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EMS held a meeting on the new period of undergraduate talent cultivation reform work



  To implement the spirit of talent working conference of the central, the implementation of khalid ents fundamental task, promote college undergraduate course teaching reform, our held on May 19 afternoon organization reform of undergraduate talents cultivation project research between teachers and students in the new period, vice President of the luo, xiang sun, dean assistant Liu Cheng, mathematical economics and mathematical finance department Wei Lijia, deputy head of the department of economics department Hu Hui, Yu Jiang, deputy director of the Institute of Economics, and more than 20 representatives of teachers and students participated in the survey. The survey will be presided over by Sun Xiang.



  It is reported, the institute of research is "revolution" of teaching and learning management school is an important component of the BBS, new era to further implement the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development, firmly grasp the key of personnel training, adhere to service national major strategic needs, aiming at scientific research frontier and key areas, optimize the layout of disciplines and personnel training, To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each major in undergraduate talent training, and combined with this work, further complete the revision of 2023 version of undergraduate talent training program.