| Li Mei
Professor, Doctoral supervisor
Department of Business Administration
Email: limeiwhu111@163.com
Phone : +86-27-68753079
Ph D, Business Administration, Wuhan University(2002-2007)
M.A., Business Administration, Wuhan University of Technology (1997-2000)
B.A., Maths, Hubei University, China (1990-1994)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Transnational Enterprise Management;Senior Management Empirical Research Methods; An Introduction to Management Science;Statistics
Ÿ Research Areas: Transnational Enterprise Management;strategic Management
Ÿ Professorof Business Administration, Wuhan University, November 2016- present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Business Administration, Wuhan University, November 2008- November 2016
Ÿ Lecturer of Business Administration, Wuhan University, November 2002 - November 2008
Ÿ Assistant professor of Business Administration, Wuhan University, September 2000 - November 2002
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Mei Li, Dan Li, Marjorie Lyles, Shichang Liu, 2016. Chinese MNEs' Outward FDI and Home Country Productivity: The Moderating Effect of Technology Gap,Global Strategy Journal, 6(4):289-308.
Ÿ Wu Wei, Xuan Zhao, Mei Li, Malcolm Warner,2016. Integrating nonmarket and market resources, strategy and performance in Chinese enterprises: a review of the field and a resource-based empirical study,Asia Pacific Business Review, 22(2):220-237.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Mei Li, Tianjiao Yu, 2016.Does R&D Internationalization Enhance Innovation Performance? An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Information Technology Listed Companies,Management World, No.11, 125-140.
Ÿ Mei Li, Shichang Liu, 2012. Regional Difference and Threshold Effects of OFDI Reverse Technology Spillover: A Threshold regression analysis Based on the Provincial Panel Data in China,Management World, No.1, 21-32.
Ÿ Mei Li, Tianjiao Yu, 2016.Host Country Institutional Development and Innovation Performance of Overseas M&A MNEs,China Soft Science, No.11, 137-151.
Ÿ Mei Li, Tianjiao Yu, 2016. Overseas R&D Investment and Parent Firm Innovation Performance: the Moderating Effects of Firm Resource and International Experience,Word Economy Studies, No.8, 101-113.
Ÿ Mei Li,2014.Financial Development, Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Growth in Home Country,China Soft Science, No.11,170-182.
Ÿ MeiLi, Xiaoyi Yuan, Yi Zhang, 2014. Institutions and Reverse Technology Spillovers from OFDI,World Economy Study, No.2, 61-66.
Ÿ Mei Li, 2012. International R&D Spillovers and Technological Progress in China:An Empirical Study Based on the Transmission Mechanisms of FDI and OFDI,Science Research Management, No.4,86-92.
Ÿ Mei Li, Shichang Liu, 2011. “An Empirical Analysis on the Channels of International R&D Spillovers: Empirical Evidence Based on Provincial Panel Data from China,World Economy Study, No.10, 62-68.
Ÿ Mei Li, Zhaolin Jin, 2011. International R&D, Absorptive Ability and the Reverse Technology Spillover of OFDI: Empirical Evidence Based on Panel Data from China,Journal of International Trade, No.10, 124-136.
Ÿ MeiLi,Shichang Liu, 2011. Human Capital and International R&D Spillovers:An Empirical Research Based on OFDI Transmission Mechanism,Studies in Science of Science,No.3,373-381.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2010. The Technological Progress Effect of Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Analysis on the Data between 1985 and 2008 ,Economic Management, No.12,40-48.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2010. Human Capital, R&D Input and OFDI’s Reverse Technology Spillovers,World Economy Study, No.10, 69-75.
Ÿ MeiLi, Song Wu, 2010. Research on the Economic Effect of Creative Assets-seeking Cross-border M&A: A Case Study Based on Youngor’s acquiring of the Xin Ma Group,Economic Management, No.4, 56-63.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2010. Empirical Study on Effect of FDI on Technology Innovation Capacity in Middle of China,International Business, No.5, 78-85.
Ÿ MeiLi, Liwen Tan, 2009. Regional Difference and Threshold Effects of FDI Spillover on China s Innovation Capacity,World Economy Study, No.3, 68-74.
Ÿ MeiLi, Liwen Tan, 2009. FDI and Technology Innovation: Empirical Evidence Based on China Provincial Panel Data,Journal of International Trade, No.3, 97-103.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2009. Empirical Study on Financial Performance of Chinese Listed Companies in Cross-border M&A,Technology Economics, No.12, 83-87.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2008. Empirical Study on the Wealth Effect and Determinants of Foreign Acquisitions in China,World Economy Study, No.2, 67-73.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2008. An Empirical Study on the Financial Performance of Foreign Acquisitions in China,Finance and Trade Research,No.6, 95-100.
Ÿ MeiLi, Liwen Tan, 2007. A Comparative Study on the Wealth Effect between Foreign M&A in China and Domestic M&A,Journal of International Trade, No.8, 113-119.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2007. Empirical Research on Chinese Listed Companies’Cross-border M&A Wealth Effect, International Business, No.3, 40-46.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2006. Chinese Enterprises’ Cross-border M&A,Economic Management, No.13,18-23.
