| Jiang Chun
Director of the Financial Research Center of Wuhan University
Email: jiachun@whu.edu.cn
Phone :+86 13886083124
PhD, School of Economics, Wuhan University(1990-1993)
MA candidate, Department of International Finance, Wuhan University(1983-1986)
BA, School of Information Management, Wuhan University(1979-1983)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Collaborative Researcher, the University of Hong Kong, July- August, 2016
Ÿ Visiting Researcher, Case Western Reserve University,University of Cincinnati, July- August, 2015
Ÿ Visiting Researcher, University of Birmingham,June - July, 2014
Ÿ Director, Financial Research Center of Wuhan University,July, 2013-present
Ÿ Visiting Researcher, National Chengchi University, Taiwan,June - August, 2012
Ÿ Luojia Distinguished Professor of Wuhan University, 2008-present
Ÿ Second GradeProfessor of Wuhan University, 2007-present
Ÿ Dean of the Department of Finance,Wuhan University,2005-2013
Ÿ Visiting scholar and guest professor, Jacksonville State University,2000-2001
Ÿ Attended a full time training program in Monetary Banking and International Finance in Business School, the Chinese University of Hong Kong,1988-1989
Ÿ Visiting researcher, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University,1997
Ÿ Became professor, Department of Finance, Wuhan University,1996
Ÿ Associate professor, Department of Finance, Wuhan University, 1993
Ÿ Deputy dean, Department ofInternationalFinance, Wuhan University, 1991-1999
Ÿ Became a faculty member at Department of International Finance, Wuhan University,1986
Ÿ MA candidate, Department of International Finance, Wuhan University,1986
Ÿ Instructor, Purdue University,1993
Instructor, Purdue University, 1994 - 1995
Ÿ Economics Of Money, Banking and financial markets(undergraduate, 54)
Ÿ Monetary Economics(postgraduate, 54)
Ÿ Monetary Economics
Ÿ International Finance
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Robin Hang Luo and Chun Jiang, 2005:"Currency Convertibility, Cost of Capital Control and Capital Account Liberalization in China", Journal of Chinese Political Science (United States), Vol.10, No.1, pp.65-80
Ÿ Chun,Jiang,Hsu, L.,and Chi, W.,2012:"Does Real Output Converge? A Regional Study in China", Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics and Research, Vol.,2(2012),pp.127-142. (SSCI)
Ÿ Lin L.a, Hsu-Ling Changb, Chi-Wei Suc, Chun Jiangd,2013:"Real Interest Rate Parity in East Asian Countries Based on China with Flexible Fourier Stationary Test", Japan and the World Economy 25–26 (2013) 52–58(SSCI)
Ÿ Chun Jiang , Xiao-Lin Li , Hsu-Ling Chang , Chi-Wei Su, 2013:"Uncovered interest parity and risk premium convergence in Central and Eastern European countries", Economic Modelling ,Vol. 33 (2013) July, pp .204–208(SSCI)
Ÿ Chih-Wei SU, Hsu-Ling CHANG, Chun JIANG(Corresponding author),2013:"Does Wealth or Credit Effect Exist in China?", Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting .Volume 16, Issue 3, pp.104-114.(SSCI)http://www.ipe.ro/rjef.htm
Ÿ Chun Jiang, Tsangyao Chang, Xiao-Lin Li, 2015:"Money Growth and Inflation in China: New Evidence from a Wavelet Analysis", International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 35, January 2015, pp. 249–261(SSCI)
Ÿ Chun Jiang, Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Tsangyao Chang,2015 : "Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity in OECD", Applied Economics, 2015, June, 47, 40, pp4323-4334
Ÿ Chun Jiang, Yi Wang, Tsangyao Chang and Chi-Wei Su, 2015: "Are there bubbles in Chinese RMB-dollar exchange rate? Evidence from generalized sup ADF tests", Applied Economics, 2015, July, 47, 56, pp6120-6135.
