| Li Xuesong
Li, Xuesong
Associate Professor
(Vice Chair,) Department of Economics
Email: xuesong7401@263.net
Phone : +86-27-68753173
PhD, Political Economics, Wuhan University, China (2001-2005)
MSc, Regional Economics, Wuhan University, China (1998-2001)
B.A., Environmental Planning and Management, Wuhan University, China (1991-1995)
Personal Website or Detailed CV Link
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses :Political Economics ; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Water Resource Economics; Regional Economy Development of China; RegionalEconomicSustainable Development; Green Management andBusiness Ethics
Ÿ Research Areas :Regional Economics; Resource Economics; Environmental Economics
Ÿ Visiting Scholar, Macquarie University, July 2014– October 2014
Ÿ VisitingScholar,Maastricht University, September 2012– September 2013
Ÿ ViceChair of Department of Economics,Wuhan University, August 2013 – present
Ÿ Vice Dean, Water Research Institute of Wuhan University,October 2010- present
Ÿ Associate Professor ofEconomics and Management School, Wuhan University, September 2008-present
Ÿ InstructorofEconomics and Management School, Wuhan University, June 2006 - September 2008
Ÿ Associate Director, History School of Wuhan University, April 2004 – May 2006.
Ÿ Head,Student ManagementDepartment of Philosophy School of Wuhan University, May 1999 – March 2004.
Ÿ Assistant, Environmental Science Department of Wuhan University, July 1995 – April 1999
Ÿ N.A.
Ÿ July 2014– October 2014 training inMacquarie University.
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Sun B, Li X. The effect of community organisations’participation and existence on self-rated health in China: evidence from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study[J]. China Journal of Social Work, 2017, 10(2-3): 182-202.
Ÿ X S Li, Z Y Peng and T T Li. “An evaluation index system of water security in China based on macroeconomic data from 2000 to 2012” International Conference on Water Resource and Environment 2016 (WRE2016). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 39 (2016) 012045. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. EI Compendex.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Gao Yan, 2017,43(11). “The social security mechanism of third party governance of environmental pollution”, China Environment.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2017,319(7). “Does China’shigh-speed railpromote regionalmanufacturingagglomeration?—Evidence fromcities along Beijing-Guangzhouhigh-speed railwayline”, China Soft Science.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Cao Wanyin, 2017,564(07). “What stumbling blocks need to be removed to release the environmental tax bonus”, People's Tribune.
Ÿ Yu Shujun, Li Xuesong, Peng Zheyuan, 2017(03). “Study on environmental regulation mode and green innovation efficiency of Yangtze river economic belt”, Jianghai Academic Journal.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Tingting, Zhang Yudi, 2017(11). “The measurement of the transaction index of the rural property rights trading platform in the central region”, Statistics & Decision.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Peng Zheyuan, Gao Yan, 2017(02). “The implementation path and system guarantee of China's foreign investment”, Henan Social Sciences.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Zhang Yudi,Sun Bowen, 2017(01). “Does regional integration promote the efficiency of economic growth? An empirical analysis of the YangtzeRiver Economic Belt”, China Population,Resources and Environment.
Ÿ Sun Bowen, Li Xuesong, Wu Xinmu, 2016(6).“Informal support system and health care: A Study on the health promoting effect of social capital”,Chinese Journal of Population Science.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Ping, Cao Wanyin, 2016(6).“Practice,Problems and Countermeasures ofEcologicalCompensationStandard in China”. Journal of Economics of Water Resources.
Ÿ Sun Bowen.Li Xuesong, Zhang Yudi, 2016(6).“Research on Multi-Center Collaborative Development of Wuhan City Circle”, Regional Economic Review.
Ÿ Ren Junlin, Li Hao, Wu Xinmu,Li Xuesong, 2016(10). “Assessment of 11 Provincial Capitals’s Water Ecological Civilization of theYangtze River Economic Belt on the Principal Component”,Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin.
Ÿ X S Li, Z Y Peng and T T Li. An evaluation index system of water security in China based on macroeconomic data from 2000 to 2012. International Conference on Water Resource and Environment 2016 (WRE2016). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 39 (2016) 012045. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. EI Compendex.
Ÿ Sun Bowen,Li Xuesong,2016(12).“Study on the allocation and utilization of agricultural water resources under the uncertain condition”.Statistics & Decision.
