| Xiao Weiguo
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Department of Finance
Email: wgxiao@whu.edu.cn
Phone: 13517203510
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1994-1998)
MSc, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1988-1991)
B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China (1984-1988)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing : International Finance(undergraduate, 54), International Investment(postgraduate, 54), Managerial Economics(postgraduate, 54)
Ÿ Research Areas : International Finance,Monetary Finance
Ÿ Professor ofFinance, Wuhan University, 2005 – present
Ÿ Associate Professor ofFinance, Wuhan University,1998 - 2005
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Business school of Newcastle University, 2004 - 2005
Ÿ Instructor, Wuhan University, 1993 - 1998
Ÿ Assistant Professor, Wuhan University, 1991 -1993
Ÿ Former independent director,Hubei Chutian highway co., LTD.,2008 - 2016
Ÿ Member,“foreigngovernment loan program” expert review committee, Hubei finance department, 2014 - present
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Weiguo Xiao,Bing Shao,Ying-Nan Fu.Time Series Cointegration Model for Perspective of the Effectiveness of Window Guidance of China.International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,2013(41).pp130-138.EI.
Ÿ Xiao WEIGUO,Zhao YANG,Yuan WEI.Liquidity Characteristics,Implicit Information of Asset Prices and Monetary Policy in China.Romanian Journal of Economic Forcasting.2013(4),pp56-66.SSCI.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Yuan Wei,Non-linear Empirical Analysis of Chinese Currency Demand in 1996-2008.Statistical Research, Vol.28, No.1, 2011, pp.54-60.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Yuan Wei,Stock Market, RMB Exchange Rate and Monetary Demand in China. Journal of Financial Research, No.4, 2011, pp.52-64. (Reprint: Finance and Insurance, No.8,2011)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Zheng Kaiyuan & Yuan Wei, The Optimal Choice of Housing Price, Consumption and China's Monetary Policy: Based on the Perspective of Heterogeneity of Housing Prices. Economic Review, No.2, 2012, pp.105-115.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Liu Jie & Zhao Shengwei, China's Monetary Structure and Economic Output - Based on the Empirical Analysis of Macro-data from 1952 to 2010. Journal of Financial Research, No.2, 2013, pp.101-113. (Reprint: The international monetary review ,No.1, 2015.)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Zhao Yang. The Impact of US Unconventional Monetary Policy on China's Economy. Business Management Journal, Vol35, No.6, 2013, pp.12-19.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Liu Jie, Measuring Time Lag of the Predictable and Unpredictable Monetary Policy. Statistical Research, Vol.30, No.12, 2013, pp.64-68.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Liu Jie & Yuan Wei. The Non-linear Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Expectation on Stock Price. Public Finance Research, No.1, 2014, pp.47-50.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Liu Jie. The Dynamic Simulation of Forward-looking, Backward-looking and Hybrid Taylor Rule Policy Effects. Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol.29,No.3, 2014, pp.3-12.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Yuan Jiangang& Yuan Wei. The Non-linear Characteristics of Housing Price Impact on Consumption -Based on Empirical Analysis of China's Macro-data from 1999 to 2012, Economic Review, No.5,2014 , pp.16-26.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Liu Jie. Spatial Spillover Effects of Local Fiscal Expenditure on Cultural Industry Development [J], Review of Investment Studies, No.12,2014 , pp.88-96.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Wang Guangyuan & Liu Jie. The Empirical Study of China's Currency during the Period of Transition Structure Function-based on the Theory of the Monetary Function Perspective, Wuhan University Journal,No.1, 2015, pp.32-37. (Reprint: Finance and Insurance, No.4,2015)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Wu Yue & Zhao Yang. Research on the Impact of US Monetary Policy on China's Output under the Background of Incomplete Exchange Rate, Studies of International Finance, No.5, 2015, pp.37-45.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Chen yu& Zhang Chenran. The Macroeconomic Effects of the Coordinated Advance of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Liberalization, Journal of International Trade,No.8,2015, pp.156-167.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Yin Zhichao & Chen yu, The Capital Account Opening, Capital Flows and Financial Stability, World Economy Studies,No.1,2016.,pp.28-38. (Reprint: Finance and Insurance, No.5,2016)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Zhang Chenran, Study on Adaptability of Forward-looking,Backward-looking and Hybrid Taylor Rule in China’s Monetary Policy, Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), No.5,2016 , pp.137-142.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, Cui Yaming &Yin Zhichao, Research on the Impact of Quantitative and Price Monetary Policy Tools on the Efficiency of Commercial Banks -based on the Heterogeneity of Chinese Commercial Banks, Economic Review,No.6, 2016 , pp.98-107. (Reprint: Finance and Insurance, No.3,2017)
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Lan Xiaomei, An Empirical Analysis on the Spillover Effect of the New Round of the Fed Rate Rise on China’s Cross-border Capital Flows, Economist ,No.2, 2017 , pp.84-90.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Lan Xiaomei, Research on the Nonlinear Mechanism of the Influence of the RMB Exchange Rate Expectation on Real Estate Price in China-analysis Based on the STR Model, Soft Science,No.12,2017,pp.129-133.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo & Lan Xiaomei, The Spillover Effect of Monetary Policy Normalization on China's Economy, World Economy Studies,No12, 2017, pp.38-49.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ “The Analysis of the effect of China’s Monetary Policy in Open Economy”, Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on WTO and Financial Engineering, 2003.
