| Deng Xinming
Department of Business Administration
Email: xm_deng@163.com
Phone : +86-27-68753107
Visiting Scholar, Management, Indiana University(2013-2014)
PhD, Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2005-2008)
Visiting PhD, Management,The HEC Montréal,Canada (2007-2008)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Strategic Management;Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; Management
Ÿ Research Areas :Strategic Management;Marketing Management; Business Ethics
Ÿ Professorof Department of Business Administration,Wuhan University, 2015 – present
Ÿ AssociateProfessor of Department of Business Administration,Wuhan University, 2010 – 2015
Ÿ Instructor of Department of Business Administration, Wuhan University, 2008 – 2010
Ÿ Studying Abroad (PhD,Accounting), The HEC Montréal,Canada,2007-2008
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Indiana University, 2013-2014
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng (corresponding author).The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy in Chinese Transition, Journal of Public Affairs, 2007,7,4: 341-356.
Ÿ Xinming Deng. Patterns of Internationalization of Chinese Firms: Empirical Study Based on Strategic Approach, Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 2009.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Zhilong Tian, Muhamud Abrar, The Prediction of Firm’s Competitive Response from Non-market and Market Perspective: Evidence from China, Nankai Business Review International, 2010, 4.
Ÿ Xinming Deng. Understanding Consumer’s Responses to Firm’s Ethical Behaviors: Evidence from China.Journal of Business Ethics, 107(2),2012:159-181.(SSCI)
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Zhilong Tian, et al. The Diversification Effects of Firm’s Political Connection and its Performance Implication: Evidence from China,Chinese Management Studies, 6(3),2012:56-78.(SSCI)
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Factors Influencing Ethical Purchase Intentions of Consumers in China,Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, Vol 41, issue 10, 2013:1693-1704.
Ÿ Deng, X. Understanding Chinese Consumers’ Ethical Purchasing Decision-making Process: A Combination of Qualitative and Quantitative Study,Geoforum, 67C(15), 2015.
Ÿ Deng, X., Xu, Y., Consumers’ Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: the Mediating role of Consumer—corporate Identification, Journal of Business Ethics, 142, 2017.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Chongzhen Cheng, Yu Chen.Research on Governance from Contract Arrangement Perspective,South China Journal of Economics,Issue9, 2006.
Ÿ Zhilong Tian,Xinming Deng.The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy :An Empirical Examination in China.Nankai Business Review,Issue1, 2007.
Ÿ Shuai Fan, Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng. Exploring the Motivations and Modes of Listing Abroad, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition),Issue2, 2007.
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng, TaïebHafsi. TheCompetitive Interaction、market behavior and non-market behavior of Enterprise. Enterprise's Market Behaviour, Issue 8, 2007
Ÿ Xinming Deng,Zhilong Tian. The Study and Commment on Nonmarket Strategy and Behavior of Firms in Western Countries.Foreign Economics & Management, Issue8, 2007.
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng,Shuai Fan. Review of InternationalizationProcess from Prospective of Top 500 Chinese Enterprises. China soft science, Issue9, 2007.
Ÿ Huibing Xiong,Xinming Deng, Wentao Xiao. Empirical Analysis of Property- right Effects of Human Capital and Economic Growth. China Industrial Economy,Issue10, 2007
Ÿ Xinming Deng,Zhilong Tian, Yu Chen.Issue Integration , Legitimacy , and Organizational Performance, Journal of Management Science,Issue1, 2008.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Research on the Taxonomy of Firm’s Resources in China’s Transition.Journal of Business Economics,Issue9, 2009.
Ÿ Xinming Deng,Zhilong Tian. The Research on Firm’s InstitutionalResponse Strategy——Evidence from China,Economic Management Journal,Issue9, 2009.
Ÿ Xinming Deng.The Research on the Prediction of Firm’s Competitive Response,Nankai Business Review,Issue2, 2010.