Ÿ Zhang Yudi,Li Xuesong, 2016(3).“Promote Taiwan funded enterprises to integrate into the mainland's economic transformation and upgrading”.Times Finance.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, Wu Ping. “Research on Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization construction”.Social Sciences in Hunan.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Tingting. “China’s Water Security Comprehensive Evaluation and Empirical Analysis”.South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology.
Ÿ Ren Junlin, Li Hao, Wu Xinmu,Li Xuesong, 2016(5).“Analysis of Water Efficiency of Capital Cities in Yangtze River Economic Belt in China”.China Population,Resources and Environment.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Ping, Cao Wanyin, 2016(2). “The risk analysis and system guarantee of the third party governance of environmental pollution”.Seeker.
Ÿ Sun Bowen,Li Xuesong, Wu Xinmu, Wang Lei, 2016(1).“Interaction Between Market Integration and Regional Economic Growth in Yangtze River Belt: An Empirical Analysis Based on Simultaneous Equations System”.Forecasting.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen. 2015(6). “Density, Distance, Division and Regional Market Integration: Empirical Study Based on Panel Data of Yangtze River Economic Belt”, Macroeconomics, pp.117-128.
Ÿ Li Xuesong Zhang Yudi,“how to coordinate integration Yangtze River economic belt and the ecological economic zone of the Han River”.Study Monthly.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Tingting, 2015(3).“Water Security Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Macroscopical Data from 2000to 2012”.China Rural Water and Hydropower.
Ÿ Sun Bowen, Li Xuesong, 2015(2). “Coordination Mechanism of Foreign River Basin and its Inspiration for China’s Development”.regional Economic Review.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Tingting, 2014.“Study on Marketing Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Water Source Area in the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project”, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Tingting, Sun Bowen, 2014. “Leapfrog Development in Jianghan Plain Based on the Strategy of ‘Two Areas and One Belt’”, Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Science), No.6, pp.19-24.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, Xia Yibing, 2014.“An Empirical Study of the ‘Resource-saving & Environmentally Friendly’, Society Establishment and Influencing Factors”, Science and Technology Management Research, No.15, pp.50-55, 65.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2014. “System Design and Path Selection for Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance under the Perspective of Ecological Compensation”, Insurance Studies, No.5, pp.13-20.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2014. “Economic Property and Policy Development of Atmosphere Pollution Governance: An Analytical Framework”, Reform, No.4, pp.17-25.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2014. “The Measure of the Market in the Middle Route of the Yangtze River Area under the Regional Economic Integration – An Analysis of the Integration of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui on Panel Data”, Jiangxi Social Sciences, No.3, pp.34-40.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Zhang Jieping, 2014. “Evaluation on the Economic Society and Coordinated Development of Ecological Environment of the Water Source Area in the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project”, South to North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, No.1.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2014. “Evaluation on Comprehensive Benefits of Urban Water Environment Governance Based on AHP: An Example on Wuhan”, Areal Research and Development, No.4, pp.171-176.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Sun Bowen, 2013. “Regional Integration of the Yangtze River Middle Reaches Urban Agglomerations: Measuring and Comparison”, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, No.8, pp.996-1003
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Xia Yibing, 2012.“Performance Assessment of Building the Resource-Saving and Environment-Friendly Society of Wuhan Megalopolis Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process”, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, No.7, pp.809-815.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Ye Xiaojun, 2011.“Resource Integration, System Innovation and the Development of Industrial Clisters: Taking the Environmental Protection Industry of Wuhan as an Example”, Ecological Economy, No.9, pp.121-125.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Li Linxin, 2011.“Analysis of Supply Mechanism of Safe Drinking Water Project in Rural Areas Based on the Game Theory”, Ecological Economy, No.5, pp.31-34.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Gao Xin, 2009.“Mechanisms Innovation of Urban Water Environment Governance Based on Externality Theory”, China Soft Science, No.4, pp.87-91.
