| Zhuo Siqing
Associate Professor
Department of Management Science and Engineering
Email: zhuosiqing88@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753091
PhD, Engineering, Wuhan University, China(1999 - 2007)
MSc, Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, China(1985 - 1988)
B.A., Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, China(1981 -1985)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses :TheLaws andRegulations ofConstructionProject(undergraduate course;36 class hours);Introduction toWaterConservancy andElectricPowerEngineering(Undergraduate course;36 class hours); Construction Project Laws and Regulations(postgraduate course;54 class hours)
Ÿ Research Areas :ProjectManagement;Investment andFinancing; EnergyConservation byManagement
Ÿ Associate Professor ofDepartment ofManagementScience and Engineering,Wuhan University, August2000 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Department of Management Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering,December 1998 –July 2000
Ÿ Lecturerof Department of Management Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering,December 1993– November 1998
Ÿ Assistantof Department of Management Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, July 1990– November 1993
Ÿ Vice Minister of the Department of Social Sciences,Wuhan University, 2003 - 2005
Ÿ Deputy County Magistrate of Zhushan, Shiyan Hubei Province,2000 -2003
Ÿ TheAssistantEngineer of the Energy Department,Wuhan Iron and Steel Company, 1988 - 1990
Ÿ Business negotiation training, the World Bank, 2001
Journal Papers (International)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Wang Bo, Qiao Lu, March 2018.“Analysis of the Intention of Mobile e-Commerce Users to Continue Using Based on SEM”, Statistics & Decision.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Zhang Jianyuan, Zhao Guiyu, January 2017. “IPO Timing Factors Based on Chinese Stock Market”, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Wang Bo, Qiao Lu, January 2017.“A Study on the Impact of International Oil Price Volatility on The Real Effective Exchange Rate of Russia”, Price: Theory & Practice.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Feng Yongzhou, Wang Bo,July 2016. “The Evolution Mechanism and Governance of Environmental Group Events in the New Media Age”, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Li Kun, February 2016.“The Research on China's Energy-Saving Pre-Warning Mechanism Based on Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis”, Ecological Economy.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Li Kun, December 2015.“Research on China's Provincial Energy Efficiency and Energy- saving Early Warning”, Resource Development & Market.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Feng Yongzhou, Issue 4, 2015.“Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Helpfulness Determinants”, Modern Information..
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Feng Yongzhou, Issue 5, 2018.“Research on the Legality of Cushion Capital Contract for Construction Projects”, Modern Information..
Ÿ Liao Si andZhuo Siqing,June2008.“Research of the Legitimacy of Construction Contracting with Fund”, ChinaForeign.
Ÿ Yang Guolu and Zhuo Siqing, September 2007.“ResearchonRock andSoilProperties andApplication ofExpanded South-to-North Water Transfer ProjectCanalSystem of HPZTFiber”, Yangtze River.
Ÿ Liu Qing and Zhuo Siqing,January 2006.“The Thinking Caused from Current Residential Rental Rate of China”, Technology Economics.
Cases and Practical Papers
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, “TheDiscussion on Owners refusing to Pay Fees because of the Bad Services of Property”, International Academic Conference ofPropertyManagement, Wuhan, Nov. 2008.
Ÿ Deng Zhonghua, Zhuo Siqing,“MobileApplicationDevelopment”,Science Press,2004.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Program Project of Ministry of Education: “Management Case Study on Project of World Bank Loan ”,¥50000, 2005, Ref. 05JA630039.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Teaching Reform Project of Wuhan University :“Exploration and Research of Management Science and Engineering Discipline Specialty Practice Teaching of Comprehensive Reform”,¥15000, 2005.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Technical Service Supplementary Agreement for Experimental Study(III) on Channel Model of Hubei Hanjiang Xinji Hydropower Station ”,¥250000, 2018, Ref:. to be determined.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Experimental Study on Downstream River of Hubei Hanjiang Xinji Hydropower Station Using Mathematical Model of Cutting Down”,¥600000, 2018, Ref:. to be determined.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Experimental study on Channel Model of Hubei Hanjiang Xinji Hydropower Station”,¥430000, 2017, Ref1201-250001473.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Experimental Study on Hydraulics and Hydroelastic Vibration of the Radial Gate of the Sluice Gate of Hubei Nianpanshan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project”,¥270000, 2017, Ref1201-250001465.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Technical Service Supplementary Agreement for Hydraulic Model Test (II) of Hubei Nianpanshan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project”,¥420000, 2017, Ref1201-250001327.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Hubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Hydraulic Model Test (II) of Hubei Nianpanshan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project --Model Test of Discharge Sluice”,¥300000, 2015, Ref1201-250001327.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing,Project ofWuhanEarthquakeEngineeringResearchInstituteCo., Ltd.: “DynamicAnalysis ofGeologicalDisastersCaused by theChange ofWaterLevel of the Danjiangkou Reservoir”,¥150000, 2013, Ref. 105231386.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofGuodian Changyuan LaodukouHydropower Co., Ltd.:“Improvement Study on Infrastructure of Lighting Protection of Transmission Line”,¥100000, 2011, Ref. 105239905.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofGuodian Guangrun Hydropower Development Co. Ltd.: “ExperimentResearch ofBrakeMixingProportion ofConcrete of theDam”,¥280000, 2010, Ref. 105239072.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofHubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “ExperimentalResearch onAggregateAlkaliActivity ofSouth to North Water Diversion Project ”,¥200000, 2009, Ref. 105237897.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofHubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “Detection ofAlkaliAggregate ActivityReaction inConcrete andExperimentalStudy onInhibiting of theProject ofSmallVortex Hydropower Station”,¥150000, 2008, Ref. 105235320.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofHubei Province Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute: “ExperimentalStudy onAggregateAlkaliActivity of theLongbeiwanHydropower Station”,¥180000, 2008, Ref. 105234932.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project of Water Resources Department ofHubei Province: “ThePreparation Work Research ofPilotProject of AlternativeFuelEcologicalProtection ofSmallHydropower ofHubei Province”,¥80000, 2005, Ref. 105232405.
Ÿ Zhuo Siqing, Project ofChangyuanBlockingRiverHydropowerCompany: “Research onReservoir SchedulingScheme ofChangyuanBlockingRiverHydropowerCompany ”,¥450000, 2005, Ref. 105234212.
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Certified Supervision Engineer, 2000