| Ye Chusheng
Ye, Chusheng
Department of Economics; Center for Economic Development Research
Email: yechsh@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68755611
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University (1987-1992)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ Teaching courses : Advanced Microeconomics; Econometrics; Microeconomics
Ÿ Research Areas : Development Economics; Rural Poverty and Development
Ÿ Economic Growth and Structural Change
Ÿ Co-Director, Center for Economic Development Research, Wuhan University, April 2017 – present
Ÿ Editor in Chief,Economic Review,Wuhan University, January 2014 – present
Ÿ Deputy Director, Center for Economic Development Research, Wuhan University, March 2013 – present
Ÿ Executive Editor in Chief, Economic Review,Wuhan University, December 2007 - December 2013
Ÿ Professor of Economics, Wuhan University, October 2005 - present
Ÿ Assistant Professor of Economics, Wuhan University, October 2001 - September 2005
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Fenghua Zhang, 2010. “Pro-poor Growth in Rural China: 1980-2008 ”, East Asia Economic Review,Vol.4, pp. 97-117.
Ÿ Li-Ju Chen, Chusheng Ye, Shih-Wen Hu, Vey Wang, and Jiandong Wen, 2013. “The Effect of a Target Zone on the Stabilization of Agricultural Prices and Farmer’s Nominal Income”,Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, April, 38(1):34-47.
Ÿ Li-Ju Chen, Shih-Wen Hu, Vey Wang, Jiandong Wen, and Chusheng Ye, 2014. “The effects of purchasing and price subsidy policies for agricultural products under target zones”, Economic Modelling, vol. 43(C): 439-447
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2005. “Seeking the Micro Foundations of Development Theories”,Social Sciences in China, Vol.4, pp.29-40.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Yu Zhao, 2005. “New Progress in the Development of Micro Theories of Development Economics: Economic Complementariness and Coordination Disorder in Development”, Economic Perspectives, Vol.7,pp.83-87.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Ying Shi, 2005. “The Problem of Income Distribution in The Theoretical Sight of Development Economics”,Jiangxi Social Sciences , Vol.11,pp. 51-58.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Lianfa Luo, 2008. “The Development of Private Enterprise and Dual Structure Change: A Development Economic Insight into the Thirty Years of China’s Open Up ”,Jianghan Tribune,Vol.9,pp. 9-13.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Fenghua Zhang, 2009. “Can Neoclassical Microeconomics Provide Microfoundations for Development Economics?”,Journal of Hubei University of Economics, Vol.3,pp. 29-34.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Hongxia Wang, 2010, ”Multidimentional Poverty Measurment: Problems and Approaches”,Journal of Hubei University of Economics, Vol.6,pp. 5-11.
Ÿ Yongping Sun and Chusheng Ye, 2011.”Resource Dependence, Geographical Location and Urban Economic Growth”,Modern Economic Science, Vol.1,pp. 114-128.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Lianfa Luo, 2011. “Social Capital, Poverty Alleviation Policy and Household Welfare of the Poor: Hierarchical Linear Analysis Based on the Rural Survey Data of Guizhou Province”,Finance & Economics, Vol.7,pp. 100-109.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Hui Li, 2011. “ Pro-poor Growth in Rural China: Measurement and Analysis”,Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition, Vol.5,pp. 12-21.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Fenghua Zhang, 2011. “The Dynamic Effects of Government Policies of Poverty Reduction”,China Population, Resources and Environment, Vol.9,pp 123-131.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Rui Zhao, 2011. “Poverty Measurement on Village-level: Dimensions and Method”,Fazhan Jingjixue Yanjiu, Vol.7,pp. 383-402.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Yafei Liu, 2011. “The Completeness and Efficiency of Informal Risk—sharing Network: An Agent—based Modelling Approach”,Economic Review, Vol.6,pp. 14-31.
Ÿ Fenghua Zhang and Chusheng Ye, 2011. “Economic Growth, Industry Structure and Rural Poverty Reduction: Based on An Empirical Analysis of Provincial Panel Data”,Contemporary Finance & Economics, Vol.12,pp. 14-21.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Xin Zou, 2012. “Poverty Targeting: Performance Evaluation and Mechanism Design”,Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition, Vol.1,pp. 63-69.