Ÿ Chun Jiang , Na Jian , Tie-Ying Liu , Chi-Wei Su,2016:“Purchasing power parity and real exchange rate in Central Eastern European countrie”, International Review of Economics and Finance 44 (2016) 349–358.(SSCI)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Wang Qinglin, Su Zhiwei: "Conflict between China's Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Policy: A New Perspective Based on Income Distribution", Economic Dynamics, 2013, Issue 4. This article was reprinted byRenmin University of Chinacopy, National Economic Management of China 2013, Issue 7.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Jian Na, Yan Dong: "Income Distribution and Financial Structure: Based on Comparative Study between China and Japan", Journal of Guizhou Finance and Economics College, 2013, Issue 1. This article was reprinted in full byRenmin University of Chinacopy, Socialist Economic Theory and Practice 2013, Issue 5.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Li Xiaolin, Zhang Cangyao:“The relationship between money supply changes and price in China - based on Morlet wavelet time-frequency correlation analysis”, Southern Economy, Issue 6.
Ÿ Jiang Chun and Su Zhiwei: How Financial Development Promotes Economic Growth: A Literature Review, Financial Research, 2013,Issue 9 pp.212-122 (This article was reprinted by the Renmin University of China copy of "Finance and Insurance" 2014,Issue 1).
Ÿ Jiang Chun and Li Wei: "The Determinants and Implications of Holding Financial Assets in Non-financial Enterprises in China: An Empirical Survey", Economic Management, 2013, Issue7,pp13-23.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Xing Xiaodong, and Li Kongjian:“Policy Rule orthe discretionary approaches”, Statistical Research, 2013. P108-111
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Chen Yong, Jiang Peng: “Does the International Fisher Effect Exist in East Asia? Based on China's Perspective”, “Contemporary Economic Science”, 2014, Issue 2.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Chen Yong, 2014: “Interest Rates Rules for Interest Rate Marketization in China”, Finance and Trade Research, 2014, Issue 3.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Feng Sihui: "The Asymmetric Effect of China's Central Bank Policy Interest Rate on Output", Financial Science, 2015, Issue 5.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Si Dengkui, Li Xiaolin, 2015: “The Micro-mechanism and Evidence Evidence of RMB Exchange Rate Expectations Affecting Stock Prices”, World Economic Research, 2015, Issue 12. (This article was reprinted by the Renmin University copy, Investment and Securities 2016 Issue 4)
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Si Dengkui, Su Zhiwei, 2016: “Study on the dynamic changes of urban-rural income gap in China and its influencing factors”, Quantitative Economics and Technology Economics Research, 2016, Issue 2,pp 41-57.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Li Anan, 2016: “Rule of Law, Financial Development and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Wuhan University, 2016 issue 5, pp41-57. This article was reprinted by Xinhua Digest 2016 issue 12.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Si Dengkui, Li Xiaolin, 2016: “Impact of Exchange Rate Expectations, China-US Spreads, and Central Bank Foreign Exchange Intervention on Stock Prices”, International Finance Research, Issue 6.
Ÿ Si Dengkui, Jiang Chun, Li Xiaolin, 2016:“Exchange rate dynamics based on exchange rate expectations and central bank foreign exchange intervention: theoretical analysis and empirical research”, Statistical Research Issue 9.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Wang Wenqi, 2017:“Currency policy inflation indicators: CPI or PPI?》, Financial Science, Issue 3.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Si Dengkui, Li Xiaolin, 2018: “The Taylor Rule, Stock Price Volatility and the Dynamic Determination of RMB Exchange Rate,” International Finance Research Issue 1.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Xiang Lijin, Xiao Zumian 2018, “Monetary Policy, Income Distribution, and Economic Benefits: Bayesian Estimation Based on the DSGE Model”, Finance and Trade Economics, Issue 2.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Si Dengkui, Li Xiaolin, 2018: “Dynamic Decision of RMB Exchange Rate Based on Expanding Taylor Rule Exchange Rate Model: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study”, Financial Studies, Issue 2.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, Yang Honglue, Li Xiaolin, 2018: “Research on RMB Exchange Rate Forecasting Based on Taylor's Rule Exchange Rate Model: Comparison and Comparison of Different Exchange Rate Determination Models”, World Economic Research, Issue 4.Monograph
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 1995, "The Modern Western Monetary and Financial Theories", Wuhan University Press,;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 1996, "The Property Rights Issue during The Growth of Economy", Wuhan University Press;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 1997, "TheProperty Rights System and Financial Market",Wuhan University Press;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 1999, "The Property Rights System and Micro-financial Market",China Prices Press;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 2001, "The Chinese Financial Industry deal with Challenge from the WTO Successfully", Wuhan University Press;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 2003, "Property Rights, Currency Convertibility and Economic Development", Wuhan University Press;
Ÿ Jiang,C. and Luo,R., 2009: "Exchange Rate Determination and Policy Implications: An Emerging Market Perspective". Cambridge Publishing Ltd.;
Ÿ Chun Jiang, 2012, "The Review and Reflection on the Theory and Practice of the Financial Reform and Development", The Chinese People's Publishing House.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, “Western Currency Banking” (one of chief editors), China Financial Publishing House, 1998 edition.
