Xie, Jun |
Associate Professor |
Department of Finance |
Email: xiejunwhu@163.com |
PhD, Economics, Kobe University, Japan (2005-2008) |
MPhil, Economics, Kobe University, Japan (2003-2005) |
BA, Japanese language and literature, Wuhan University, China (1998-2002) |
Ÿ Teaching courses : Corporate finance, Investment banking, Financial statement analysis
Ÿ Research Areas : Corporate finance, Corporate governance
Ÿ Associate professor, Department of Finance, Wuhan University, March 2008 – present
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Junyi Chen, 2021, Corporate philanthropy, public awareness, and the cost of equity capital: Evidence from China, Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 22-1, 153-194.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Yifan Zhang, 2020, Anti-corruption, government intervention, and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China, Economic Systems (SSCI), 44 (1), 100745.
Ÿ Zhou, Ting, Jun Xie*(Corresponding author), and Xiaolin Li, 2017, Financial reporting quality and idiosyncratic return volatility: Evidence from China, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 53 (SSCI), 835–847.
Ÿ Zhou, Ting, and Jun Xie*(Corresponding author), 2016, Ultimate ownership and adjustment speed towards target capital structures: Evidence from China, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI) 52,1956–1965。
Ÿ Xie, Jun, 2015, CEO career concerns and investment efficiency: Evidence from China, Emerging Markets Review (SSCI) 24, 149–159.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Fukumoto, Yukio, 2013, A new finding for board size effects: Evidence from Japan, Singapore Economic Review (SSCI) 58, No. 4, 1350031, 1-12.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, 2009, Fund flow and households’ financial decisions: Evidence from China, Personal finance 4, 3-9. (In Japanese)
Ÿ Takigawa, Yoshio, and Xie, Jun, 2008, Board independence degree and managerial short-term incentives in investment decisions, Journal of Economics and Business Administration 197, 37-52. (In Japanese)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Xiaochong, Lin, 2020. Will air pollution affect the investment behavior of polluting enterprises?, Economic Review (CSSCI), No. 5, 124-136.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Min Liu, 2017. CEO career concerns and financial reporting quality: Evidence from China, Wuhan University Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences) (CSSCI), No. 4, 103-117.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Jiali Zhai, 2017. CEO career concerns and corporate performance variability: Evidence from China, Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (CSSCI), No. 7, 72-83.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Hangxing Chen, 2016. Product market power, industry concentration, and analyst forecast activity: Evidence from China, Economic Review (CSSCI), No. 5, 38-67.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, and Yueyue Zhang, 2015. CEO career concerns and restructuring activities: Evidence from China, Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (CSSCI), No. 6, 72-83.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, 2015. CEO characteristics and corporate decision-making behaviors, Peking University Business Review, No. 9, 120-128.
Ÿ Pan, Min, and Xie, Jun, 2009, Advances in corporate finance, Annual report for overseas humanities and social sciences research (2008), 186-282, Wuhan University Press.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Xie, Jun, Yaxi Xiao, Guowei Wu, and Diyue Qian, 2017. A case study on the motivation, mode, and economic consequences of Xinwei’s reverse merger.
Ÿ Xie, Jun, 2017, Board governance, CEO career concerns, and corporate decision-making behaviors, China Social Sciences Press. (In Chinese)
Ÿ Xie, Jun, 2015, The economic analysis of board governance, Wuhan University Press. (In Chinese)
Government-funded grants
Ÿ Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education of China, 2012-2015.
Ÿ Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education of China, 2009-2011.
Ÿ Social Science Foundation, Wuhan University, 2011-2013.
Ÿ Social Science Foundation, Wuhan University, 2008-2010.
Ÿ Uematsu Award, Kobe University, 2008.
Ÿ Referee for China Economic Review (SSCI), Applied Economics (SSCI), Applied Economic Letters (SSCI), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), Bulletin of Economic Research (SSCI), International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI), Managerial Auditing Journal(SSCI),Economic Systems (SSCI),Research in International Business and Finance(SSCI).