Ÿ Yongping Sun and Chusheng Ye, 2012. “Resource-based Urban Economic Growth The “Curse” of Resource or the Tyranny of Distance?”,Economic Survey,Vol.2,pp. 6-13.
Ÿ Yongping Sun and Chusheng Ye, 2012. “Abundant Natural Resources and Industry Structure Distortion: Influence Mechanism and Multi-dimentional Measure”,Nanjing,Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.6,pp. 1-8.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Jinrong Tang, 2012. “Economic Development and Income Distribution Based on a Sight of Poverty Alleviation”,Hubei Social Sciences, Vol.7,pp. 80-85.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Rui Zhao, 2013. “Dynamic Poverty of Rural Areas in China: Condition Transformation and Durability”,Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition, Vol.3,pp. 42-53.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Rui Zhao and Hui Li, 2014. “Vulnerability to Poverty in Economic Transitions: Measurement , Decomposition and Comparison A Micro-Evaluation of the Performance of Sino-Russian Economic Transitions”,Comparative Economic & Social Systems, Vol.1,pp. 103-114.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye,2014. “The Quality of Economic Development in the Sight of Development Economics”,Tianjin Social Sciences, Vol.2,pp. 96-101.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Hexia Feng,2014. “Economic Research on Happiness: Progress and Revelation”,Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), Vol.3,pp. 125-129.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Hexia Feng, 2014. “Is City the Siege of Happiness?”,China Population,Resources and Environment,Vol.6,pp. 16-21.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Hui Li,2014. “Thw Quality of Economic Growth on the Development: Concept, Measuerment and Empirical Analysis---From a Micro Perspective of Development Economics”,Economic Theory and Management, Vol.12,pp. 17-34.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Kao Gao, and Yafei Liu, 2014. “The Poverty Trap: Positive Feedback of Assets Scarcity and Pessimistic Psychology,Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Vol.4,pp. 44-53.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Zhaoke Ren, and Hexia Feng, 2014. “The Childhoood Memory Impacts on Subjective Happiness”,Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition), Vol.5,pp. 93-102.
Ÿ Lianfa Luo, Chusheng Ye, 2015. “Social Capital, Technology Adoption and Quality of Poverty Relief Policy”,Finance & Economics, Vol.2,pp. 100-110.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Bin Yan, 2015. “Chinese OFDI in the ‘New Normal Economy’ : Stylized Facts, Science of Logic and Theoretical Enlightenment”,Hubei Social Sciences, Vol.5,pp. 82-89.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Hui Li, 2015. “Growth Quality is the New Orientation of the ‘New Normal Economy’”, Journal of Xinjiang Normal University, Vol.4,pp. 44-53.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Li Hui, 2016. “Researches on the Impacts of Agricultural Productive Pollution on Economic Growth”,China Population, Resources and Environment,Vol.4,pp. 116-125.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Xin Zou, 2016. “Empirical Researches on Farmers’ Repayment Behavior in the Loan Period – Based on Cox-Model Using Rural Commercial Credit Data”,Hubei Social Sciences, Vol.3,pp. 89-96.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Li Hui, 2016. “Impacts of Rural Financial Expenditure on Chinese Rural Green Productivity”,Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences), Vol.3,pp. 48-55.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Xin Zou, 2016. “Agricultural Product Export’s Diversity, Universality and the Agricultural Economic Growth”,Chinese Rural Economy, Vol.3,pp. 82-96.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Jie Gao, 2017. “On the Economic Performance of Administrative Division Adjustment: Evidence from County Reform Area,Guangxi Social Science, Vol1. Pp. 61-68.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Jingxing Tang, 2018. “Bank Competition and Industrial Upgrade: An Empirical Analysis of Three-dimensional Data Based on ‘Province, Industry and Time’ in Chinese Manufacturing Industry”,Journal of Wuhan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),Vol.3, pp. 117-126.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, Zhaoke Ren, 2018. “Economic Growth Effect and Structural Adjustment Effect of the Internet -- An Empirical Study Based on City Level Panel Data,Nanjing Social Science, Vol 4, pp. 18-29.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Chusheng Ye and Rui Zhao, 2011. “Measurement of Household Vulnerability and its Determinant:An Comparative Analysis of Two transition Economies”,International Conferences on Poverty, inequality and participatory development, October 16, Beijing.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2006. "China's Rural Laborers Reverse Migration---An Approach to the 'Peasant Labor Shortage' from the Supply of Labor Markets",International Conference on Economic Transition: China and Eastern Europe, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, May 3, Paris, France.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2008. “Why is still not development economics an independent science?”Russian-Sino Joint Symposium on History of Economics Thought and Methodology, October 10, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2008. "Private enterprises in China",Round table on Comparative Analysis of Russia and China Economic Performance, October 15, St. Petersberg University, St. Petersberg, Russia.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2009. "Pro-poor Growth in Rural China: 1980-2008",Seminar on Economic Integration Process and Social Policy under Globalization, May 6, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2012. "Economic Growth, Industrial Structure and Rural Poverty Reduction in China",Seminar on Economic and Industrial Policy in Economic Development: China and Europe's Opinion, May 10, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, German.Chusheng Ye, 2012. "Economic Growth, Industrial Structure and Rural Poverty Reduction in China", Stockholm Uniersity, May 21, Stockholm, Sweden.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2012. "Economic Growth, Industrial Structure and Rural Poverty Reduction in China", May 23, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland.
