Yang Yong Associate Professor Department of World Economy Email: yangyong-ems@whu.edu.cn Phone : +86-27-68753029 PhD, International Trade, Wuhan University, China (2006-2009) MA , International Trade, Wuhan University, China (2003-2006) BE, Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, China (1997-2001) http://ems.whu.edu.cn/szdw/qzjs/sjjjx/2011-11-07/14625.html Curriculum Vitae |
Ÿ Teaching courses : International Trade; International Financial Practice (undergraduate,54)
Ÿ Research Areas : Spatial Economic Theory ; Application Spatial Econometrics
Ÿ Associate Professor, World Economy Department of EMS, Wuhan University, November 2012 – present
Ÿ Lecture, World Economy Department of EMS, Wuhan University, July 2009 – November 2012
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Yang Yong, 2017, “Industrial Linkages, Market Competition and
Regional Newborn Industrial Capacity”, China Industrial Economics, No.11.
Ÿ Yang Yong(Corresponding author), 2012. “Spatial Effect of Trade Openness on Regional Economic Growth: A Study Based on 1987-2009 Spatial Panel Data in China”, China Economic Quarterly, Vol.11, No.3.
Ÿ Yang Yong and Zhang Bin, 2011. “Growth effects on South-South RTA: Evidence from Africa and Implications to China”, Journal of International Trade, No.11.
Ÿ Wei Wei, Yang Yong and Zhang Jianqing, 2011. “Has domestic enterprises ‘Technology caught up with foreign ones’?”, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economic, No.9.
Ÿ Yang Yong and Zhang Bin, 2011. “The Study on Multilateralising Regionalism and Its Impact on Asia-Pacific Regional Integration”, World Economy Study, No.11.
Ÿ Yang Yong and Zhang Bin, 2009. “Production effects, Trade effects and Sino-EU trade flows”, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economic, No.7.
Ÿ Yang Yong, 2014, Introduction to Spatial Econometrics (Translation), Beijing: Peking University Press.
Ÿ Yang Yong, 2011, A Study on the Audit Committee of Listed Companies, Beijing: People's Publishing House.
Ÿ Research on spatial costs constraint and effective path of regional industrial spread:based on ESDA, ¥180000, 2011, Ref. 71003077
Ÿ The relocation of firms and improvement policy on regional productivity: study on spatial theory and exploratory spatial data analysis, ¥580000, 2014, Ref. 71373189
Ÿ Zhang Bin, Yang Yong and Yu Zhen: Welfare on international economic integration, Wuhan Social science association, Excellent Achievement Award of Wuhan Social science, First prize, 2010
Ÿ Zhang Bin, Yang Yong and Yu Zhen: Comparative Study on international economic integration, The 6th MoE Excellent Achievement Award of Scientific Research of the Higher Education Institutions, Second prize, 2013