Ÿ MeiLi, 2006. Analysis of Enterprise Competitive Advantage Based on Strategy Networks,Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, No.1, 61-63.
Ÿ MeiLi, Zhaolin Jin, 2003. Value Innovation Based on Customer: The New Strategic Logic in Dynamic Conditions,Economic Management, No.12, 21-26.
Cases and Practical Papers
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Mei Li, Marjorie Lyles, Dan Li,Shichang Liu,2014. Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Productivity Growth: A Threshold Model with Evidence from China, Academy of International Business 2014 conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Ÿ Mei Li,2008, Study on the Automotive Industrial Upgrading in China Based on Global Value Chain, The 4TH IEEE International conference on Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management.
Ÿ Mei Li, 2008, Empirical Study on the Effects of Chinese Companies' Overseas M&A, The 5TH China (Hangzhou) International Conference on WTO & Financial Engineering.
Ÿ Mei Li,2008,The Impact of Foreign Acquisitions on Firm Performance: Evidence from the Chinese Capital, The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business
Ÿ Limin Chen, Liwen Tan, Mei Li, Qiwei Zhao, 2012,Transnational Enterprise Management, Beijing:Tsinghua University Press.
Ÿ Liwen Tan, Xianming Wu, Limin Chen, Mei Li, Qiwei Zhao, 2014, Transnational Corporation, Wuhan:Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Mei Li, 2014,The Theoretical and Empirical research on Reverse Technology Spillovers of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Beijing:Science Presss.
Ÿ Mei Li, 2010,Empirical Study on Chinese Companies’ Cross-border M&A Performance, Wuhan:Wuhan University Press
Ÿ The National Natural Science Fund“The influencing Mechanisms of R&D Internationalization on Parent Firm’s Innovation Performance: Tests of the Mediating and Moderating effects “,¥600000, 2017, Ref.71672133
Ÿ The National Natural Science Fund“Theoretic and Empirical Research on the Reverse Technology Spillovers of Chinese Outward FDI”,¥250000, 2010, Ref. 70973089
Ÿ The Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Science Research Fund“Technology Gap and Reverse Technology Spillovers: Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Test”,¥100000, 2013, Ref. 13YJA790049
Ÿ Wuhan University, Independent Research Project“Political Connections, Outward FDI and Firm Performance”,¥20000, 2015
Ÿ Wuhan University, Independent Research Project“Research on the Nonlinear Relationship between Technology Gap and Reverse Technology Spillovers”,¥20000, 2012, Ref. 2012YB047
Ÿ Wuhan University, Independent Research Project“FDI, Independent Innovation and Threshold Effects:Rethinking About the Strategy of Market for Technology”¥20000, 2009, Ref. 09ZZKY081
Ÿ Wuhan University, Youth Foundation:“Study on Strategic Motives and the Performance of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Enterprises:Based on the Perspective of Creative Assets”,¥10000, 2008, Ref. 08QNXM06
Ÿ Wuhan Science and Technology Bureau, Soft Science Project“Study on the Development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Industry in Wuhan City”,¥20000, 2009, Ref. 200940833377-02
Ÿ The key project of the National Social Science Fund“Main Influence Factors and Promotion Mechanism of Creative Assets Seeking Cross-border M&A”¥20000, 2012, Ref. 12AZD034
Ÿ The National Social Science Fund“Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Cross-border M&A of Chinese Corporations”,¥20000, 2011, Ref. 11BGL044
Ÿ The Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Science Research Fund“The Impact of Institution on Overseas Entry Mode of Chinese Corporations”,¥10000, 2010, Ref. 10YJA630171
Ÿ The National Social Science Fund“The Comparative Study and Indicator Design of International Competitiveness and Export Competitiveness”,¥10000, 2009, Ref. 09CJY050
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ 1st Prize of Postgraduate Student Academic Innovation Award of Wuhan University in 2013, as the tutor of a 2012 session of Postgraduate Student, Shichang Liu.
Ÿ 2nd Prize of Postgraduate Student Academic Innovation Award of Wuhan University in 2012, as the tutor of a 2012 session of Postgraduate Student, Shichang Liu.
Ÿ National scholarship forPostgraduate Students in 2016, as the tutor ofa 2017 session of Postgraduate Student, Tianjiao Yu.
Ÿ 2nd Prize of Postgraduate Student Academic Innovation Award of Wuhan University in 2017, as the tutor of a 2017 session of Postgraduate Student, Tianjiao Yu.
Ÿ Top 10 Teachers for Undergraduate Programs at EMS of Wuhan University, the second term of 2014-2015.
Ÿ Top 10 Teachers for Undergraduate Programs at EMS of Wuhan University, the second term of 2015-2016.
Ÿ Management Review, Economic Management Journal,Journal of Management Research, Foreign Economics and Management,anonymous reviewer.
Ÿ Academy of International Business conference, reviewer, 2014-present.
Ÿ Member of Academy of International Business