Ÿ ChushengYe,2012."Rural Household Vulnerability: A Comparative Analysis of Two Transitional Economies",Economic Structural Adjustment and Sustainable Development: Russia and China's Future, October 3, Moscow, Russia.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2013. " The Threshold Effects of Social Capital on Household Welfare",Economic Development Forum, October 8, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Ÿ Chong Tan and Chusheng Ye, et al., 2001,An Introduction to Development Economics, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye, 2004,International Capital Formation and Economic Development, Beijing: People 's Publishing House.
Ÿ Chongtai Tan, Ying Ma, Chusheng Ye, et al., 2008,Comparative Studies of Economic Development Between the Early Stage of Developed Countries and the Contemporary Developing Countries, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.
Ÿ Chusheng Ye (eds.) 2011,Researches on Development economics(Vol.7), Beijing: Economics Press.
Government-funded grants
Ÿ Research on the Micro-foundation of the Development Economics,¥200000, 2008-2010, Major Project of Humanities and Social Science Key Research Base, Education Ministry of China, No. 07JJD790141.
Ÿ Research on Micro-Foundation and Theoretical Paradigm of Development Economics,¥200000, 2008-2010, Talent Project from Education Ministry of China, No.NCET-07-0644.
Ÿ Performance Evaluation of Rural Poverty Reduction Policy and its Dynamically Aimed Mechanism Design: Based on Rural Households’ Livelihood State and Policy Demand,¥230000, 2009-2011, National Natural Science Foundation of China Project, No. 70983088.
Ÿ The Poor’s Consumer Preferences in Imperfect Market: A Micro Insight of Development Economics,¥15000, 2009, Project Supported by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education ofChina.
Ÿ Poverty and Development: Micro Analysis of Development Economics Focused on the Poor,¥150000, 2012, Supplementary Project from National Social Sciences Fund of China, No. 12FJL012.
Ÿ On the Frontier Theories of Contemporary Development Economics,¥200000, 2013, Major Project of Humanities and Social Science Key Research Base, Education Ministry of China, No. 13JJD790020.
Ÿ Researches on the Structural Reforms on the Supply Side and the New Driving Forces of Economic Development,¥800000, 2016, Major Project from National Social Sciences Fund of China, No.16ZDA006.
Ÿ Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Award, Wuhan University, 2002.
Ÿ Excellent PhD Dissertation in Hubei Province,People’s Government of Hubei Province, 2003.
Ÿ Excellent Graduate Supervisor Award, Wuhan University, 2004.
Ÿ Second Prize of Excellent Books of the 13th An ZiJie International Trade Research, An ZiJie International Trade Research Prize Committee, 2005.
Ÿ First Prize of the 10th Excellent Achievements in Social Science of Wuhan City, People’s Government of Wuhan, 2007.
Ÿ Second Prize of the 6th Excellent Achievements in Social Science of Hubei Province, People’s Government of Hubei Province, 2009.
Ÿ Third Prize of the 5th Excellent Achievements in Scientific Research of National Universities, Education Ministry of China, 2009.
Ÿ Award Nomination of the 3rd Chinese Excellent Publications, General Administration of Press and Publication of China, November, 2010.
