| Fang Debin
Professor,National Distinguished Young Scholar, Luojia Distinguished Professor
Associate Dean of Economics and Management School
Department of Management science and Engineering
Email: dbfang@whu.edu.com
Phone : +86-27-68753169
PhD, Systems Engineering, Wuhan University, China (2001-2004)
M.S, Systems Engineering, Wuhan University, China (1998-2001)
B.A., Hydropower engineering, Wuhan University, China (1994-1998)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Applied Statistics (undergraduate, 54),Operational Research(master candidate, 54), game theory(Ph.D candidate, 36)
Ÿ Research Areas :Decision theory, Game theory, Energy economics and policy
Ÿ Professor of Management science and Engineering,Wuhan University,November 2013 – present
Ÿ Program director of Management Science Department, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mar 2013-Feb 2016
Ÿ Manchester Business School, Manchester University, Dec 2008-Dec 2009
Ÿ Associate Professor of Management science and Engineering, Wuhan University, Nov 2005 - Oct 2013
Ÿ Lecturer, Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, Jun 2004 -Oct 2005
Journal Papers (International)
Fang D, Zhang X, Yu Q, et al. A novel method for carbon dioxide emission forecasting based on improved Gaussian processes regression[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,173(2):143-150(SSCI、SCI,IF6.207)
Debin Fang,Baojun Gao. Discovering Research Topics from Library Electronic References Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation,Library Hi Tech,2018(SSCI,IF0.973)
Baojun Gao,Xiangge Li,Shan Liu,Debin Fang. How power distance affects online hotel ratings: The positive moderating roles of hotel chain and reviewers’ travel experience. Tourism Management,2018,65(4): 176-186(SSCI、SCI,IF6.048)
Chenglin Miao, Debin Fang*, Liyan Sun,Qiaoling Luo,Qian Yu,Driving Effect of Technology Innovation on Energy Utilization Efficiency in Strategic Emerging Industries,Journal of Cleaner Production,2018,170(1):1177—1184(SSCI、SCI,IF6.207)
Chenglin Miao,Debin Fang, Liyan Sun, Qiaoling Luo*,Naturalresourcesutilizationefficiency under the influence of green technological innovation,Resources, Conservation & Recycling,2017,125(11):153-161 (SSCI、SCI,IF4.141)
Hui Hu,Nan Xie,Debin Fang, Xiaoling Zhang.The role of renewable energy consumption and commercial services trade in carbon dioxide reduction: Evidence from 25 developing countries,Applied Energy,2018,211,1229-1244(SSCI、SCI,IF7.500)
Tianqun Xu, Ping Gao,Qian Yu,Debin Fang. Animprovedeco-efficiencyanalysisframeworkbased onslacks-basedmeasuremethod, Sustainability 2017, 9(6), 952:1-21(SSCI、SCI,IF1.789)
Qian Yu,Debin Fang*,Xiaoling Zhang,Chen Jin,Qiyu Ren. Stochastic Evolution Dynamic of Rock–Scissors–Paper Game Based on Quasi Birth and Death Process,Nature旗下期刊Scientific Reports,2016,28585:1-9 (SCI,IF4.847)
Yue Zheng, Debin Fang,Zhongping Wan. A solution approach to the weak linear bilevel programming problems, Optimization:A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research,2016,65(7): 1437-1449, (SCI,IF0.943)
Fan Liu,Wen-Lei Chen,Debin Fang *. Optimal coordination strategy of dynamic supply chain based on cooperative stochastic differential game model under uncertain conditions,Applied Soft Computing,2017,56:669-683 (SCI,IF3.811)
Yaosheng Liang,Zhongping Wan,Debin Fang. An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2017,8(3):739-754(SCI,IF1.699)
HUANG Chan,FANG Debin, WAN Zhongping. An Interactive Intuitionistic Fuzzy Method for Multilevel Linear Programming Problems,Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2015,20(2):113-119
Qian Yu,Debin Fang*,Wei Du. Solving the logit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem with elastic demand based on the extended traffic network model, European Journal of Operational Research,2014,239:112-118(SSCI、SCI,IF3.582)
Debin Fang*, Jingfang Wu, Dawei Tang. A double auction model for competitive generators and large consumers considering power transmission cost,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2012,43:880-888(SSCI、SCI,IF3.474)
Debin Fang, Qian Yu. An Improved Predictor-Corrector Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems with O(root nL)-Iteration Complexity, Journal of Applied Mathematics,2011, 1-12(SCI,IF0.656)
