| Zhang Dongxiang
Associate Professor, Dean of Experimental Teaching Center of E&M
Department of Finance
Email: zhangdx@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68752890
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1993-1997)
M.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China (1987-1990)
B.A., Management, Wuhan University, China (1983-1987)
Personal Website or Detailed CV Link
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Dean of Experimental Teaching Center of E&M, Wuhan University, January 2014-present
Ÿ Postdoctoral visiting scholar, Department of Economics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, July 2005-July 2006
Ÿ AssociateProfessor of Finance, Wuhan University, 2002-present
Ÿ Deputyhead of the department of Finance, Wuhan University, 1999-June 2013
Ÿ Lecturer of Finance, Wuhan University, 1999-2002
Ÿ Lecturer of International Finance, Wuhan University, 1992-1998
Ÿ Student Affair Office ofManagementSchool, Teaching Assistant, Wuhan University, 1990-1992
Ÿ Consultant Expert, Development and Reform Commission of Hubei Province, 2012- present
Ÿ Consultant, Wuhan Hava Bioscience co., ltd., January 2014-present
Ÿ Supervisor,WuhanJiuyuan Medical Tech co., ltd., December 2012-present
Ÿ Risk Management of International Trade Financing, Training for Risk Charge of China Construction Bank, etc.
Ÿ Capital Market andEnterpriseGrowth.
Ÿ National Economic and Financial Situation.
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Juan Wang, Dongxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, Mean reversion in stock prices of seven Asian stock markets: Unit root test and stationary test with Fourier functions,International Review of Economics & Finance(SSCI),In Press2015.
Ÿ Jian Zhang & Dongxiang Zhang & Juan Wang & Yue Zhang,Volatility Spillovers between Equity and Bond Markets: Evidence from G7 and BRICS, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI) – XVI (4) 2013,Pages 205-217.
Ÿ Linghubo Yang, Dongxiang Zhang: Can futures price be a powerful predictor? Frequency domain analysis on Chinese commodity market, Economic Modelling(SSCI), Volume 35, Issue 5,September 2013, Pages 264-271.
Ÿ Biao Zhang, Dongxiang Zhang, Juan Wang, Xiashuai Huang: Does venture capital spur economic growth? Evidence fromIsrael, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI), 2013,Volume16, Issue2,115-128.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Tsangyao Chang, Chia-Hao Lee, Ken Hung : Revisiting purchasing power parity for East Asian countries: Sequential panel selection method. Applied Economics Letters (SSCI), 2013,20,62-66.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Tsui-Chih Wu, Tsangyao Chang, Chia-Hao Lee: Revisiting the efficient market hypothesis for African countries: Panel SURKSS test with a fourier function, South African Journal of Economics (SSCI), Vol.80:3 September 2012.
Ÿ Siyue Liu, Dongxiang Zhang, Tshangyao Chang: Purchasing power parity-nonlinear threshold unit root test for transition countries, Applied Economics Letters (SSCI), 2012,Volume19,Issue18,1781-1785.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Jianhang Li: Review on Relations Between The Theories of Financial Deepening & Financial Crisis,Industry Workshop on Enterprise Risk Management 2009,ISTP Index.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Xiefang Zhou: Thinking about implementation of ERM in China’s commercial banks,China-Canada Industry Workshop on Financial Engineering & Enterprise Risk Management, 2008, ISBN:978-1-926642-00-0,ISTP Index.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Siwen Liu, Biao Zhang: A Study on the Capital Structure of Chinese Listed Companies, Economic Review, 2013(6).
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Quandong Wu: A Study on Financial Deepening and Development of Israel, Management World, 2009(2).
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang: The Successful Cases of Financial Liberalization:IsraelFinancial Transformation:Accepted in the Corpus Development Economics-Celebrating Professor Chongtai Tan Teaching for 60 Anniversary ",WuhanUniversityPress, 2008.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang: The Theoretical Review of the Relationship Between Financial Deepening and Financial Crisis,《Development Economics Forum》of Wuhan University, 2006(2).
