L.W.Tan, 2005, “The Sources of Patent Competitive Advantage: From Perspectives of Rents” , China Industrial Economy, 11: 89-94.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and H.X.Wu, 2016. "Growth in Competition: The Example of Magic Classrooms in Mountain Areas", the National 100 Excellent Management Case Selection(7th), China Management Case-sharing Center(CMCC).
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and G.F.Gan, 2014. "Recreational Zhou Heiya: Does it Sell the Culture?", the National 100 Excellent Management Case Selection(5th) ,Rewarded Case, China Management Case-sharing Center(CMCC),STR-0305.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, C.Tan and Z.Y.Lin, 2014. " Li & Fung’s Reverse Supply Chain Strategy: Has the Three-Year Plan Succeeded?", adopted by Ceibs Case Center.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu, H.Lei and Z.Y.Lin, 2013. "From the Periphery to the Core: the Success of Li&Fung Trade",the National 100 Excellent Management Case Selection(4th), Rewarded Case, China Management Case-sharing Center(CMCC),STR-0231.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu and H.Lei,2011. "The Competitive Rivalry between 360 and QQ", the National 100 Excellent Management Case Selection(2nd),China Management Case-sharing Center(CMCC),STR-0066.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Y.T.Zhang, and L.Q.Liu, 2009, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (The 3rd ICOSCM)
Ÿ X.Xu,and L.Q.Liu,2008,Double Dimensional Evaluation of industrial Competitiveness in Global Value Chain, CRESD 2008.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu,and H.Y.Ma,2007,Patent attitude: Transferring from supply-orientation to demand-orientation, IEEE ICESKM 2007
Ÿ L.W.Tan, Y.P. Li, M.X.Liu, L.Q.Liu,and Y.Qin,Management(Fourth Edition ),Wuhan University Press,2014,8.
Ÿ L.W.Tan Liwen, L.Q.Liu, M.X.Liu, and Y.Z.Bao,Management, Science Press,2009,11.
Ÿ L.W.Tan Liwen, L.Q.Liu, and Y.Z.Bao,Management,Higher Education Press, 2010,11.
Ÿ H.Lei, L.Q.Liu and L.W. Tan, 2012. Global Value Chain Management. Sage.
Ÿ L.Q.Liu.2012. Two-dimensional Governances and Industrial International Competitiveness: A View from Global Value Chains. Beijing: People`s Press
Ÿ L.W.Tan,L.Q.Liu, B.F.Tian, Y.Z.Bao, and H.Y.Ma. 2008. The Development Trend of Multinational Manufacturing and Service Outsourcing and the Related Policies of China. Beijing: People`s Press
Ÿ A Research on Global Production Network, Intellectual Property Protection and China Export Competitiveness, China National Social Science Major Fund, ¥600000, 2015.11-2019.12, Ref. 15ZDB155.
Ÿ A Research on the Portfolio of Advantageous Industries, Competiveness Space and Structural Transformation: A the Structure view of Industrial International Competitiveness, China NationalNaturalScience Fund, ¥540000,2014.1-2017.12, Ref. 71372124.
Ÿ A Research on Service Transition Strategy of Manufacturing Enterprise Based on Architecture Control:a View of Service Dominant Logic, Humanities and Social Sciences FundofMinistry of Education, ¥90000,2012.1-2014.12, Ref. 11YJA630065.
Ÿ A Research on the Two-Dimensional Assessment and Evolution of Industrial International Competitiveness in the Context of Global Value Chains, China National Social Science Fund, ¥75000, 2007.7-2009.12, Ref. 07CJY009.
Ÿ TheCharacteristics ofDemandsforthe Capital Market Systemin Different Operation Modes:the Case ofEast Lake High-Tech Zone, Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone Management Committee, ¥150000, 2010.
International cooperative projects
Ÿ A Research on the Growth Strategy of ChineseNewly Startup Firms:Integrate Insightsfrom Network Evolutionand Institutional Innovation,mainland Chinese collaborator of the Hongkong & Macao collaborating program of Prof. Haibin Yang,City University of Hong Kong, China National Science fund,¥200000,2015-2016, Ref. 71428005.
Ÿ TheCapability-added Match in the Country Space:A Structure View of Industrial International Competitiveness.The second prize winner of outstanding commerce development during 2014-2015, Ministry of Commerce, 2016; the second prize winner of the 14th outstanding humanities andsocialsciences research of Wuhan, 2014; the first prize winner of the annual outstanding research of the Academy of IndustrialEconomics of Hubei Province, 2013(rank first)
Ÿ Comparative Advantage, FDI and the International Competitiveness of National Industries: An Analysis of Vulnerability of the International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing, the excellent prize winner of outstanding commerce development during 2010-2011, Ministry of Commerce, 2011(rank first)
Ÿ A study on the Development Trends of MNEs Manufacturing and Service Outsourcing and Related Chinese Policies, the second prize winner of the 7th outstanding social science research of Hubei Province, 2011(rank second)
Ÿ AStudyon Global Value Chains andthe International CompetitivenessofChineseManufacturing, the second prize winner of the 12th excellent socialsciences research of Wuhan, 2011(rank second)
Ÿ TheInternationalCompetitiveness of Apparel Industry: a Deep Perspective of Global Value Chains,The first prize winner of outstanding commerce development during 2008-2009, Ministry of Commerce, 2010(rank third)
Ÿ A study on the Development Trends of MNEs Manufacturing and Service Outsourcing and Related Chinese Policies(paperseries), the second prize winner of the 6th outstanding social science research of Hubei Province, 2009(rank second)
Ÿ New Thoughts of the International Competitiveness of ChineseManufacturing in the Context of Global Value Chains, the second prize winner of the Fourth Industrial International Competitiveness Forum sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, 2007(rank first)
Ÿ A Study on the Improvement of InternationalCompetitiveness of Agricultural Products under the Governance of Global Value Chains, the second prize winner of the Fifth Industrial International Competitiveness Forum sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, 2008(rank third)
Ÿ The Transformation and Upgrading of the Brand Agencies, the third prize winner of the Sixth Industrial International Competitiveness Forum sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, 2009(rank third)
Ÿ Anonymous Reviewer ofChina Industrial Economy, Nankai Management Review, Management Review, Chinese Journal of Management,etc.
Ÿ Communications review specialist of the national natural sciences fund project, the national social sciences fund project and the fund project of the Ministry of Education.
Ÿ Certified Public Accountant, Wuhan, 1998
Ÿ Certified Public Valuer, Wuhan, 2002
Ÿ Founding Member of the Industry Studies Association in USA
Ÿ Member of the Academy of Management