Ÿ First Prize of the 7th Excellent Achievements in Social Science of Hubei Province, People’s Government of Hubei Province, 2011.
Ÿ First Prize of the 6th Excellent Achievements in Scientific Research of National Universities, Education Ministry of China, 2013.
Ÿ Award of the 5th “My Ideally Good Adviser” in Wuhan University, Wuhan University, 2014.
Ÿ One of the Top 10 (Top 6) Chinese Paper in International Development Economics, and being selected into “The Yearbook of World Economy (2015)”.
Ÿ Economic Review, Editor in Chief, January 2014 – present
Ÿ Economic Review, Executive Editor in Chief, December 2007 - December 2013
Ÿ Member of the Standing Council of the Chinese Society for Research on Foreign Economic Theories, 2014
Ÿ Deputy Secretary General of China Association of Development Economics, 2006
Ÿ Executive Member of China Foreign Agriculture Research, 2013
Ÿ Evolution of Thinking Way of Modern Economics, Wuhan University, October 31st 2005
Ÿ The Micro Trend of Development Economics Research, Economic School of Qingdao University, June 2005
Evolution of Thinking Way of Modern Economics, Hubei University of Economics, October 12th 2006
Ÿ In what Sense is Development Economics an Independent Science? Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, May 26th 2008
Ÿ The MicroFoundations and Theoretical Paradigm of Development Economics, Hunan University of Commerce, June 5th 2009
Ÿ How Does Development Economics Exist? ---Introspection and Outlook In Micro Perspective, College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agriculture University, October 29th 2010
Ÿ Economics and Economic Studies, School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, December 2nd 2010
Ÿ Economics In Transitional China, School of Business, Jianghan University, April 7th 2011
Ÿ China In Global Economies: Openness and Development, Macao Public Administration Building Lecture Hall, Higher Education Office of the Macao, April 16th 2011
Ÿ History and Future Of Development Economics, Institute for Quantitative Economics, Huaqiao University, May 17th 2011
Ÿ Government In Economic Development, People’s Government of Puding County, Anshun, Guizhou Province, July 30th 2011
Ÿ Economics In China’s Economic and Social Transition, College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agriculture University, October 14th 2011
Ÿ Economics In China: Transition and Development, College of Economics and Management, South China Agriculture University, December 5th 2014
Ÿ Regional Economic Development In Yangtze River Economic Zone Under The New Normal, Jiangxi University Of Finance and Economics, November 5th 2014
Ÿ Threshold of the Influence of Social Capital on Rural Poor Household, Nanchang University, November 6th 2014
Ÿ New Normal and Middle Income Trap in Perspective of Development Economics, Yunnan Normal University, November 2nd 2014
Ÿ The Economics Path to Irrational World,Guangming Daily, December 17th 2002, page 7
Ÿ Deepening Understand of Poverty and Evolution of Development Theory,Guangming Daily, April 20th 2004, page 7
Ÿ Pay Attention To Poverty: the Economics Path to Affluence,Changjiang Daily, April 22nd 2005, page 5
Ÿ Seeking the Rational Foundation of Independence of Development Economics,Guangming Daily, June 19th 2006, page 7
Ÿ The Social Capital in the Frame of “Harmonious Triangle”,Guangming Daily, April 22nd 2008, page10
Ÿ Inclusive Growth In the Perspective of Development Economics,Guangming Daily, March 18th 2011, page11
Ÿ County Economy: An New Field Of Development Economic Research,Guangming Daily, February 17th 2012, page7
Ÿ New Economic Normal Calls For New Development Of Development Economics, Guangming Daily, December 17th 2014, page 15
Ÿ Journals Should Use New Media to Serve Social Practice,Guangming Daily(Theoretical Version), May 12th,2016. Being reprinted by the National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Xinhuanet, People’s Daily Online, and Ifeng.
Ÿ The Economy and the Economic Way of Thinking, Education Bureau of Chengdu Municipality, Sep 14th, 2016.
Ÿ The Normalization, Technicality and Ideology of Economic Research, Northeast Agricultural University, Dec 12, 2016.
Ÿ “What is the problem of development at the middle-income stage?”, Huazhong Agricultural University, January 14, 2018.
Ÿ Development Issues in Middle-Income Stage and Innovation in Development Economics, Wuhan University, April 21, 2018.