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang: The Condition and Measures forWuhan’s Acceleratedly Introducing Foreign Banks, Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2002(5).
Ÿ The Evolution of Western Financial Development Theory and The Enlightenment toChina's Financial Industry Development, Economic Review, 2001(4).
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang: The Review of The Western Financial Development Theory: The Corpus-professor of The Development Economics, Celebrating Professor Chongtai Tan Teaching for 50 Anniversary, Inner Mongolia University Press, 2000.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang: The Contribution of Financial Structure Theory and The Enlightenment, Journal ofZhongnanUniversityof Economics and Law, 1999(4).
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Cao lan: The Characteristics of TheComprehensiveUniversities’ Entrepreneurship Education and Model Research – Taking Wuhan University for An Example, The WesternForum (supplement), June 2014.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Jian Zhang, Dongxiang Zhang, Juan Wang, Volatility Spillover Between Equity and Bond Markets: The Case of G7 and BRICS Countries, Global Business, Economics and Finance Conference, 9-11thMay, 2013 ,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Ÿ Linghubo Yang, Dongxiang Zhang, NewDiscussions on Price Discovery: A Frequency Domain Analysis of Chinese Metal Commodity Market, Global Economy & Governance, 9-11 July 2014, Bucharest, Romania.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, Xiaohong Gao, "International Settlement",WuhanUniversityPress, 1996,1999,2004,2010.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, "International Settlement", The Capital Economic andTradeUniversityPress, 2005,2008,2012,2014.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang,"Investment Banking",WuhanUniversityPress, 2004.
Ÿ Dongxiang Zhang, "The Configuration of Financial Instruments inChina's Foreign Exchange Market”,WuhanUniversityPress, 2002.
Government-funded grants
Ÿ The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training,¥60000, 2015,Ref.WuhanUniversity's Opening Experiment Project.
Ÿ The Research on Econometric Experiment Teaching Innovation,¥60000, 2014, Ref.The Experiment Technology Project ofWuhanUniversityin 2014.
Ÿ The Research on Volatility Spillover Effect in China's Financial Market,¥50000, 2013, Ref.Humanities and Social Science Institute,WuhanUniversity.
Ÿ The Influence from European and American Debt Crisis on China and countermeasures,¥50000, 2012, Ref.The Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Science Research Important Research Project, 12JZD029.
Ÿ High Level International Journal Articles Breeding Project,¥10000, 2012, Ref.Humanities and Social Science Institute,WuhanUniversity.
Ÿ Teaching Material of National Ministry of Education in The 11th Five-year Planning "International Settlement" Writing,¥10000, 2010, Ref. Academic Affairs Department ofWuhanUniversity.
Ÿ The Project 985 of Wuhan University,¥18000, 2008、2009.
Ÿ The Research on Israel Venture Capital Development System and Risk Investment Contribution,¥15000, 2008, Ref. Ministry ofEducationServiceCenter.
Ÿ The Research on Finance Major Structural Adjustment,¥8000, 2003, Ref. Academic Affairs Department ofWuhanUniversity.
Corporate-funded grants
Ÿ Financial Development in Wuhan City in The 11th Five-year Plan,¥10000, 2007, Ref.Financial Services Office inWuhanCity.
Ÿ The Research on Finance Major Structural Adjustment,¥8000, 2003, Ref. Academic Affairs Department ofWuhanUniversity.
Ÿ The Research for Wuhan in Introducing Foreign Capital Financial Institutions,¥15000, 2003, Ref.WuhanMunicipal Securities Regulatory Authorities.
Ÿ The Internal Risk Control System Research for China Construction Bank,¥10000, 2002, Ref. China Construction Bank Headquarters.
International collaborative grants
Ÿ Excellent Teacher, Wuhan University, 1991.
Ÿ Undergraduate Teaching Quality Excellence Award, Wuhan University, 2002.
Ÿ Second Outstanding Teaching Achievement Prize, Wuhan University, 2002.
Ÿ Outstanding Moral Education of Postgraduate Tutor, Wuhan University, 2007.
Ÿ Referee ofInternational Review of Economics & Finance, 2013-present