| Li Xun
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical Economics and Mathematical Finance
Email: li.xun@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68755339
PhD, Economics, University of Connecticut, USA (10-14)
MSc, Economics, China University of Political. Sci. and Law (08-10)
B.A., Economics & Mathematics, Wuhan University, China (04-08)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses: Advanced macroeconomics(undergraduate, 54); Dynamic programming(undergraduate, 54); Intermediate Econometrics(undergraduate, 54); Dynamic Optimization(undergraduate, 54); Economic Software Application(graduate, 36)
Ÿ Research Areas: Consumer Behavior; Industrial Organization; Health Economics
Ÿ Assistant professor of Economics, Wuhan University, September 2014-present
Journal Papers (International)
1. Grandparents’ Co-residence and Grandchildren’s Wight Outcome in China. With Qinying He and Rui Wang.Economics & Human Biology
2. Energy-Milk Price Transmission at the Product Brand Level. With Rigoberto Lopez and Shuai Yang. Agricultural Economics
3. Search Engine Advertising for Organic Food: The Effectiveness of Information Concreteness on Advertising Performance.Journal of Consumer Behavior. With Shuai Yang, Dong Li and Zhihao Tao.
4. Food Environment and Weight Outcome: A Stochastic Frontier Approach.Applied Economics, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1161715. With Rigoberto Lopez.
5. Are US Obesity Rates Converging?Applied Economics Letters, 2015, 23(8). With Rui Wang
6. Do Brand Advertising Spillovers Matter?Agribusiness:An International Journal2015, 32(2). With Rigoberto Lopez
7. Energy Price Shocks and Milk Price Adjustments.Applied Economics Letters. 2017 (3). 1-3. With Rui Wang.
8. Retail Soda Purchases Decrease after Three Years of a Community Campaign Promoting Better Beverage Choice.JAMA Internal Medicine. With Marlene B. Schwartzc et at.
9. Piloting an Online Grocery Store Simulation to Assess Children's Food Choices.Appetite, 2016 (1). With Amy M Heard, Jennifer L Harris, Sai Liu, and Marlene B Schwartz.
10. Legislating for Weight-based Equality: National Trends in Public Support for Laws to Prohibit Weight Discrimination.International Journal of Obesity, 2016(3). With Rebecca Puhl and Young Suh.
11. Improving Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies to Protect Youth from Weight-based Victimization: Parental Support for Action.Pediatric Obesity, 2016(2). With Rebecca Puhl and Young Suh.
Conference Papers (International)
1. Li, X., and Lopez, R. A. Energy Price Transmission and Retail Milk Prices,Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, San Francisco, California, USA. July 26-28, 2015
2. Dai, J., Li, X., Wang, X., Yu, Q. and Mao, X. Food Scares, Market Power and Farm-Retail Price Spread: The Case of Pork Market in China. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, San Francisco, California, USA. July 26-28, 2015
3. Li, X. and Lopez, R. Food Environment and Weight Outcome: A stochastic Frontier Approach. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Washington, D.C., USA. August 4-6, 2013.
4. Li, X. and Lopez, R. Spillover Effects of TV Advertising: The Case of Carbonated Soft Drinks. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Seattle, Washington, USA. August 12-14, 2013.
Ÿ American Economic Association
Ÿ Agricultural & Applied Economics Association