Fang Debin,Wang Xianjia.Power Coal Transportation and Storage in China:A Programming Analysis of Road and Rail Options.Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2011,16(6):469-474
Fang Debin,Wang Xianjia.Pricing decision support system for generation companies in electricity market.Engineering Sciences,2005,3(1):69-73 (EI COMPENDEX)
Hu Zhigen,Fang Debin.A Fuzzy Interpretive Structure Model For The Layout of Large Scale Construction.Association for the advancement of Modeling & Simulation techniques in Enterprises,2002,45(3):27-38 (EI COMPENDEX)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Debin Fang, Jin Li, Qian Yu. Influencing Mechanism of Energy Consumption in Hubei Province, Resource Development & Market,2017,33(8):974-979
Debin Fang, Shanshan Shi, Jianpeng Yang.Research on China’s Energy Demand Forcasting and Prewarning Under the New Normal,Resource Development & Market 2017,33(1):8-13+26
Fang Debin, Dong Wei, Yu Qian, 2016. “Optimization of China’s Energy Consumption Structure under Trend of Low-carbon Transition”, Technology Economics, 35, 7, pp. 71-79+128.
Fang Debin, Dong Bo, 2015. “Prediction of China’s Carbon Emission Trend During Thirteenth Five-year Development Planning Based on GPR Model”, Technology Economics, 34, 6, pp.106-113.
Wu Gang, Fang Debin, Yang Liexun, 2014. “Review on climate change and low carbon development” , Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of China,28(4):251-256.
Fang Debin, Liu Wen, 2011. “Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Engineering Project Auction Risk”, Wuhan University Journal of Humanity & Social Sciences, 64, 3, pp. 56-62.
Fang Debin, Zhang Zhe, 2010. “The systematic research on operational period risk of tunnel based on Interpretative Structure Modeling”, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 32, 2, pp. 164-168.
Fang Debin, Yin Yongfei, 2010. “Research on Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Cultivating Innovative Capacity for undergraduates in Engineering Management Field”, Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology, 12, 3, pp. 135-140.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, 2008. “Object Analysis of Government Regulation in Electricity Market of Incomplete Information”, Electric Power Automation Equipment , 28, 5.
Fang Debin, Wang Rongfu, 2008. “Study on the government incentive regulation mechanism in generation market”, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 30, 1, pp. 161-164.
Fang Debin, Liu Wenting. 2008. “Study on methods to describe and measure asymmetrical information in regulation of electricity market”, Statistics and Decision, 10, pp. 127-129.
Fang Debin, Liu Wenting. 2008. “Study on Application of Queuing Theory in Service System”, luo Jia Management Review, 10, pp. 35-38.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, 2005.“Pricing decision support system for generation companies in electricity market”.Engineering Sciences, 3, 1, pp. 69-73.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia. 2005. “A double auction model for transaction between generation company and large customer in electricity market”, Power System Technology, 29, 6, pp. 32-36.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, 2003. “A Double Auction Bayesian Model With Supplier And Demander In Open Bilateral Electricity Market”, Power System Technology, 27, 12, pp. 1-6.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “Intelligent Bidding Decision Support For Generating Companies Under Electricity Market”, Power System Technology, 27, 11, pp. 38-42.
Hu Zhigen, Fang Debin, 2002.“A Fuzzy Interpretive Structure Model For The Layout of Large Scale Construction”, Association for the advancement of Modeling & Simulation techniques in Enterprises, 45, 3, pp. 27-38.
Fang Debin, Hu Zhigen, Wang Xianjia. 2002.“Model and Computational Method for Joint Discharge of Overtopped Cofferdam during Construction”, Hydroelectric Energy, 20, 4, pp. 37-40.
Fang Debin, Hu Zhigen, Wang Xianjia, 2003.“A DSS for Management on the Jointly Discharging of Overtopped Cofferdam”, Engineering Science, 5, 1, pp.62-69.
