| Luo Zhi
Department of Economics, Director
Email: luozhi@whu.edu.cn
PhD, Economics, Wuhan University ,China (2005-2010)
B.A., Economics, Wuhan University, China (2001-2005)
Curriculum Vitae
TEACHING AND RESEARCH AREASTeaching courses: Microeconomics(Undergraduate); Macroeconomics(Undergraduate); International Economics (Undergraduate); Development Economics(Undergraduate); Public Economics (Master); Advanced Microeconomics Theory (Master);Advanced Econometric(Master)
Research Areas: Development Economics; Political Economics; International Economics
Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2010.7-2012.10
Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2012.11-
Visiting scholar, Department of finance and economics, Columbia University
Director,Department of Economics, Wuhan University, 2018.01-
Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2018.11-
Consultant of Asian Development Bank, 2014-
Journal Papers (International)
Fintech, Growth and Inequality: Evidence from China’s Household Survey Data, The Singapore Economic Review, vol.65, s01,2020 (corresponding author)
“Explaining the East Asia miracle: The role of urbanization”,Economic System,vol.43, issue 2, 2019.
“Urban Pollution and Road Infrastructure: A Case Study of China”, China Economic Review, 2018,vol.49.(first author)
“Aging and Inequality: The Link and Transmission Mechanisms”, Review of Development Economics, 2018,vol.22, issue.3.(first author)
“Does Cancellation of Preferential Tax Policy Reduce Foreign Direct Investment Inflows”, China & World Economy, 97-115, vol.26, No.6, 2018. (first author)
“Technical Change and Income Inequality in China”, World Economy, 2017, vol. 40, issue, 11. (corresponding author)
“The Impact of Privatization on TFP: a Quasi-Experiment in China”, Annals of Economics and Finance, 2017, vol.18, No. 1. (corresponding author)
Journal Papers (Domestic)
The Industrial Transfer and Upgrading Effect of Environmental Regulation and the Synergistic Development Effect of Banks:Evidence from Water Pollution Control in the Yangtze River Basin,Economic Review(in Chinese), No.2, 2021
The Impact of Foreign Investment on IPO Underpricing: Evidence from the Prospectus of A-share Listed Companies,Economic Science(in Chinese), No.6, 2020
The Survey of the Operating Conditions of an Anterprise under the Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei province, The Social United Front, (in Chinese), No.2, 2020
International Trade and Biased Technology Progress——A Study on the Intermediate Effect of Distortion of Factor Price, Economic Review(in Chinese),No.3,2018
Ÿ Asymmetric Effects of State - owned Enterprises on Factor Price Distortion, Journal of Finance and Economics(in Chinese), No.3,2018
Ÿ Labor Income Share and Biased Technical Progress--Empirical Research Based on Chinese Provincial Panel Data, World Economic Papers(in Chinese),No.2,2017
“Review of Timothy Besley’s Contribution on New Political Economy”, Economic perspective(in Chinese),No.9,2016
“The Impact of Constriction Mechanism and Incentive Mechanism on the Long Run Investment of SOEs”,China Industrial Economics(in Chinese)No.10,2015
“Credit Expansion, Real Estate investment and the Efficiency on Resource Allocation in Industry”, Journal of Finance Research(in Chinese)No.7,2015
“The Effect of Labor Transfer on the Return to Capital:Mechanism Analysis and Empirical Test”, The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics(in Chinese), No.1, 2014.
“Why do High Investment and Low Labor Share Co-Exist in China? Analysis from the Perspective of the Gap between the Growth Rate of Productivity and Wage”, World Economic Papers(in Chinese), No.6, 2013.
“Sources of Central Officials and Local Economic Growth”, China Economic Quartly (in Chinese, No.1, 2012.
“The Trade of Industrial Products, Technology Progress and Employment”, World Economic Papers(in Chinese), 2012.
“Impact of Imported Agriculture Products on Growing Income”, Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(in Chinese), No.9, 2012.
“The Impact of Trade Liberalization and Employment: Data from the Service Sector”, Economic Review(in Chinese), No.5, 2011.
“Local Government Expenditure and Pro-Poor Growth: An Empirical Research using Chinese Provincial Data”, Journal of Wuhan university(in Chinese), No.3, 2011.
“The Estimation of MPK using Chinese Provincial Data”, Statistical Research (in Chinese), No.5, 2010.
“The Price Effect of Imported Goods on Urban Household Expenditure”, Economic Research Journal (in Chinese), No.12, 2010.
“The Impact of FDI Characteristics on Economics in China: an Empirical Research”, Economic Research Journal (in Chinese), No.5, 2009.
“The Determinant of FDI Inflow to China: an Empirical Research Based on International Panel Data”, South China journal of Economics(in Chinese), No.1, 2009.
“Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction”, Management World (in Chinese), No.2, 2008.
“The Existence and Realization of Advantage of Backwardness of Capital”, Finance and Economics (in Chinese), No.8, 2007.
“Review of the Study of Impact of Trade Liberalization on Poverty”, Economic Perspectives (in Chinese), No.9, 2006.
Cases and Practical Papers
Conference Papers (International)
Research on New Private Economy, People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 2019.
State-Owned Enterprises in the Transition Period of China: Multiple Tasks, Efficiency Losses and Institutional Constraints, People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 2017.
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Poverty: Data from China, People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 2011.
Government-funded grants
Ÿ The impact of COVID-19 on the Survival of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Mechanism analysis and Countermeasure Research, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 2020.
Ÿ A Re-examination of the Quality and Economic Performance of China's Foreign Investment——Based on the Measurement and Evaluation of the "Problem" Foreign-Funded Enterprises' Identification, National Nature Science Foundation of China,2017.
Ÿ The Effect of Factor Biased Technological Progress on Income Distribution in China, the Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 2013.
Ÿ The Effect of Price of Primary Good on Residential Welfare: the Mechanism and the Measurement, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 2011.
Ÿ Study on Structural Reform and Development of Supply-side Structure, National Social Science Fund Project,2016
Ÿ Creating a Competitive Environment for Manufacturing Development ,National Social Science Fund Project,2015
Corporate-funded grants
International collaborative grants
Ÿ Hubei Province Philosophy and Social Science Award, the third prize (awarded bi-annually for highest achievement in social science research in Hubei province), 2020.
Ÿ Excellent Award of Development Research Achievement Award of Ministry of Commerce, 2019
Ÿ Hubei Province Philosophy and Social Science Award, the third prize (awarded bi-annually for highest achievement in social science research in Hubei province), 2018.
Ÿ The Best Paper of Journal of Finance Research, 2015
Ÿ Hubei Province Philosophy and Social Science Award, First Runner-up (awarded bi-annually for highest achievement in social science research in Hubei province), 2011.
Ÿ Zijie An International Economics Research Award, Second Runner-up (highest awarded annually for international economics research in China), 2010.
Ÿ Wuhan Philosophy and Social Science Award, First Runner-up (awarded bi-annually for highest achievement in social science research in Wuhan), 2010.
Ÿ Chongtai Tan Development Economics Award (awarded bi-annually for excellent students in economics research in China), 2010.
Ÿ Furen Dong Economics Research Award (awarded annually for excellent students in economics research in China), 2009.
Ÿ Furen Dong Economics Research Award (awarded annually for excellent students in development economics research in China), 2007.