| Wang Xianjia
Department of Management Science and Engineering
Email: wangxj@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753080
Doctor Degree ,Water Resources Systems Engineering, Wuhan University, China(1989—1992)
B.A., Applied Mathematics, Wuhan University, China (1995-1999)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses:Operational Research;Multi-objective decision and evaluation;Systems science;Mathematical methods in economics and management;game theory and mechanism design;
Ÿ Research Areas : Game Theory;Mechanism design;Supply Chain and Operations Management;Water resources and Hydropower system Management;Remanufacturing and Environmental Management;
Ÿ Professor of Department of Management Science and Engineering, Wuhan University, March 2008 – present
Ÿ Teacher of Department of Hydrology and water resources, Wuhan University, August 1996 – March 2008
Ÿ Post-doctoral of Department of Hydrology and water resources, Wuhan University, August 1994 – July 1996
Ÿ Post-doctoral of System engineering institute, Huazhong University of Science &Technology, August 1992 – July 1994
Ÿ Assistant research fellow, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, The Chinese academy of sciences, Wuhan branch, February 1982 –August 1989
Have published more than 400 papers, of which there are more than 120 papers published in the past five years. Part of the paper published in the past five years are summarized below.
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Pan W, Yu L, Wang S Y, Wang X J. A fuzzy multi-objective model for provider selection in data communication services with different QoS levels [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 147: 689-696.
Ÿ QUAN Ji and WANG Xian-Jia.Some Analytical Properties of the Model for Stochastic Evolutionary Games in Finite Populations with Non-uniform Interaction Rate[J]. Commun. Theor. Phys. 60 (2013) 37–47
Ÿ Quan J, Yang S, Wang X. Learning algorithm and the cooperation behavior of continuous prisoner's dilemma game on complex networks[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2013, 10(10): 3031-3041.
Ÿ Pan W, Yu L, Wang S, Wang X. A fuzzy multi-objective model for provider selection in data communication services with different QoS levels [J]. 2013.
Ÿ Gong X, Hu Z, Wang X. A new kind of kernel function for P*(k) nonlinear complementarity problem[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013, 9(5): 1703-1710.
Ÿ Wang X J, Quan J, Liu W B. Evolution of Cooperation in Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma Games on Barabasi-Albert Networks with Degree-Dependent Guilt Mechanism[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2012, 57(5):897-903.(SCI)
Ÿ Pan W, Wang X J, Zhong Y G,. A fuzzy multi-objective model for capacity allocation and pricing policy of provider in data communication service with different QoS levels [J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2012, 43(6): 1054-1063. (SCI)
Ÿ Wang, Xianjia,Chin, Kwai-Sang,Yin, Hong. Design of optimal double auction mechanism with multi-objectives Expert Systems with Applications,2011,38(11):13749-13756(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Zhang Yi Application of PPC model based on RAGA in bidding evaluation of engineering construction project,Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 2011, 3(10)(EI)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia,Xu, Nan. A kind of radio internet wireless routing protocol based on ground position,J. Comput. Inf. Syst.2011,7(6):2021-2027(EI)
Ÿ Quan Ji,Wang Xian-Jia. Evolutionary games in a generalized Moran process with arbitrary selection strength and mutation,Chin. Phys. B . 2011,20(3)(SCI)
Ÿ Quan Ji,Wang Xian-Jia .Evolutionary Game Dynamics in a Fitness-Dependent Wright–Fisher Process with Noise,Commun. Theor. Phys. 2011,56 (3) :404–410(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ Pan Wei,Wang Xianjia,Zhong, Yong-Guang,Ran, Lun. An integrated multi-objective decision model under considering stochastic demand, price breaks and disruption risk for order allocation in a multiple-supplier environment,Advanced Materials Research,2011,204:387-390(EI)
Ÿ Yalin Chen, Kwai-Sang Chin, X.J. Wang. Internal pricing strategies design and simulation in virtual enterprise formation,Expert Systems with Applications,2011,38(11):13580-13587(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ Xu, Nan,Wang, Xianjia. Three Gorges-Gezhouba cascade reservoirs multi-objective optimization decision support system overal design and implementation,Materials Engineering for Advanced Technologies,2011,480-481:795-799(EI)