Ÿ Liu Pu, Li Xuesong, 2009.“Externalities, Regional Correlation Effect and the Regional Coordination Mechanism”, Economic Perspectives, No.3, pp.68-71.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2009.“TheMechanism Innovation of Lake’s Environmental Governance of the ‘Resource-saving & Environmentally Friendly’ in Wuhan”, The Thirteen World Lake Conference of Lake Protection and the Construction of “Resource-saving & Environmentally Friendly” Forum Monograph, pp.60-66.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2008.“The Construction and Innovation of the Long-term Mechanism of Safe Drinking Water in Rural Areas in the New Period”, Ecological Economy, No.12, pp.28-31.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2008.“The Adjustment on the Water Resources Law under the Circular Economy”, Ecological Economy, No.10, pp.83-86.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Xinmu, 2007.“Development and Innovation System of Water Resource Circular Economy in China”, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, No.2, pp.293-297.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Xinmu, 2007.“The System Analysis and Innovation of the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources”, Economic Review, No.1, pp.72-77.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Li Xuesong,2014. “To Do or Not To Do——The Dilemma Facing the Purchasing Manager in A Coal Mine Machinery Company”, Being Chosen toChina management case sharing center case library
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2014.“The Corporate Environmental Responsibility of Multinational Company in Globalization——ConocoPhillips oil spill in China's Bohai Bay”,Being Chosen to China management case sharing center case library
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2011. “‘Build a Better World’-ABlnBev Company’s Green Management and Social Responsibility”, The Teaching Project of Professional Degree Graduate in Wuhan University.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2010. “Blue dream- ‘Wuhan Water special’ operations cases”, The Teaching Project of Professional Degree Graduate in Wuhan University.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Li Xuesong,China water security evaluation and policy analysis, China International Water Law Programme (CIWL) Forum,Xiamen University,2014.5
Ÿ Li Xuesong,Sun Bowen, Individual social capital, collective social capital and self-rated health: Based on the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS) data,TheTenth Chinese Hayek SocietyAnnualMeeting and theEntrepreneurialSpirit andEconomicTransformation of the Academic Symposium,Feng Chia University, 2014.8
Ÿ X S Li, Z Y Peng and T T Li.An evaluation index system of water security in China based on macroeconomic data from 2000 to 2012. International Conference on Water Resource and Environment 2016 (WRE2016).
Ÿ N.A.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, 2006,Research on Water Resource Systems of China, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Zhang Yudi, 2016.“The Synergy Development betweenNew-type urbanization and industry ofUrban Agglomerationaround Poyang Lake”,A report on the new urbanization and industrial development of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Ping, 2016."The central region’sdevelopment path and Countermeasures under thestrategy ofOne Belt And One Road”. New situation, new strategy, new development -- promoting the development of the central region in the new ten years.
Ÿ Li Xuesong,The Manager’s Guide to Green Business, Beijing: Science Press, 2014, Translation.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wang Zhonglei.You don’t always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of Privatization, Beijing: Science Press, 2013, Translation.
Ÿ Li Xuesong.The Innovation on Sustainable Development and Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Danjiangkou Reservoir [A].Progress on Environmental Economics[C]. Beijing: China Environmental Press, 2012.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Ye Xiaojun. TheActuality Analysis and Stratagem Research of Reaching Leapfrog Development in Jianghan Plain [A]. Retrospects and Prospects of Policies and Measures Promoting the Rise of Central China[C]. Wuhan: Wuhan Environmental Press, 2012.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Chen Xi, Xia Yibing. A Study on the Policy Promoting the Development of Emerging Strategic Industries of Central China [A]. Retrospects and Prospects of Policies and Measures Promoting the Rise of Central China[C]. Wuhan: Wuhan Environmental Press, 2012.
Ÿ Li Xuesong, Wu Xinmu, Constructing the innovation mode and supporting system of economics talent training mode [A]. New Pattern of International Business and Trade Education Innovation & Practice[C]. Wuhan: Wuhan Environmental Press, 2012.
