| He Guohua
Department of Finance
Email: ghhe@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753067
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1993-1996)
MSc,Economics, Wuhan University, China (1988-1991)
B.A., Philosophy, Jiangxi University, China (1979-1983)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Macroeconomics(undergraduate,54);International Finance(Undergraduate, 54)
Ÿ Research Areas: Macroeconomics;International Finance; Comparative Finance
Ÿ Professor of Finance, Wuhan University, July 2001– present
Ÿ Associate Professor of Finance, Wuhan University, September 1996- June 2001
Ÿ Instructor, Wuhan University, October 1993 – August 1996
Ÿ Director of China International Finance, 2015-present
Ÿ Executive Director, Hubei Institute of Foreign Economics, 1993-present
Ÿ Director, Hubei Financial Society, 1993-present
Ÿ Member ofthe Central Financial andEconomic Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, 2010-2015
Ÿ Vice director of HubeiFinance Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, 2010-present
Ÿ Vice director of Hubei Provincial Science and Education Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, 2008-present
Ÿ Advisor of Hubei Provincial Economic Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, 2001-present
Ÿ Member,CPPCCStanding Committee, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ He Guohua and Chang Xinxin, 2013. “The Dollar Standard and Stability of China’s Macroeconomy”, Journal for Economic Forecasting, Vol. 4, pp. 186-204.
Ÿ He Guohua, Shang Deng and Ye Minwen, 2013. “Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Model for Financing Decision and Capital Structure on Manufacturing Enterprises’ Export Capacity”,International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics™, Vol 47, pp. 122-130.
Ÿ Sun Jin and He Guohua, 2012. “Uncertain Support Vector Mining for Open Access Resources”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology & its Applications, Vol 6, pp. 653-659.
Ÿ Chang Xinxin and He Guohua,2011. “Application of Taylor Rules in China Based on Neo-Keynesian Model”,Applied Economics, Business and Development, pp. 258-265.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ He Guohua and Wu Jinxing, 2016, The Choice of Optimal Monetary Policy Rule with Financial Openness,Journal of International Finance Research, Vol8, pp 13-23.
Ÿ He Guohua and Ye Minwen, 2014, The Development and Risk Evaluation of China Shadow Banking, Journal of Investment Research, Vol12, pp4-14.
Ÿ He Guohua and Tan Jiong, 2014, The New Development of the Theoretical Research of International Monetary Policy Coordination,Journal of International Finance Research, Vol11, pp36-45.
Ÿ He Guohua and Peng Yi, 2014,The Spill-Over Effect of US and Japanese Monetary Policy on Chinese GDP, Journal of International Finance Research, Vol 2, pp 19-28.
Ÿ He Guohua and Deng Zenghong, 2013, The Influence of Dollar Standard on China Financial Stability, Guangming Daily, Vol 11.
Ÿ He Guohua and Zhang Longxiang, 2013, The Influence of Trade Openness on the Choice of Optimal Monetary Rule in China, Research on Economics and Management, Vol 7, pp 77-85.
Ÿ He Guohua and Chang Xinxin, 2013,Does Financial Openness Increase Macroeconomic Instablity?, Modern Economic Science, Vol 1, pp 28-37.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Chang Xinxin, 2012, Dollar Standard and The Welfare Allocation between Sino-U.S. Monetary policy: Based on a NOEM Perspective,Economic Review, Vol 2, pp 132-138.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Chang Xinxin,2012, Dollar Standard and The Puzzle of Sino-US Trade Surplus, Vol 1,World Economy Study, pp 33-38.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Chang Xinxin, 2012, The research in indirect financing support for local independent innovation ability in China,Investment Research, Vol 11, pp 16-28.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Yuan Shidong, 2011, The Conflicts of Internal and External Values of RMB,Journal of Wuhan University, vol 4, pp 115-121.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Yuan Shidong, 2011, The Impact of Currency Substitution and Currency Anti-substitution on the Independence of China’s Monetary Policy,Studies of International Finance,vol7, pp 4-10.
Ÿ He Guohua, Liu Lintao and Chang Xinxin, 2011, A Study on the Relationship between Financial Structure and Firm Independent Innovation in China, Technical Economy, Vol 3, pp 1-7.
Ÿ He Guohuaand Yuan Shidong, 2010, The asymmetry of Monetary Policy: Explanation Based on Prospect Theories,Financial Theories and Practice, vol 5, pp 8-12.
Ÿ He Guohua and Chang Xinxin, 2010, Study on Relationship between Financial Structure and Independent Innovation of Enterprises in China,Wuhan Finance, vol 2, pp 8-11.
Ÿ He guohua and Huang Minghao, 2009, Research on Monetary Policy and Asset Price Conveying Mechanism in Open Economics,World Economic Research, vol 2, pp 12-18.
Ÿ Bai Xiaoyan and He Guohua, 2009, New Progress on Research on International Reserve Theories,Economic Dynamics, Vol 1, pp 137-141.
Ÿ He Guohua, 2007, Theoretical Review on Internationalization of West Currencies,Economic Review, Vol 4, pp 156-160.
Ÿ He Guohua and Chen Jun, 2007, Research Progresses on Relationship of Exchange Rate Change and Economic Growth,Economic Dynamics,vol 1, pp 92-97.
Cases and Practical Papers
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ He Guohua, Liu Lintao and Chang Xinxin, 2011. “Dollar standard, overshooting of exchange rates and RMB exchange rate regime reform”.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,Shanghai
Ÿ He Guohua,Han Guowen and Song Xiaoyan,,2003, Theory of Financial Market, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press
Ÿ He Guohua,2001, International Finance Market, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press
Ÿ HeGuohua, Hu Zhiqiang and Xiao Weiguo, 1998, Managerial Economics, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press
Ÿ He Guohua,1997, The New International Finance Course, Wuhan: Wuhan University of Technology Press
Ÿ He Guohua,2014, Financial Openness、Monetary Policy Effectiveness and International Monetary Policy Coordination, Wuhan: Wuhan University Publishing House
Ÿ He Guohua,2014, The New Development of International Financial Theory, Wuhan: People’s Publishing House
Ÿ He Guohua,2002, The International Balance of Payment Adjustment Theory, Wuhan: Hubei People’s Publishing House
Government SponsoredResearch
Ÿ The Research of Establishment of Monetary Policy System with China’s New Normal Development,¥50000, 2016, 15JZD013
Ÿ The Research of Improvement of Macro Financial Regulation System----Based on Pertinence、Effectiveness and Perspective,¥50000, 2012,12&ZD046
Ÿ The Research of the Influence of theDebtCrisis in Europe and the United States on China and its Strategies,¥50000, 2012,12JZD029
Ÿ Sales mode innovation of insurance and regulation research,¥100000,2011,ZD201002
Ÿ Economic openness, monetary policy effectiveness and international monetary policy coordination,¥100000, 2010,10YJA790066
Ÿ Financial support research ofcommercial bank support enterprises’ independent innovation,¥30000,2010,2010DEA037-1
Non-Government Sponsored Research
Ÿ Monetary policy adjustment research under imbalance of international payment condition,¥20000,2007
Ÿ The Research of Internalization of China’s Securities Market,¥500000,2011
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Best paper Award, Hubei Provincial Social Science Association,2000