Ÿ Dong Qianjin, Ai Xueshan, Wang Xianjia, et al. Study on risk assessment of water security of drought periods based on entropy weight methods , Kybernetes,2010,39( 6): 864-870(SCI)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Xu Nan, Huang BinBin. Invalidity Analysis of Eco-compensation Projects Based on Two-Stage Game , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2010,6146: 492-498(EI)
Ÿ Pan, Wei,Wang, Xianjia; Zhang, Jinlong; Yu, Lean; Hua, Guowei; Li, Jianbin Optimal pricing with different QoS levels in web service network. Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2010v 7, n 4, p 909-914(EI)
Ÿ Pan, Wei; Wang, Xianjia; Zhang, Jinlong; Yu, Lean; Hua, Guowei; Li, Jianbin.Price competition for data communication service with heterogeneous QoS requirements in free market.Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2010,v 7, n 5, p 1039-1044 (EI)
Ÿ Wang XJ, Liu WB. Preference and evolution in the iterated prisoner's dilemma. Acta Mathematica Scientia,2009, 29(2): 456-464(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ Wang GM, Wang XJ, Wan ZP . A fuzzy interactive decision making algorithm for bi-level multi-followers programming with partialshared variables among followers. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36(7): 10471-10474(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ You Wenxia, Wang Xianjia. Design, analysis and simulation of an optimal wage contract in firms.Kybernetes,2009,38(10) :1778-1786(SSCI,SCI)
Ÿ Peisheng Yan Xinajia Wang. The mechanism design of traffic BOT project Auction. 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.. IEEE Computer Society,2009.(EI)
Ÿ Jian Tan and Xianjia Wang. Enterprise Cluster Knowledge Disseminate in Small-World Network. LNCS 5552, pp. 702–708, 2009. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (EI)
Ÿ Binbin Huang Xianjia Wang .The optimal control model of reservoir pollution and solving with maximum principle. WCGO, 2009. (EI)
Ÿ Liu Weibing, Wang Xianjia, and Huang Binbin. Evolutionary Markov Games Based on Neural Network. LNCS 5553, pp. 109–115, 2009,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009(EI)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Yang Sen. Research on quantity discount in sequential combinatorial auctions with stochastically equivalent complementary objects [J] . Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2014, 34 (5): 1996-1999.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Yang Sen. Research on quantity discount in sequential auctions based on bi-level programming [J]. Systems Engineering-Theory&Practice.2014, 34 (4):878-881.
Ÿ Tan Jian, Wang Xianjia. Research on Duopoly Price and Advertising Game [J].Industrial Engineering Journal. 2013, 16 (4):15-17.
Ÿ Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia. Second price auction for electrical procurement considering carbon emission in power generation market [J] 2013, 33 (8):1984-1991.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Wang Lei.Applications of TOPSIS improved based on Mahalanobis distance insupplier selection[J].Control and Decision. 2012: 1566-1569.
Ÿ Gong Yicheng, Wang Xianjia. An evolutionary game model and evolution path on the change of the university-enterprise praxis alliance’s pattern [J] .Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2012, 32(9): 31-33.
Ÿ Dong Qianjin, Wang Xianjia. Risk analysis and viewing-controlling of water security during drought period [J].Systems Engineering-Theory&Practice.2012, 32(4):31-33.
Ÿ Gong Xiaoyu, Hu Zhenpeng, Wang Xianjia. A Large-Update Predictor-Correcting Algorithm for Liner Complementarity Problem [J]. Mathematic in Practice and Theory.2012, 42(7):226-229.
Ÿ Zhang Yi, Wang Xianjia.Tender evaluation method for engineering projects based on the method of G1and modified DEA [J].Science Research Management.2012, 33(3):136-139.
Ÿ Zhou Lexin, Wang Xianjia,Lv Fan.Procurement of Cold-Chain Logistics Based on the First-Score Sealed Bidding [J].Journal of Industrial Engineering /Engineering Management.2012, 1:78-81.
Ÿ Huang Binbin, Wang Xianjia. Optimal Compensation Mechanism Design of Non-point Source Pollution [J] Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science) .2012, 40(1):154-157.
