On the list of the approved project for the National Top Level Course Sharing (the 2nd batch) recently announced by the Ministry of Education, two courses in our school were selected, namely the Course of Introduction to the World Economy lectured by Prof. Zhang Bin and the Course of Financial Engineering lectured by Prof. Ye Yonggang.
It was reported that all the selected courses under this project were the National Top Level Courses between 2003 and 2010. Wuhan University had 22 courses in the list, consisting of 12 in the Faculty of Social Sciences, 3 in the Faculty of Humanities, 3 in the Faculty of Sciences, 3 in the Faculty of Information Sciences and 1 in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, and this figure ranked second in the country. The National Top Level Course Sharing is a part of the National Top Level Open Course Project, aiming to facilitate the building and sharing of educational resources relevant to high quality courses in universities and colleges, inspire changes in concepts about education and teaching, promote the updating of the teaching content and the reform of teaching methods, and help improve the quality of talent training and build the service-oriented learning society.
Our school has paid great attention to increase the number and quality of high quality courses at different levels, and provided strong support with policies and funds to upgrade the National Top Level Courses and the National Bilingual Model Courses at the school to become part of the National Top Level Course Sharing Project and encourage teachers to apply for the project with excellent new courses. Currently, three other courses provided by the school have been candidates for the 2013 National Top Level Course Sharing Project, and have already passed the assessment at the provincial level.