Fang Debin, Hu Zhigen, Huo Changhai, 2000. “Study on Standard Risk Decision Model of River Closure”, Science & Technology progress and policy, 17, 10, pp. 169-170.
Zheng Houqing, Fang Debin, 2007. “Interconnection electricity prices of peak regulation and frequency regulation power plants in regional electricity markets”, East China Electric Power, 35, 2, pp. 12-14.
Zheng Houqing, Fang Debin, 2006. “The Incentive Mechanism Design between Regional and Provincial Electric Power Companies”, Industrial Engineering and Management, 3, pp. 55-61.
Fang Qiang, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin. 2007. “The Optimal Control Model of Reservoir Operations and Solving With Maximum Principle”, Engineering Science, 9, 4, pp. 55-60.
Han Dong, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin, 2006. “Study on Regulation Strategies of Transmission and Distribution Markets under Asymmetric Information”, Power System Technology, 30, 20, pp. 77-82.
Wang Xianjia, Han Dong, Yin Hong, Fang Debin, 2006. “Mechanism Design for Franchise Bidding in Regional District Distribution Service”, Proceedings of the CSEE, 26, 20, pp. 39-44.
Liu Kun, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin, Zhu Zhongyun, Liang Jin, Zhang Bo, 2003. “Optimal contract design between network corporation and regulating power station in region electricity market”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, 27, 10, pp. 27-30.
Conference Papers (International)
Debin Fang, Jingfang Wu, “Optimal Pricing Mechanism for competitive Generators and Large Consumers Considering Power Transmission Cost”, APPEEC, 2010.
Debin Fang, Ming Zhang, “Transportation and Storage Problems for Regional Power Coal Allocation planning of China”, ICACC, 2010.
Fang Debin, Zhang Pengfei, “Research on Fuzzy Overall Evaluation of Logistics Enterprises Based on DEA with Preference”, The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “The extensive game model of electric power transaction between generator and large customer”, 9th IEEE international conference on Control, Automation, Robotics, Vision, 2006.
Debin Fang, “Research on distribution mechanism to improve cooperation in P2P systems”.International Conference on Computer Science & Education, 2006.
Debin Fang, Xianjia Wang, “Game Analysis on Government Regulation for Transmission and Distribution Company in electricity market”, 2006 International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2006.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “Game analysis for large customer direct purchase electricity under open electricity market”, The Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2005.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “Bayesian Nash equilibrium bidding strategies for generation companies”.The 2nd International IEEE conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2004.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “Research On Bayesian game model with incomplete information of generator’s price bidding”, Proceeding of 2005 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2005.
Fang Debin, Wang Xianjia, “A DSS for management on the jointly discharge of overtopped cofferdam”.Proceedings of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2002.
Wang Ping, Fang Debin, “Intelligent bid decision support system for generation companies”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2003.
Wang Xian-Jia, Fang De-Bin., “ON bidding strategy of Divisible Object Auction”, The fourth international conference of system science and system engineering, 2003.
Yin Hong, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin, “A novel double auction mechanism for electronic commerce: Theory and implementation”. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2004.
Ye Chun, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin. “Industrial organization evolution and strategy transformation of electric supply chain”. The Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2005.
Ye Chun, Wang Xianjia, Fang Debin. “Research on Supply Chain Model based on Industrial Organization”. The Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2005.
l Debin Fang, Xianjia Wang, 2010, Research on generation company’s pricing strategy in electricity market. Beijing: Science Press.
l Debin Fang, Xianjia Wang, 2017, Electric Power Market and Government Regulation, Beijing: Science Press.