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Analysis of Economic Mechanism and Study of Management Innovation System of Rural Water Problems Funds),¥120000,2010,Ref.10BJY064
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Economic Analysis and Prevention Mechanism Study of Rural Water Pollution---Take the Jianghan Plain as the Example Funds),¥70000,2009,Ref. 09YJA790159
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Study of Law System and Management Mechanism of Water Resources Marketization from the Perspective of Property Right Funds),¥50000,2009,Ref.09SFB3039
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Research on the Development of Strategic Emerging Industry -- Taking Environmental Protection Industry in Wuhan City as an Example) ,¥10000,2010,Ref.[2010]297
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Study of Water Safety of Hubei Province Funds),¥10000,2007,Ref.07013
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Study of Supply and Marketing Cooperation and Agricultural Industrialization Interacting Development of Hubei at New Era Funds),¥15000,2003,Ref.2003AA403B08
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Strategic Study of Hubei Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection Industry Development During the Construction of “Resource-saving & Environmentally Friendly”),2010,Ref. 2010b014
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Economic Analysis of the Utilization of Water Resources in China)( The main participants),¥600000,2004,Ref. 04JZD0011
Ÿ Li Xuesong (The Research on the Development of the Youth Talent Resources of Humanities and Social Sciences in Hubei Province),¥40000,2011
Ÿ Li Xuesong (The Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Youth Talent Resources of Humanities and Social Sciences in Hubei Province),¥30000,2010
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Strategies on Developing the Economy of the Yangtze River),¥200000,2014
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Research on the construction of national strategic drinking water area),¥100000,2011
Ÿ Li Xuesong (The Qingshan Industrial Park Development Planning),¥300000,2011
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Research on the comprehensive management of water resources in the Yangtze river basin from the perspective of water ecological civilization construction),¥50000, 2016
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Study on the follow-up problem of migration and resettlement in Danjiangkou reservoir area of south-to-north water diversion project),¥428000, 2015
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Study on the economic growth effect of the Yangtze river economic belt high-speed railway construction),¥20000, 2015
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Regional sustainable development theory and practice research front),¥5000, 2015
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Study on the system construction of the practical teaching platform of economics profession),¥20000, 2017
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Report on the development of trade circulation in Hubei province in 2016 (including data survey)),¥270000,2017
Ÿ Li Xuesong(Qianjiang high-end equipment manufacturing development planning:2016-2020),¥300000, 2016
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Li Xuesong (Popularization Scheme of Bell Innovation Curriculum on Chinese Sustainable Development Funds),¥10000,2009
Ÿ The Second Prize ofExcellent Paper, The 5th Hubei Province Young Scholars' Forum,2014
Ÿ TheGrand Prize of Teaching Achievement(the main participants),Wuhan University,2014
Ÿ TheFirst Prize of Excellent Paper, Chinese Central Development Forum,2012
Ÿ The Excellent Award of the Seminar, Communist Party of China 90th Anniversary, Wuhan, 2011
Ÿ The ExcellentAchievement Prize in Social Science, Wuhan,2008
Ÿ The Second Prize ofExcellent Paper, EssayofThe development and Research Center of the Water Resources,2008
Ÿ The Advanced Individual, Hubei Province,2003
Ÿ The first prize of the 8th Hubei higher education teaching achievement award : The basic talent training reform and innovation of theoretical economics(ranked 3rd in project participant), 2017
Ÿ The award of the dean’s teaching contributions and excellent teaching management of economics and management school of Wuhan University, 2017
Ÿ The award for undergraduate excellent teaching performance of Wuhan University, 2016
Ÿ Advanced individual for undergraduate teaching work audit of Wuhan University, 2016
Ÿ The award of the dean’s teaching contributions of economics and management school of Wuhan University, 2015
Ÿ The special prize of teaching achievement award of Wuhan University: The basic talent training reform and innovation of theoretical economics (ranked 3rd in project participant), 2014
Ÿ Excellent CPC member of Wuhan University, 2016
Ÿ Excellent advisor for summer social practice of Wuhan University, 2014
Ÿ Excellent union worker of Wuhan University, 2008
Ÿ Outstanding student mentor of Wuhan University, 2007
Ÿ Excellent advisor for summer social practice of Wuhan University, 2006
Ÿ Advanced individual for propagandizing the ideological and political of Hubei province, 2003
Ÿ Excellent CPC member of Wuhan University, 1998
Ÿ Advanced individual in military training of Wuhan University, 1997
Ÿ Advanced individual in military training of Wuhan University, 1995
Ÿ N.A.
Ÿ Member of Chinese Society for Environmental Economics
Ÿ Syndic of Soft ScienceAssociation of China
Ÿ Member of RegionalEconomicsAssociation of China
Ÿ Deputy secretary general of Yangtze river economic belt professional committee of China regional economic association(since 2017)
Ÿ Member of the regional innovation committee of China regional economic association(since 2017)
Ÿ Director member of China regional science society(since 2017)
Ÿ Director member of China regional economic association(since 2016)
Ÿ Member of the second and third committee of environmental economics branch of China environmental science society.(since 2012)
Ÿ Consultant for participating in the administration and discussion of state affairs for Taiwan democratic self-government alliance Hubei branch.(since 2015)
Ÿ Auditing experts for fifth sixth seventh National hundred excellent management cases(since 2014)
Ÿ Government is not Only the night watchman,Dazhong daily,June 11th 2014, page 10
Ÿ "tragedy of the commons" of atmosphere governance,Dazhong daily,May 28th 2014, page 10
Ÿ Perfect the mechanism of farmland water conservancy construction in our country
Ÿ ,Guangming Daily,July 6th 2014, page 7
Ÿ How to Ensure the Drinking Water’s Safety in Rural Areas,Guangming Daily,July 6th 2014, page 6