Ÿ Huibing Xiong,Xinming Deng.The Study on Driving Factors of Chinese Enterprises for International Growth.Economic Management Journal,Issue7, 2010.
Ÿ Huibing Xiong,Xinming Deng, Wentao Xiao.Relations between Political Strategies and Economic Performance of Enterprises in Transitional Economy: The Mediating Effect of Legitimacy, China Industrial Economics,Issue10, 2010.
Ÿ Xinming Deng,Zhilong Tian.The New Research upon the Relationship between Organization and Environment Based on Institutional Perspective, Chinese Journal of Management,Issue12, 2010.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Guohua Liu.The Integration of Nonmarket and Market Strategy and its Correlation with Resources.Journal of Business Economics,Issue13, 2010.
Ÿ Xinming Deng,Zhilong Tian.Study on Consumers’ Responses to Firm’s Ethical Behaviors in Chinese Context,China Soft Science,Issue2, 2011.
Ÿ Xinming Deng.Chinese Private Enterprises’ Political Connection, Diversification Strategy, and Corporate Performance,Nankai Business Review,Issue4, 2011.
Ÿ Xinming Deng.Consumers’ Ethical Purchasing Intention in Chinese Context: Based on TPB Perspective, Nankai Business Review,Issue3, 2012.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Deng Zhu.The firm’ s Integration Model of Market and Non-market Strategy and Its Performance Implications,Management Review,Issue2, 2013.
Ÿ Xinming Deng.Political Connection, Internationalization Strategy, and Firm Value: Evidence from the Panel Data of Chinese Private Listed Companies.Nankai Business Review,Issue1, 2014.
Ÿ Xinming Deng.Why Ethical Consumers Don’t Do What They Say: The Study on Factors Influencing Consumers’ Ethical Buying Intention-Behavior Gap.Acta Psychologica Sinica.Issue7, 2014.
Ÿ Deng, X., Ye, Z., Xu, Y., A Study on the Relationship between Firm Competitive Action and Its Performance: Based on the Comprehensive Perspectives of Market and Non-market.Nankai Business Review, 2015, 18(4):106-120.
Ÿ Deng, X., Long, X., Liu, Y., Ye, Z., Can Good Deeds Always Lead to Rewards? A Study on the Mechanism of Consumers’ Boycott to CSR. Nankai Business Review, 2017, 20(6): 129-139.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Taïeb Hafsi, Xinming Deng. Internationalization of the largest 500 Chinese firms: An exploratory research. 2007, Working paper in HEC Montreal, Canada. (ISSN 1711-6309).
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng. An Empirical Study on Corporate Political Strategy in Transitional China, the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China, 2007. (ISTP).
Ÿ Zhilong Tian, Xinming Deng. Exploring the determinants of corporate political strategy: the evidence from Chinese transition, 2007 Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Taïeb Hafsi, Zhilong Tian, Competitive Interaction of Market Action and Non-market Action: An Empirical Investigation, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, 2009.
Ÿ Xinming Deng, Zhilong Tian, Muhamd Abrar, An Exploratory Study on the Prediction of Firm’s Competitive Response, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
Ÿ Deng, X., How political ties influence firms’ internationalization growth and its performance implication,2017 Annual Meeting of Asia Academy of Management, Fukuoka, Japan.
Ÿ Deng, X., Long, X., Zhang, T., Ye, Z.,Will political connections be helpful for firm’s internationalization strategy—the evidence from China,2017 Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, Dubai,The United Arab Emirates.
Ÿ Hong Chen, Xinming Deng.International Business Marketing, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2010.
Ÿ Xinming Deng et al.Business Strategy Management,Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014.
Ÿ Xinming Deng. A Study on the Integration Pattern Between Market Strategy and Non-Market Strategy,Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2012.
Ÿ Xinming Deng. Chinese Consumers’ Ethical Purchasing Intention and Behavior,Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2018.