Ÿ Huang Binbin,Wang Xianjia.The two-stage dynamic game of subject and object in ecological compensation under incomplete information [J].Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice. 2011, 31(12): 2420-2423.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Zhang Yi. Non-uniform grey relational method based on AHP and DEA [J]. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice. 2011, 31(7):1222-1229.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Quan Ji. Study on evolutionary games and cooperation mechanism within the framework of bounded rationality [J]. Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice. 2011, 31(1):82-91.
Ÿ Zhou Lexin, Wang Xianjia. The bidding mechanism of dedicated capital investment and operations in regional logistics center [J].Systems Engineering – Theory & Practice. 2011, 31(8):1430-1439.
Ÿ Gong Xiaoyu, Hu ZhengPeng, Wang Xianjia. A new predictor large-update interior - point algorithm for nonmonotone linear complementarity problems [J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China. 2011, 41(12):1075-1079.
Ÿ Yang Chunhua, Wang Xianjia.Mid-long term optimized operation of cascade hydropower stations based on generation right trade [J].Engineering Journal of Wuhan University. 2010, 43(1):72-76.
Ÿ Gong Xiaoyu, Hu Zhenpeng, Wang Xianjia. A New Class of Polynomial Interior-Point Algorithm for P(K) Linear Complementarity Problems [J].Mathematic in Practice and Theory.2011, 41(3):192-201.
Ÿ Zhang Yi, Wang Xianjia. Efficiency evaluation on sustainable development of Hubei province [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy.2011, 28 (17):134-137.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Chen Wenlei. Equilibrium analysis for affiliated effort contests model [J]. Systems Engineering-Theory &Practice. 2010, 30(3):501-505.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Chen Wenlei. Information Architecture and Its Impact on the Equilibrium for ALL Pay Aution Model [J]. Acta Mathematic Scientia. 2010, 30A (5):1276-1282.
Ÿ Ding Haixin, Wang Xianjia.Comparative and simulative analyses of voltage regulation mechanism by high and low voltage shunt reactors [J].Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2010, 30 (2):63-66.
Ÿ Xiao Haiyan, Wang Xianjia.A Study of Trip Model Choice Behavior of Traveler Based on the Evolutionary Game under the Participation of Government [J].Journal of Industrial Engineering / Engineering Management. 2010, 24(2):115-117.
International collaborative grants
Ÿ Tan J, Wang X. Closed loop supply chain price and advertising coordination decision[C]. 2013 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2013, May 25, 2013 - May 27, 2013, 2013, 3570-3575.
Ÿ Wang J, Zhang T, Wang X. Research on paying rules and distributions of generation companies under different trading rules[C]. 2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networks, GCN 2012, December 12, 2012 - December 14, 2012, 575-582.
Ÿ Wang, Yajuan.Wang, Xianjia. Novel Double Auction Mechanism Based Resource Allocation in the Grid.ICMECG: 2009 International conference on management of e-commerce and e-government, proceedingsct 3rd Inte rnational Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government CY SEP 16-19, 2009,IEEE Computer Society(EI)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia; Huang Yuan. The Bilevel Programming Model of Earthwork Allocation System. 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Cutting-edge research topics on multiple criteria decision making, proceedings, 35: 275-281 2009 (EI)
Ÿ Binbin Huang Xianjia Wang. An evolutional Game analysis model of the conflict of river Basin water resources utililization. Proceedings 0f Second International conference on modeling and simulation. Vol 1. 258-261, 2009 England UK. (EI)
Ÿ ZHOU Le-xin1,WANG xian-jia .Logistics trading model design based on first-score multi-attribute auction-----simulation from market of fresh agricultural products.The First world congress on global optimization in engineering & science(WCGo-2009),2009.6.5(EI)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia Huang Binbin. The optimal control model of regional pollution reduction and solution method, 2009 International conference on Energy and Environment Tech. IEEE computer So ciety ISBN978-0-7695-3819-8(EI)
