| Wen Jiandong
Wen, Jiandong
Department of Economics
Email: jdwen@whu.edu.cn
Phone : +86-27-68753136
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1995)
M.A, Economics, Wuhan University, China (1988)
B.A., Economics, Peking University (1985)
Curriculum Vitae
Ÿ TeachingFocusing :Microeconomics (54), Macroeconomics (54), immediate microeconomics (54), intermediate microeconomics (54), intermediate macroeconomics (54), advanced macroeconomics (54), game theory (36).
Ÿ Research Areas :China economy, new political economy, public choice, Political Economy Approach to China economy
Ÿ Assistant professor, school of economics, Wuhan University, 1987-1996
Ÿ Associate professor, economics and management school, Wuhan University, 1996-2004
Ÿ Professor, economics and management school, Wuhan University, since 2005
Ÿ Senior Researcher, Guosen Securities Corporation, Shenzhen, 2000-2003
Ÿ Senior Consultant for Changsha Resident of National Auditing Office, 2012-2013
Ÿ Consulting Experts for the Office of Two Type Society of Wuhan City Government, 2011-2013
Journal Papers (International)
Ÿ Hummera Saleema, Wen Jiandonga, Khalid Zamanb,., Elsayed Elsherbini Elashkarc, Alaa Mohamd Shoukryc (2018), The impact of air-railways transportation, energy demand, bilateral aid flows, and population density on environmental degradation: Evidence from a panel of next-11 countries, Transportation Research Part D, 152-168, 62.
Ÿ Li-Ju Chen, Shih-Wen Hu ,Vey Wang,JiandongWen, Chusheng Ye (2014).The Effects of Purchasing and Price Subsidy Policies for Agricultural Products under Target Zones. Economic Modelling, 439-447, 43. (B category)
Ÿ Li-Ju Chen, Shih-Wen Hu ,Vey Wang, Chusheng Ye, JiandongWen (2013). The Effect of a Target Zone on the Stabilization of Agricultural Prices and Farmers’ Nominal Income. Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics. Vol.38 (1).
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Pan Yaliu (210). Unequal Income Distribution in China: Causes and Impacts. Eastern Asian Economic Review. vol. 4. pp77-97
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Feng Weidong (2018), Innovation Decision and Economic Growth under Uncertainty of Institutions and Policies, No. 1.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Feng Litao (2017), The Effect of Institution Uncertainty on Innovation, Fujian Forum, No. 9.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Xie Cong (2017),The Effect ofAging Population on Income Inequality,Journal of Nanjing Auditing University, No.4.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Ouyang Weiru (2017), On the Contribution of Robert Barro to Macroeconomics, EconomicInformation, No.4.
Ÿ Song, Bing and Wen Jiandong (2017), Balanced Economic Growth and Structural Change,ianghan Forum, No. 1.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Song Bing (2016), Structural Reform on the Supply Side: The Right Way China develops Economy, Journal of Xinjiang Normal University, No.2.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Hua Fuxiu (2016), Health, Environment, Productive Infrastructure, and Economic Growth, Auditing and Economic Research, No.4.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Lin Shanshan (2015), Rising Labor Cost and Transfer of International Capital, Jianghan Forum, No. 5.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Pan Yaliu (2013). The Influence of Economic Development, Income Gap on Product Quality under Symmetric Information: An Explanation into Product Quality Defects in China. Fujian Forum. No. 10.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Pan Yaliu (2013). The Making of DSGE Approach to Macroeconomics. Economic Information, No.8.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and He Lihua (2010). The Trust Puzzle in China and its Explanation. Economic Science, No.3.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2006).On the Neoclassical Tradition in Mainstream Economics Jianghan Forum, No.4.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2006). On the Relationship between Marxist Economics and Western Mainstream Economics. Exploration. No.3.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2005). Complex Science in the Economics. Economics Information, No.6.
Ÿ Wen, Jiaondong (2005).Migration of Human Capital and Economic Development. Modern Economic Study, No.9.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2004). On the Impact of Factor Mobility on the Development in Eastern China and Western China. Journal of Shanghai Administrative College, No.6.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2004). The Relationship between Egoism and Altruism under Market Economy. China Soft Science, No.2.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong (2004).Social Credibility and Economic Development. Hunan Social Science, No.5.
Cases and Practical Papers
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong, Shang Xiaoye, and Ouyang Weiru (2013), The Essential and Case Study of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. The Higher Education Press.
Conference Papers (International)
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong.“Heterogeneous Labor, Income Distribution and Ubiquitous Product Quality Defect.” Economic and industrial Policy in Economic Development: Chinese and European Perspectives, May 9-10, 2012, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong. “Unequal Income Distribution in China: Causes and Impacts”. Economic integration and Social Policy under Globalization, May 6, 2010. Kyoto University, Japan.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong.“Mainstream economics: Reconciliation of New Classical and New Keynesian Economics and Beyond”, Russian-Sino Joint Symposium on History of Economic Thought and Methodology Oct. 10-11, 2008, State Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong. “China’s Economic Growth: A New Model for Developing Economies?” Joint Seminar on Economic Relationship between China and Germany, May 9, 2006, Oldenburg University, Germany.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong and Shang Xiaoye, etc. (2011), Macroeconomics, The WHUT press.
Ÿ With the writing group (2011). Western Economics. The Higher Education Press.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong. Social Trust and Creditability and Economic Development,¥200,000, 2009, National Ministry of Education.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong. Western Economics as Excellent Course Resource,¥100,000, 2014, National Ministry of Education.
Ÿ Wen, Jiandong, The Quality of Economic Growth of Poverty Counties,¥150,000, 2011, International Poverty Reduction Center in China
International collaborativegrants
Ÿ Third Class Prize awarded by Securities Association of China, A study on sponsor mechanism in growth enterprises market overseas, 2002.
Ÿ Honorable Award awarded by Securities Association of China, Institutional Defects and Risk Precaution and Avoidance of China Securities Market,2002.
Ÿ Third Class Prize awarded by Shenzhen Stock Market, An empirical study on the relationship between stock market and economic growth in China, 2002.
Ÿ First Class Prize for Seventh Sixth Excellent Social Science Research Achievements of Hubei province, awarded by Hubei Provincial Government, Comparative Studies on economic development in developed countries in their initial development and current developing countries, 2011.
Ÿ First Class Prize in honor of Teaching Achievement, awarded by Wuhan University, 2008.
Ÿ First Class Prize for the Sixth Excellent Research Achievements of Nationwide College Scientific Study (Humanities and Social Science), awarded by the Ministry of Education, Comparative Studies on economic development in developed countries in their initial development and current developing countries, 2012.
Ÿ The University Principal Award in honor of distinguished teaching achievement, Wuhan University, 2013.
Ÿ The Supremum Prize in honor of Teaching Achievement, awarded by Wuhan University, 2014.
Ÿ The Second Class Prize in honor of Teaching Achievement, awarded by Wuhan University, 2016.
Ÿ The First Class Prize in honor of Teaching Achievement, awarded by Hubei Province, 2017.
Ÿ The Second Class Prize in honor of Teaching Achievement, awarded by Hubei Province, 2017.
Ÿ The Excellent Open Online Course, awarded by Ministry of Education, 2017.
Ÿ Member of Chinese Association of Foreign Economics