| LIU Zaiqi Professor Department of World Economy Email: lzq1911@126.com Phone : +86-27-68753352 PhD, International Relationship, Moscow University, Russia (2001-2005) MSc, Russian, Hunan Normal University (1989-1992) B.A., Russian, Air Force Engineering University (1985-1989) |
Research Areas : World Economy and International Relations, “One Belt, One Road” and the Ten Thousand Mile Tea Route
1995-1998 Branch Manager, Shantou Special Economic Zone Materials Import and Export Corporation, Guangzhou, China
1998.09-2001.06 Lecturer, Department of Russian, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University
2001.06-2005.06 Associate Professor, Department of Russian, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University
2005.06-2005.08 Professor, Department of Russian, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Wuhan University
2005.09-present Professor, Department of World Economy, College of Economics and Management, Wuhan University
2006.10-present Doctoral Supervisor, Wuhan University
Academic Affiliations Executive Director of the China Society of Russia, East Europe and Central Asia, Deputy Secretary General of the Society for the History of Sino-Russian Relations, Visiting Professor at the Tea Culture Research Center of Wuhan University, Researcher at the Guangxi Institute of County Economic Development of Guangxi University.
Social Services Dedicated to the joint bidding for the China-Russia-Mongolia Ten Thousand Miles Tea Route and international cooperation, he has done useful work on the discovery and promotion of several important nodes of the Hubei and Hunan sections of the Ten Thousand Miles Tea Route as well as the route of the Yihong Ancient Tea Route. Facilitated the establishment of Wufeng and Chibi in Hubei, and Shimen and Linxiang in Hunan as important nodes of the Wanli Tea Route, and acted as an intermediary for the establishment of a friendship city between Chibi and Russia's Chakotu. Actively participated in the economic and social development of Xinjiang Yili Prefecture.
Journal Papers
[1] LIU Zaiqi,PENG Siyuan,WU Si. Migrant Network and China's OFDI Performance Improvement-Analysis Based on the Data of Overseas Subsidiaries of Listed Enterprises [J]. Learning and Practice, 2024, (04): 72-83. CSSCI
[2] Liu Zaiqi,Zhang Jin. Research on the cultural identity effect of economic and trade dependence[J]. China Social Science Digest,2023(1):92-93. School Award Journal
[3] Liu Zaiqi, Xiao Yue. China's development path to smooth the “double cycle”[J]. China Social Sciences Digest, 2021(6):1.
[4] Liu Zaiqi, Zhang Jin. Exploring the Road of Opening and Upgrading of Free Trade Zones with Chinese Characteristics[J]. China Social Science Digest, 2020(2). School Award Journal
[5] Liu Zaiqi, Zhang Yongliang, Wang Yang. Trade effects of China's direct investment in the EU[J]. China Social Science Digest, 2018(2).
[6] Liu Zaiqi,Wei Wei. Security and reform trends in the Russian Federation[J]. China Social Science Digest, 2017(4):3. school award journals
[7] Liu Zaiqi, Wang Manli. Comparative Advantage Trap in Global Value Chains: An Empirical Analysis Based on Whole-Network and Country-Specific Panel Data[J]. International Trade Issues,2018,No.423(03):100-112. Reprinted from CSSC&School Important Journals&NPC Photocopies.
[8] Liu Zaiqi,Xu Yanfei. Foreign trade, market integration and regional economic growth--Based on bootstrap panel causality test[J]. Research on World Economy,2013,No.229(03):22-28+87. Reprinted from CSSCI&School Important Journals&NPC Reprinting Materials
[9] Liu Zaiqi,Wang Yang. Economic resources, institutional environment and location choice of China's direct investment in EU[J]. Economic Management,2016,38(02):1-1 3. CSSC& School Important Journals
[10] Liu Zaiqi,Xu Yanfei. Local government economic behavior pattern and industrial structure evolution in the process of marketization[J]. Economic Management,2014,36(09):12 -23. CSSCI&School Important Journals
[11] Liu Zaiqi,Xie Runde. An empirical analysis of country-specific trade effects of China's OFDI to ASEAN[J]. World Economic Research,2014,244(06):80 -86+89. CSSCI&School Important Journal
[12] Liu Zaiqi,Xiao Yue. Geographic distribution, formation causes and transformation development path of shrinking cities in China[J]. Taxation and Economy,2021,236 (03):1-8. Reprinted in NPC Reprint Materials.
[13] Liu Zaiqi, Liu Ling, Zhong Xiao. The impact of China's service sector participation in global value chains on employment - an empirical data analysis based on WIOT[J]. Theory Monthly,2018,444(12):156-163. Reprinted from NPC Reprints.
