Wan Panbing |
Assistant Professor |
Institute of Economics |
Email: 1201004@whu.edu.cn |
Phone : +86-27-68752611 |
PhD, Economics, Jinan University, China (2015-2020) |
B.A., Management, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, China (2011-2015) |
Ÿ Teaching Programme: Macroeconomics (undergraduate, 48);
Modern Industrial Economics (postgraduate, 32);
Industrial layout and Industry Clusters (postgraduate, 32)
Ÿ Teaching Focusing:
Ÿ Research Areas: Environmental Economics; Industrial Economics
Ÿ Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, 2020.9-
Journal Papers (Domestic)
Ÿ How do Environmental Technology Standards Affect the Green Transition of China’s Manufacturing Industry: A Perspective based on Technological Transformation? China Industrial Economics (in Chinese), 2021, No. 9, pp. 118-136.
Ÿ Township Development Effects and Environmental Pollution Effects of Urbanization. China Population, Resources and Environment (in Chinese), 2021, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 62-73.
Ÿ Product Quality Regulation and Online Movie Rating: Bayesian Propensity Score Estimators. Economic Perspectives (in Chinese), 2020, No. 3, pp. 69-85.
Ÿ The Social Governance Role of Grassroots Party Organization System: An Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility. Economic Review (in Chinese), 2020, No. 3, pp. 3-20.
Ÿ Emission Reduction Effects of the Kyoto Protocol and Its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): An Analysis based on Data of China’s Participation in Micro-Projects of Global Environmental Governance. Economic Research Journal (in Chinese),2019, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 55-71.
Ÿ Equity Structure and Innovation Behavior of Mixed-ownership Firms: An Empirical Test based on Natural Experiment and Breakpoint Regression. Management World (in Chinese), 2019, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 186-205.
Ÿ Analysis of Operational Risks and Coping Strategies of China’s High-tech Industry under the “Trump’s New Deal”. The Journal of Humanities (in Chinese),2019, No. 6, pp. 31-38.
Ÿ The Gains and Losses of Higher Education Expansion in China: An Evaluation of Policy Effects around Three Major Debates in Domestic Academia. Chinese Journal of Population Science (in Chinese), 2017, No. 1, pp. 115-125.
Ÿ The Theory and Practice of the Change of Land Property Rights System in New China: A Discussion on the Problem of “Small Property Rights Houses” in Shenzhen. Research on Financial and Economic Issues (in Chinese),2017, No. 11, pp. 113-120.
Ÿ Chongtai Tan Development Economics Award (awarded bi-annually for excellent students in economics research in China), 2020.
Ÿ Outstanding Student of Guangdong Province (at graduate level), 2020