| Dai Bin
(Associate Head), Department of Management Science and Engineering
Email: bin_dai@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753089
PhD in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong,China (2009—2012)
MSc in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong,China (2007—2009)
B.A. and B.E. Industrial Engineering Department, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2002—2007)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing (Program and credit hour) :Operations and supply chain management (undergraduate, 54), Purchasing and supply management (undergraduate, 36), Distribution center planning and management (undergraduate, 36)
Ÿ Research Areas :Supply chain management, Technical operation management,Pharmaceutical logistics,E-commerce logistics,Sharing economy
Ÿ Associate Head ofDepartment of Management Science and Engineering,Wuhan University,March 2018 – present
Ÿ Professor of Department of Management Science and Engineering, Wuhan University,March 2017 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Business Administration, Wuhan University, September 2012 -March 2016
Ÿ VisitingScholar of Business Administration, University of Macau,July 2013 –August2013
Ÿ VisitingScholar of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,December 2012 –January 2013
Ÿ How to find and solve problems, Wuhan Metro,2017
Ÿ Internet-based Logistics Optimization Strategy and Algorithm Based on Big Data,ZALL Group Corp. Ltd.,2016 -2017
Ÿ Warehousing and Distribution Management, Middle Power Management Training for Sichuan Provincial Electric Power Company, State Grid,2013
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ James B.DAI, Lei FAN and Neville K.S.LEE, Jianbin LI*,“Joint optimization of tracking capability and price in a supply chain with endogenous pricing”,International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, 2017, pp. 5465-5484.
Ÿ Jianbin Li, Xiaoshuai Fan, James B.Dai*,“Fairness of extra-gain guilty in performance of supply chain management”,Journal of System Science and Complexity, Vol.30, 2017, pp.866-882.
Ÿ Jianbin Li, Rihuan Huang, James B.Dai*,“Joint Optimization of Order Picking in the Online Retailer’s B2C Warehouse in China”,International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, 2017, pp. 447-461.
Ÿ James B.Dai, Q. Fu and Neville K.S.Lee,“Beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”,IIE Transactions, Vol. 45, 2013, pp. 477-493.
Ÿ James B.Dai, Q. Fu and Neville K.S.Lee,“Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”,Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 61, 2013, pp. 648-658.
Ÿ James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee,“Economic feasibility justification of flexible material handling systems: a case study in the apparel industry”,International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 136, 2012, pp. 28-36.
Ÿ James B. Dai, Neville K. S. Lee, and W. S. Cheung,“Performance analysis of flexible material handling systems for the apparel industry”,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technology, Vol. 44, 2009, pp.1219–1229.
Ÿ Xia Xie, James B.Dai*,“Sensor placement in the ultrasonic positioning system”,International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 31-39.
Ÿ Xia Xie, James B.Dai*,“Impact of ERP adoption on profitability in the logistics industry”,International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research,Vol. 3, 2016, pp. 35-40.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Dai Bin, Fan Lei, Tian Ying,“Managing Supply Disruption and Capacity Restoration When a Manufacture Sourcing from a Reliable and Multiple Unreliable Suppliers”,Management Journal, No. 12, pp.1826-1833, 2017
Ÿ Dai Bin, Wang Jingjing, Li Jianbin,“Resarch on Decisions of Sourcing and Market Pricing in a Responsible Supply Chain”,Management Journal, No. 8, pp.1236-1243, 2017
Ÿ Dai Bin, Pi Yingying, Li Jianbin,“Production cost information sharing strategies under various market competition”, System Engineering Theory and Practice, No. 6, pp.1452-1466, 2017
Ÿ Li Jianbin, Zhu Mengping, Dai Bin, “Optimal pricing and sales effort decisions in a dual-channel supply chain in case of bidirectional free riding”,System Engineering Theory and Practice, No. 12, pp.3046-3058, 2016
Ÿ Li Jianbin, Zhu Mengping, Dai Bin, “Research on Optimal Strategies in a Closed-loop Supply Chain under NYOP and Posted Price Mechanism”,Chinese Journal of Management Science,No. 10, pp. 105-115, 2016
Ÿ Dai Bin, Su Yangyang, Li Jianbin,“Linear insurance contracting and ordering strategies in a supply chain with product recall”,Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,Be employed for publication
Ÿ Li Jianbin, Zheng Yuting, Dai Bin,“Pharmacy e-commerce web space optimization strategy based on category management and demand exogenous models”,Be employed for publication
Ÿ Cai Xueyuan, Li Jianbin, Dai bin, Li Yun,“Based on online pricing strategies for multiple competing manufacturers and retailers”,Operations Research and Management Science,Be employed for publication
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ James B.Dai and Xinyu Li,“The effect of competition on tracking strategies in a supply chain with product recall”,2017,Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering(CSAMSE17), Guangzhou, China.