Ÿ Study on Patterns of Chinese Firm’sInternationalization(The main participant in the project), 2005.09-2006.05,Project focused by Government and Cooperated with Development Research Centre of the State Council andChina Association of Enterprises
Ÿ The firm’s Interactive Integration Model of Market and Non-market Strategy(The main participant in the project), 2005-2007,National Natural Science Foundation(70472058)
Ÿ Study on Basic Science of Chinese Management(The main participant in the project),2006.10—2007.09,Project launched by Development Research Centre of the State Council, Tsinghua University and China Association of Enterprises
Ÿ Research on Consumer Normative Rationality, Cause-Related Marketing and correlation between them(The main participants in the project), 2007-2009,National Natural Science Foundation(70672038)
Ÿ Research on Chinese Enterprises’ Political Connection and its Diversification Effect in Transformation Period: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis(Project Leader, Amount:¥6000), 2010-2011, SocialScience Project in Hubei province(2010[047)
Ÿ Research on Enterprise System Orientation Marketing and Consumer Response based on Consumers’ Ethical Consciousness(Project Leader; Amount:¥180000), 2010-2012,National Natural Science Foundation(70902053)
Ÿ Research on the Decision Mechanism of Enterprise Integration Strategy in Transformation Period(Project Leader; Amount:¥50000), 2010-2012,Independentscientificproject of Wuhan University(Natural Science)( 7082003)
Ÿ The Firm’s Competitive Interaction and Implications of Resource Base and Performance in Transformation Period(Project Leader, Amount:¥50000), 2010-2012,Humanities and Social SciencesProject provided by Education Department(09YJC630177)
Ÿ Research on Consumers’ Ethical Buying Intention-Behavior Gap in China(Project Leader, Amount:¥10000), 2013-2014, SocialScience Project in Hubei province(2012146)
Ÿ Research on FactorsInfluencing EducationalSatisfaction Degree ofBusiness Administration Undergraduates(Project Leader), 2013-2014, Established-Project of "Twelfth-five" Plan abouteducational science in Hubei province in 2012
Ÿ Research on Competitive Interaction of the Enterprise Market andNon-market behavior fromperspective ofmultimarket contact(Project Leader; Amount:¥20000), 2013-2014,Independentscientificproject of Wuhan University(Literature and Social Science)( 2012YB054)
Ÿ Research on Competitive Interaction of Domestic Enterprises and their Co-evolution with Institutional Environment based on Dynamic Competition: Comprehensive perspective of Market and Non-market(Project Leader; Amount: ¥540000), 2013-2016, National Natural Science Foundation(71272232)
Ÿ Research Grants fromNatural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “Competitor Analysis, Red Queen Effect, and Firm Performance: Inter-organization Competitive Attack-response and the Driving Mechanism of its Dynamic Evolution”, Grant No. 71572132, 2016-2019, Award RMB 600, 000.
Ÿ Research Grants from The Young Scholars’ Academic Development Program of Wuhan University’s Humanities and Social Sciences,“A Research on Chinese Firm’s Strategic Choices”, Grant No.Whu 2016011, 2016-2019, Award RMB 300, 000.
Ÿ Research Grants from Social Science of the HumanitiesProgram of MOE, P.R.C., “Consumers’ Ethical Buying Intention and Behaviors in Chinese Context”, Grant No. 16JHQ030, 2016-2018, Award RMB 100, 000.
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ The Research of the Situation of Chinese OutboundTourism(participant), 2005.06-2005.08, Tourist Administration ofNew Zealand(cooperated withUniversity of Otago)
Ÿ FirstPrize of Excellent Thesis, Annual Meeting of MarketingManagement of Hubei Province, 2010
Ÿ FirstPrize in YoungTeachers’ Teaching Competition, Economic and Management School of Wuhan University, 2010
Ÿ Excellent ThesisFirstPrize, Annual Meeting of MarketingManagement of Hubei Province, 2012
Ÿ Second Prize in YoungTeachers’ Teaching Competition, Economic and Management School ofWuhan University, 2012
Ÿ “Young Scholar ofLuojia”, Wuhan University, 2013