Ÿ Gong YiChen, Wang Xianjia, Li ShouGui.A Feasible Mechanism of Coalition between University and Enterprise in CSR Perspective, International Conference on Application of Mathematics and Physics (AMP2010), MAY 08-09, 2010 Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA(EI)
Ÿ Nan Xu,Xianjia Wang. An Information Fusion Method Based on Game Theory,2010 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS),2010 IEEE (EI)
Ÿ Wang, Lei, Wang, Xian-Jia .Logistics service transaction mechanism design based on multi-attribute reverse auction, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, CCC'10, p 5584-5589, 2010, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, CCC'10(EI)
Ÿ Yi Zhang,Xian-jia Wang.Tender Evaluation Method for Engineering Projects Based on Modified DEA and Fuzzy Theory,2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010),2010 IEEE(EI)
Ÿ Huang, Binbin,Wang, Xian-Jia. The optimal control model of valley pollution and solving method,2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 – Proceedings(EI)
Ÿ Yang, Sen,Wang, Xianjia,Jiao, Jian. First-price auctions with risk-averse bidders,International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2011,(EI)
Ÿ Gong, Yicheng,Li, Shougui,Wang, Xianjia. Research on steel industry's capacity competitiveness,2011 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2011. (EI)
Ÿ Zhang, Yi,Wang, Xian-Jia. Study on tender evaluation method for engineering projects based on integration of DEA and fuzzy comprehensive judgment. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 – Proceedings(EI)
Ÿ Gong X, Hu Z, Wang X. Complexity of full-newton step algorithm for linear complementarity problem[C]. 2012 International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics, ICCI 2012, September 21, 2012 - September 23, 2012, 1255-1263.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Feng Shangyou. 1995 .《two - level system optimization theory》.Science Press
Ÿ Hu Zhenpeng, Wang Xianjia. 2003 .《Property rights allocation and management of water resources》. Science Press
Ÿ Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia. 2010.《Power companies bidding strategy research under the power market》. Science Press
Ÿ Feng Shangyou. 2000 .《An introduction to the sustainable utilization and management of water resources》Science Press (Finished the author 's posthumous by Wang Xianjia)
Government-funded grants
Ÿ The cooperative mechanisms and cooperative models of multi-person and multi-objective cooperative game and bargaining and negotiation, CNY2,430,000, 2013.1-2017.12, Ref. 71231007
Ÿ Multi-objective auction mechanism of heterogeneous items under asymmetric information, CNY 270,000, 2011.1-2013.2, Ref. 7107111
Ÿ Evolution and cooperation mechanisms of intelligent agents with bounded rationality based on particle swarm optimization and quasi birth and death process in Evolutionary game theory, CNY 250,000, 2006.1-2008.12, Ref. 60574071
Ÿ Multi-person and multi-objective game model and trading rules with incomplete information in power market, CNY 240,000, 2006.1-2008.12, Ref. 60574071
Ÿ Multi-objective negotiation mechanism design based on reasoning with uncertain evidence and decision rule, CNY 120,000, 1999.1-2001.12, Ref. 69874029
Ÿ Multi-objective negotiation theory and applied research under complete and incomplete information, CNY 55,000, 1994.1-1996.12, Ref. 69304005
Ÿ Research on water resource security and sustainable utilization mode of Manasi River Valley, CNY 300,000, 2002-2004, Ref. 2002BA901A37
Ÿ Marketization management mode of water resource, CNY 200,000, 2003-2005
Ÿ The basic principle and modeling method of sustainable utilization of water resources, CNY 60,000, 1997.1-1999.12, Ref. 96049307
Corporate-funded grants
Ÿ Three Gorges Project Corporation, Mathematical model of multi-objective optimization and intelligent algorithm considering hydrological and ecological risk and cascade compensation in cascade dispatching of the Three Gorges-Gezhouba Dam, CNY 500,000, 2009.12-2012.12.
Ÿ Guangdong Hydropower Bureau two, The earthwork allocation planning and simulation of Shawan Hydropower Station, CNY 50,000, 2007.12-2009.12
Ÿ The Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission, Water rights management scheme of The typical river basin, CNY 200,000, 2013.3-2014.12
International collaborative grants
Ÿ Development of a Double Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Multi-item Goods, (2008SRG077), City University of Hong Kong, 2009.3-2011.12,HK$166,148.