Ÿ Jiang Chun, "Monetary Finance" (one of chief editors), Wuhan University Press, 2002 edition.
National major science research project
Ÿ "Research on the Key Issue to Expand the Bidirectional Financial Openness in China" (project funds: 800,000 yuan), supported by The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Fund, 2016-2018, Project number: 15ZDC020.
Ÿ "Research on the Key Issue to Expand the Bidirectional Financial Openness in China" (project funds: 800,000 yuan), supported by The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Fund, 2016-2018, Project number: 15ZDC020;
Ÿ "Interaction among the Interest rates, Exchange rates, Assets and Liabilities of Central Bank, and Money Supply in China: Empirical Analysis and Policy Implications" (project funds: 580,000 yuan), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China , 2014 - 2017, Project number: 71373187;
Ÿ "Institutions, Income Distribution and Financial Development" (project funds:280,000 yuan),supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010-2012, Project Number: 70973090;
Ÿ "Research on the Institutional Foundation of RMB Convertibility" (project funds:150,000 yuan),supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2003-2005, Project Number: 70273030;
Ÿ "The Case Analysis and Theory Study of Chinese Market Entities' Credit Behaviors" (project funds:60,000 yuan),supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2003-2005, Project Number: 70141013;
Ÿ "Property Reform and the Transformation of Chinese State-owned Banks into Modern Commercial Banks" (project funds:50,000 yuan),supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1995-1997, Project Number: 79400015;
Ÿ "The Case Study on Property right and Financial analysis in China" (project funds:5,000dollars),supported by World Bank, 1997;
Ÿ "New Institutional Finance" (project funds:25,000 yuan),supported by Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China, 1999-2000;
Ÿ "Financial Reform and Economic Growth in Developing Countries and Transitional Economies" (project funds:200,000 yuan),supported by the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities as the key project of 2004, 2005- 2008, Project Number: 05JJD790020;
Ÿ "The First New Century Excellent Talents in University " (project funds:20,000 yuan), supported by Ministry of Education of China;
Ÿ "The Development of Finance and Entity Economy in China" (project funds:10,000 yuan), supported by National Development and Reform Commission, 2012-2013.
Ÿ "Property Issues in Economic Growth", 1998, won second prize in the second National Excellence Research Achievements Competition in Humanities and Social Sciences;
Ÿ "Property Rights and Financial Market", 2003, won third prize in the third National Excellence Research Achievements Competition in Humanities and Social Sciences;
Ÿ "The Essential and Institutional Foundation of Finance", 2003, was awarded second prize in the third Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Achievements;
Ÿ "The Theoretical Explanation of the Arguments on the Problem of RMB Appreciation in New Institutional Finance", 2006, was awarded third prize in the fifth Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Achievements;
Ÿ "The Theoretical Reflection on the Financial Reform and Development of Rural Areas of China from the viewpoint of Entrepreneurship", 2013, was awarded by Zi-ji Deng Academic Papers of Finance and Economics;
Ÿ "Relationship between Speed, Scale of Higher Education Development and Capital Market", 2007, was awarded third prize in the Hubei Province Prize for Progress in Science and Technology;
Ÿ "Western Monetary Banking", 1995, was awarded second prize in the second Chinese Regular Higher Education Institutions Excellent Text Books;
Ÿ Hired as a Luojia Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University in 2008;
Ÿ Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University held by the Ministry of Education of China in 2004;
Ÿ Received special government subsidies from the State Council in 2000;
Ÿ "The Interest Rate Parity and the Real Interest Rate Parity(International Fisher Effect) :An Empirical Investigation" series, was awarded second prize in the tenth Hubei Province Social Science Excellent Research Achievement.
Ÿ Executive director and member of Academic Council, China International Finance Society;
Ÿ Member of Standing Council, China Society for Finance and Banking. Certified Public Accountant, Wuhan, 2003