Ÿ Xia Xie, James B.Dai,“The Effect of Tax Rate on Pricing and Bundling Strategy”,2017,International Conference on Service Science and Service Management (ICSSSM17), Dalian, China.
Ÿ James B.Dai, Lei Fan, Neville K.S.Lee, Jianbin Li,“Joint Optimization of Tracking Capability and Pricing Strategies in a Supply Chain with Endogenous Pricing”,2017,POMS 28th Annual Conference, Finance and Supply Chain Management, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Ÿ Jianbin Li, Tai Zhou, James B.Dai, “Service Investment and Pricing Strategies of a Pharmaceutical Two-sided Market”,2017,POMS 28th Annual Conference, Healthcare Operation Management Session, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Ÿ Jianbin Li, Xueyuan Cai, James B.Dai, “E-tailer Competition in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Pricing Strategies and Formulary Design in China”, 2017,POMS 28th Annual Conference, Healthcare Operation Management Session, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Ÿ Jianbin Li, Xiaoshuai Fan, James B.Dai*,“ Fairness in performance of supply chain and contract design”, 2015, 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM 2015, July 28, 2015(EI).
Ÿ Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai, “Performance enhancement of the engineered particles for geoengineering”, 2011, INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Lifecycle Issues in Environmental Operations, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.
Ÿ James B,Dai and Neville Lee, “Effect of beacon orientation on beacon placement strategies in the ultrasonic positioning system”, 2011, INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference. Analytics Tools for Logistics II, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.
Ÿ Neville K.S.Lee and James B.Dai, “Design of solar radiation management by projecting man-made particles to counter global warming”, 2010, INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX, U.S.A.
Ÿ James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee, “Performance analysis on introducing intercity high-speed railway system”, 2010,INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Environmental Operations Track, Austin, TX, U.S.A.
Ÿ James B.Dai and Neville K.S.Lee, “Sensor placement for implementing ultrasonic sensor network”, 2009,INFORMS Annual Meeting Conference, Logistics/Warehousing Track, San Diego, U.S.A.
Ÿ Neville K. S. Lee, James B. Dai, “Chapter 11: Designing and Planning of Material Handling Systems for Mass Customization, Mass Customization – Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing”, Part III, 219-246, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84996-489-0_11, 2011.
Ÿ Dai Bin,“Research on Design of Elastic Material Handling System Based on Indoor Positioning Service”,Science Press, 2016
Ÿ Research on the Responsive Marketing Management and Decision of Big Data Driven Consumer Market,¥2400000, 2018-2022, Ref.91746206
Ÿ Research on Supply Chain Traceability and Pricing Strategy Based on Recall Cost Sharing and Supply Chain Competition,¥460000, 2017-2020,Ref.71671133
Ÿ Research on Positioning Sensor Layout Problem Under Uncertain Sensing Conditions,¥230000, 2014-2016, Ref.71301122
Ÿ Research on Design of Traceability of Supply Chain Based on Product Recall,¥30000, 2016-2017, Ref.2016ADC074
Ÿ Research on Positioning Sensor Robustness Layout Problem under Uncertain Sensing Conditions,¥40000, 2014-2015,Wuhan University Project
Ÿ Multi-objective optimization based positioning sensor layout problem,¥20000, 2016-2017,Wuhan University independent project
Ÿ Shayang County Rural Logistics Integration Development Plan(2015-2020),¥150000, 2015-2016
Ÿ 351 LuojiaYoung scholars,Wuhan University, 2017-2020
Ÿ School of Economics and Management The FirstLuojia Xiu Talent Plan,Wuhan University, 2016-2018
Ÿ Chutian scholar program, Hubei Province, 2013-2017
Ÿ Featured Article,Industrial Engineer Magazine, 2013
Ÿ Best Paper Prize,International Conference on Service Science and Service Management (ICSSSM17),2017
Ÿ The 14th Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences,Wuhan University, 2017
Ÿ Excellent teaching research paper second prize,Wuhan University, 2017
Ÿ Undergraduate Outstanding Teaching Performance Award,Wuhan University, 2017
Ÿ Excellent Bachelor Thesis Advisor,Wuhan University, 2017
Ÿ Excellent Paper First Prize,Chinese Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, 2016
Ÿ Excellent PaperThird Prize,Chinese Logistics Academic Annual Meeting, 2015
Ÿ Excellent Paper Prize,The 9th Chinese Management Annual Meeting, 2014
Ÿ International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Research,Associate Editor, 2014-present
Ÿ IJPE, EJOR, EJIE, Journal of Management Science,Management Journal etc,Anonymous reviewer
Ÿ Member of POMS
Ÿ POMS Annual Meeting,SectionChairman of Financial and Supply Chain Management, 2017
Ÿ Chinese Logistics Association,Distinguished research fellow