[14] Liu Zaiqi. China-U.S.-Russia economic relations in the context of “Belt and Road”[J]. People's Forum-Academic Frontier,2017,131(19):32-43+79. CSSCI
[15] LIU Zaiqi, ZHANG Yongliang, WANG Yang. “The trade effect of China's direct investment in the European Union in the context of “Belt and Road”[J]. Learning and Practice,2017, 402(08):15-21. csci
[16] Liu Zaiqi,Xiang Xionghui. Comparative study of economic soft power of China and India[J]. Asia-Pacific Economy,2017,205(06):133-141+188. CSSCI
[17] Liu Zaiqi,Zhang Yongliang. Export Specialization Measurement and its Influential Factors Decomposition--A Study Based on Country Data[J]. Exploration of Economic Issues,2016,No.402(01):155-161. CSSCI
[18] Liu Zaiqi, Wang Manli. Research on “Belt and Road” Strategy and China's Participation in Global Governance--Taking Discourse Power and Discourse System as Perspectives[J]. Learning and Practice,2016,386(04):68-74. CSSCI
[19] Liu Zaiqi,Wei Wei. Evolution of the Security Law of the Russian Federation and Trends in the Reform of the National Security System[J]. Russian East European Central Asian Studies,2016,213(06):25-33+156. CSSCI
[20] Liu Zaiqi, Wang Manli. “Belt and road":China's soft power ‘westward journey’[J]. Jianghan Forum,2016,456(06):48-52. CSSCI
[21]Liu Zaiqi,Fan Qiangqiang.Comparison of the trade effects of FDI and ODI exports - a cointegration analysis based on panel data[J]. Exploration of Economic Issues,2015,390(01):123-127. CSSCI
[22] Liu Zaiqi,Fan Qiangqiang. Research on currency counter-substitution phenomenon triggered by cross-border trade settlement[J]. International Economic and Trade Exploration,2015,31(07):75-84. CSSCI
[23] Liu Zaiqi,Wang Yang. Location choice motivation of China's direct investment in EU[J]. Study and Practice,2014,366(08):28-34. CSSCI
[24] Liu Zaiqi,Xu Yanfei. Local government interest preference and economic growth in the transition period[J]. Research on Finance and Trade,2014,25(02):84-94.CSSCI
[24]Liu Zaiqi, Высшие учебные заведения в Китае в условиях совместного управления центра и регионов, 2007.2, Проблемы Дальнего Востока (Studies of the Far Eastern Problem).
[25] Liu Zaiqi, Путь взаимного постижения Китая и России----через изучение конфуцианства и православия, 2007.6, Полис (Studies in Political Science).
[26] Liu Zaiqi, Мягкая сила в развитии стратегитии Китая, 2009-04, Political Studies (Publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
[27] Liu Zaiqi, Чайная торговля между Китаем и Россией, 2009-09, Journal of Science (Publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
[28] Liu Zaiqi, Historical Study of Sino-Russian Tea Trade (in Russian), 2010.3, Eurasian World (Publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
[29] Liu Zaiqi, What is Ahead for PRC and USA: Military Conflict or Potential Union? (in Russian), 2005(6), Мировая экономика и международные отношения. (Publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
[30] Liu Zaiqi, Foreign Policy of China and Prospects of Chinese-Russian Relations. (in Russian), 2004(9), Мировая экономика и международные отношения. (Publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Publications).
[31] Liu Zaiqi, 2020.12, People's Publishing House published a monograph “Jin merchants and the Ten Thousand Mile Tea Route”.
[32] Liu Zaiqi, Huang Yue, 2020.12, People's Publishing House published monograph “Yihong ancient tea route and ten thousand miles of tea route”.
[33] Liu Zaiqi, 2018.10, People's Publishing House, published monograph Hubei and China-Russia Ten Thousand Miles Tea Route
[34] Liu Zaiqi,2018.06, Economic Science Publishing House published monograph “Research on Security Institutional Mechanisms of Major Countries in the World”, participant, Important Publishing House
[35] Liu Zaiqi, 2012.01, monograph published by PLA Press, Research on the Financial Management of the Russian Army, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Important Publishing House
[36] Liu Zaiqi, 2007-2008, Wuhan University Publishing House, published the monograph “Sociology of International Relations (5 series of academic translations)”, project leader, Important Publishing House.
[37] Liu Zaiqi, 2004.12, “Sino-Russian Relations after the Cold War (1991-2003) (Russian Edition)”, Science Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Important Publishing House.
Major Project of National Social Science Foundation of China “Research on the Organization of Documentation and Heritage Protection of the Southwest Tea Horse Road under the Perspective of ‘One Belt, One Road’, Sub-theme Leader
Major Project of National Social Science Foundation of China, “Collection, Organization and Research on the Tea Industry of Wanli Tea Route”, head of sub-theme
Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China: Research on the Strategy and Path of China's Participation in the Rebalancing of the Global Economy in the Post-Financial Crisis Era, Sub-theme Leader
Key Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China: Orthodox Christianity and Russian Foreign Policy, Project Leader
Research on China's Soft Power Construction and Development Strategy, Major Project of Ministry of Education, Sub-theme Leader
Study on International Relations and Russian Politics and Diplomacy, Scholarship Center, Ministry of Education, China, Project Leader
Hubei Provincial Social Science Foundation Project: Research on Strategic Countermeasures to Expand Opening-up of Hubei in the Context of Inward Shift of the Center of Gravity of Opening-up, Project Leader
Project of Hubei Social Science Foundation “Carrying out Research on Wanli Tea Route and Promoting Hubei Province's Integration into the Belt and Road Strategy”, subject leader
The 2021 “China Survey Project” of Hubei Social Science Federation, “Deepening the Development of Xiaohan City”, responsible for the project.
Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau Major Bidding Project “The Status and Role of Jin Merchants in the Miles Tea Route and the Belt and Road”, responsible for the project.
The “Ten Thousand Miles Tea Route Trilogy” won the First Prize of the 13th Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award in Social Sciences in 2022.
“Мягкая сила в развитии стратегитии Китая (Soft Power in China's Development Strategy)” won the Second Prize of the Eighth Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award in Social Sciences in 2013.
Third Prize of Hubei Provincial Development Research Award for 2020-2021 for “Shining the ‘Yihong’ Tea Brand with Culture and Boosting the High-quality Development of the Tea Industry in the Province”.
“Economic Resources, Institutional Environment and China's Location Choice for Direct Investment in the European Union” Won the Third Prize of the 11th Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award in Social Sciences in 2018
“Local Government Economic Behavior Patterns and Industrial Structure Evolution in the Process of Marketization” Third Prize of the 10th Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award in Social Sciences, in 2016
“The Sociology of International Relations (a series of 5 academic translations)” won the Third Prize of the Seventh Hubei Provincial Outstanding Achievement Award in Social Sciences in 2011.