l National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, electric power market and policy Modelling,¥2450000,
l National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Incentive Regulation Mechanism of Asymmetric Information Power Market:,¥500000, 2017-2020, Ref. 71673210
l National Natural Science Foundation of China: Utilization Mechanism in Water Resource System of Lancang River,¥750000, 2017-2019, Ref. 91647119
l National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Combination of Bidding Strategy of Cascade Hydropower Station Group Based on the Auction Theory,¥250000,2012-2014, Ref. 71103135
l National Social Science Youth Fundation:The Design of Government Regulation and Incentive Constraint Mechanism inElectricity Market Reform , ¥60000, 2006-2008, Ref.05CJY019
l National Natural Science Foundation of China:Cooperation mechanism and cooperation mode of complex uncertainty multi-agernt and multi-objective cooperative game and negotiating.¥2430000,2013-2017, Ref. 71231007
l Bidding project of National Energy Bureau: Analysis of the Trend of Total Energy Demand and the Structure in the 13th Five-Year,¥100000, 2013
l National Science Technology and Academic Publication Fundation: Research on Government Supervision Mechanism in Electricity Market Reform,¥26000, 2012-2013
l Starting Foundation for Returned Overseas Scholars, Ministry of Education: Research on Energy Development Strategy Based on Optimization of Supply/Demand System,¥20000, 2010-2011
l Natural Science Foundation of Hubei: Mathematical Model and Bidding Strategy of Combined Bidding for Cascade Hydropower Stations in Electricity Market,¥60000, 2008-2009, Ref. 2007ABA087
l Emerging cross-project of Independent Research Projects in Wuhan University: Research on Bidding Model of Power Generation Companies in Electricity Market, 2010-2012
l GEF / World Bank Assisted China Renewable Energy Scale-up Program (CRESP):RE Integrative Development Potential and Market Research in Jing-Jin-Ji Region,¥1400000,2016-2017
l Wuhan Land Trading Center: Transaction Model and Platform Construction Planning of Real Estate under Internet + in Wuhan,¥450000, 2016
l SinoHydro Renewable Energy Co.,LTD:Operation Efficiency Analysis and Management Countermeasures of Wind PowerPlant,¥450000,2013
l China Energy Research Society:Research on Several Major Problems in DevelopmentofChina Hydropower, ¥150000 2012-2013
l Hubei Energy Group Co., Ltd:Research on Management of Cascade Hydropower Enterprise under the Current Market,¥450000,2011-2012
l Gansu Electric Power Research Institute:Research onEnergy-Saving Evaluation System of Gansu Power Grid,¥100000, 2011-2012
l Gansu Electric Power Research Institute: Preliminary Study on the Evaluation System of Energy-Saving for the Whole Service Scope of Power Grid,¥150000, 2011-2012
l Gansu Electric Power Research Institute: Study on Auxiliary Price Compensation Mechanism of User-side Peak Shaving,¥80000, 2011-2012
l Gansu Electric Power Research Institute: Gansu Smart Grid Planning,¥100000, 2010-2010
l Gezhouba Group hydropower branch: Study on Post-Evaluation Theoretical Method for the Project of Siping Hydropower Station,¥150000, 2010-2010
l China Power Investment Co., Ltd: Strategic Choice and Operational Mechanism of Coal-Electricity Integration,¥180000, 2009-2010
l Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee Engineering Management Center: The Application of Quantitative Analysis Method in Evaluation of Water Conservancy and Schistosomiasis Engineering,¥150000, 2009-2010
l Shaanxi Electric Power Company: Research on the Relationship Between Electric Power Development and Economic Development and Users’ Carrying Capacity of Electricity Price in Shaanxi,¥250000, 2006-2007
l State Grid Corporation of China: Research on Mechanism of Electricity Price for Large Consumers Direct-purchasing, 2006-2006
l Central China Power Grid Company: Study on the Price Mechanism of Inter-provincial Transaction in Electricity Market, 2005-2005
l China General Institute of Hydropower and Water Resource Planning and Design: Case Study on the Post-Evaluation Theoretical Method of Hydropower Construction Project, 2007-2007
l NationalDistinguished Young Scholar (2017)
l Distinguished Professor of LuoJia, Wuhan University, Jan 2015 – present
l Awarded the honorary title of “A good tutor in my mind”(2017)
l Awarded the honorary title of "the eleventh Ten Outstanding Youth" of Wuhan University, 2015
l The third prize, The seventh outstanding achievements in scientific research of colleges and universities (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2015
l The third prize,the outstanding achievements of social science of Hubei province. 2014
l The third prize,the outstanding achievements of soft science research of the National Energy Administration. 2013
l Director,Systems Engineering Society of China
l Deputy secretary general & Executive director, Energy Economics and Management Branch of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics
l Deputy secretary general & Executive director, Water Resources Engineering Branch of Systems Engineering Society of China