Ÿ City Environmental Management and ecological city planning (Wuhan City as object), Toyo University, Japan, JPY3,300,000, 2006.07-2007.05
Ÿ Information management andutilization method of city garbage distribution, National Institute of environment in Japan, JPY 3,000,000, 2008.1-2009.6
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, achieved K. C. Wong Fellowship, The Royal Society of United Kingdom, awarded by The Royal Society of United Kingdom in 1999.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, approved as Outstanding Contribution Expert of Hubei Province in 1997.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, enjoy the State Council special allowance, approved in 2000.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, selected to be Science and Technology Elite of Hubei Province in 2004.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, selected to be academic leader who makes outstanding contributions to Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric in 1999.
Ÿ Feng Shangyou, Wang Xianjia, Hu Zhenpeng, Wang Qiuting, Multi-object Decision Theory and Method of Hierarchical System and Water Resources Systems Engineering. The second prize of Science and Technology Development Awarded by National Educational Committee in 1996.( The first mentor)
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Zhu Shijing, Chen Ting, Feng Shangyou, Kuang Xiaoxin. The Theory and Method of Two Level System Decision Making and Multi-player Multi-object Conflict Decision Making. The third prize of Hubei Provincial rewards of natural science in 2002.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Feng Shangyou, Chen Wangting, Guan Honglin, Wang Qingting. Two-layer System and Multi-object Decision Making Theory and its Application. The third prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award issued by Ministry of Water Resources in 1996.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Kuang Xiaoxin. The consistence of the Statistical evidence inference between Separated samples and Compound samples. The third prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award issued by the National Bureau of Statistics in 1998
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Won Dong Fureng Prize in Economic Sciences (regardless of grade, bonus of 5000 yuan), awarded by Dong Fureng Fondation in 2000.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Feng Shangyou. Optimal Conditions for Nondifferentiable Two-layer Convex Programming. The first prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 1994.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Wang Qiuting, Feng Shangyou. Existence and control nature of valid point on Dimensional non-convex Λ of Multi-object decision making. The first prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 1996.
Ÿ Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia. A DSS for Management on the Jointly discharge of overtopped conferam. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 2004.
Ÿ Liu kun, Wang Xianjia. Optimal Contract Design between Network Corporation and Regulating Power Station in Region Electricity Market. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 2004.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Li Xiangjiao. The Cooperative Game Model for Electricity Transaction in Interconnected Power Network. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 2002.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Fan Wentao. Research on Algorithm of the Maximum Flood Discharge of Dujiangyan Canal System. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 1985.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Guan Honglin. Two-level Dynamic Programming on Optimal Planning of Irrigation Systems. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 1996.
Ÿ Wang Xianjia, Feng Shangyou. A Bargaining Model of the Time-of-use Electricity Pricing Based on the Time-of-Unchanged Electricity Pricing. The second prize of Excellent thesis of Natural Science, awarded jointly by science council, the personnel department and Association for science and technology of Hubei Province in 1996.
Ÿ Yin Hong, Outstanding doctoral dissertation in Hubei province (Advisor: Wang Xianjia)
Ÿ Li Xiangjiao, Outstanding master's degree thesis in Hubei Province ( Advisor: Wang Xianjia)
Ÿ Deputy editor of《Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice》
Ÿ Editorial executive board member of《Advances in Systems Science and Application》
Ÿ Editorial executive board member of《Acta Mathematica Scientia》
Ÿ Editorial board member of《Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin》
Ÿ Editorial board member of《Water Resources and Power》
Ÿ Executive deputy editor of《Luojia Management Review》(2009.5-2013.6)
Ÿ Vice-President & director of the academic committee of Systems Engineering Society of China
Ÿ Executive director oftheSociety of Management Science and Engineering of China
Ÿ Member of Hubei Provincial Association for science and technology
Ÿ President and the honorary president of Hubei Provincial Association for Youth Science and technology workers
Ÿ Vice -President & director of Academic Committee of Systems Engineering Society of Hubei Province
Ÿ Deputy director of professional committee of Water conservancy and Hydropower System Engineering of Systems Engineering Society of Hubei Province
Ÿ Deputy director of professional committee of Social and Economic System Engineering of Systems Engineering Society of Hubei Province
Ÿ Vice-President & secretary-general and Director of Academic Committee of the first (second , third) Wuhan Institute of system engineering
Ÿ Executive director of International Association for General System Research China (Mainland) Chapter
Ÿ Executive director of Quantitative Economics Institute of Hubei Province
Ÿ Repeatedly invited to report in the international and domestic conferences