Ÿ “Empirical research on the interrelation between US FDI in China and Sino-US economic growth”, 2008 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 15th Annual Conference Proceedings.
Ÿ “An analysis of the relevance between US FDI and Sino-US economic growth” ,WICOM 2008.
Ÿ “An Analysis of CHIBOR Determinants”, Conference Proceedings of 2009 International Institute of Applied Statistics Studies, Aussino Academic Publishing House, Sydney, Australia.2009.
Ÿ “Empirical research on the variation between the US FDI and Sino-American Trade”,ICISE,2009.
Ÿ “Stock Market, Exchange Rate and Chinese Money Demand”,ISME,2010.
Ÿ “Empirical research on the influence of real exchange rate volatility on US FDI in China”, ICISE,2010.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo,2002,International Finance, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, 1998,Managerial Economics, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo, 2005,Managerial Economics, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo,2010,International business management, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo,2017,International Finance, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo,2002,A Study on theForeign direct investment and multination companies theory of accession to the WTO under the new situation utilized foreign direct investment in China’s strategic adjustment, Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Xiao Weiguo,2004,The new development ofinternational direct investment andforeign direct investment in China, People’s publishing house.
Ÿ Foreign direct investment in China's economic impact: experience, lessons, problems and countermeasures, 1998– 2006
Ÿ China's opening-up strategy research on mutual benefit in the context of economic globalization, 2007– 2009
Ÿ Study on the improvement of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the money supply, 2006– 2008
Ÿ Housing price fluctuation, consumption and China's optimal monetary policy choice: based on the perspective of heterogeneity expectation, 2011– 2015
Ÿ Studyon improving the theoretical and practical research on the modern cultural market system, 2012– 2016
Ÿ Research on the influence and countermeasure of the debt crisis of European and American countries on China, 2012 – 2016
Ÿ Studyon improvingthe research of macro-financial regulation system -- based on the perspective of pertinence, flexibility and foresight, 2012– 2016
Ÿ Macroeconomic impact of China's liquidity structure imbalance and research on monetary policy choice, 2014– 2018
Ÿ Research on the construction of China's monetary policy system under the new normal of economic development, 2015– 2019
Ÿ Transnational operation and financial support, 2003
Ÿ Analysis of the micro transmission mechanism of China's monetary policy, 2004
Ÿ Research on the utilization of foreign capital and economic transformation in wuhan, 2007 - 2009
Ÿ Construction and utilization of foreign capital of the two types of social construction and utilization in wuhan urban circle, 2009 - 2011
Ÿ Currency substitution and non-linear characteristics of China's currency demand, 2011 - 2013
Ÿ Wuhan university: Wuhan university graduate quality course “Intermediate macro microeconomics” construction project, 2013
Ÿ China securities regulatory commission : China securities industry system risk measurement and macro-prudential supervision, 2016 - 2017
Ÿ Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement, Wuhan University, 1995
Ÿ First Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement, Wuhan University, 1997
Ÿ Second Prize of Financial Research Key Project Outstanding Achievement, People’s Bank of China Wuhan Branch, 2003
Ÿ Second Prize of Financial Research Key Project Outstanding Achievement, People’s Bank of China Wuhan Branch, 2004
Ÿ First Prize of Outstanding Achievement in Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Wuhan University, 2005
Ÿ Third Prize of Outstanding Achievement in Humanities and Social Sciences Research, the Ministry of Education, 2006
Ÿ Excellent Tutor Blue Moon Award, Wuhan University, 2011
Ÿ Third Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Social Sciences, Hubei Province,2014
Ÿ Second Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Social Sciences, Hubei Province,2016
Ÿ Director of China World Economic Association
Ÿ Director of China American Economic Association
Ÿ Director of Hubei Province World Economic Association
Ÿ Director of Hubei Province American Economic Association