张定胜副教授 数理经济与金融系 Email: dszhang@whu.edu.cn 电话:+86-27-68753125 博士,经济学,武汉大学(1997—2000年) 硕士, 数学, 武汉大学(1992—1995年) 学士, 数学, 湖北教育学院(1990—1992年)
Yang Xiaokai and Zhang Dingsheng 2000. “Endogenous Structure of the Division of Labor, Endogenous Trade policy Regime, and a Dual Structure in Economic Development”, Annals of Economics and Finance, No. 1, pp. 211-230.
Sachs Jeffery, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2000. “Globalization, dual economy, and economic development”, China Economic Review, No. 2, pp. 189-209.
Sachs Jeffery, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2002. “Pattern of Trade and Economic Development in the Model of Monopolistic Competition”, Review of Development Economics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.1-25.
Yang Xiaokai and Zhang Dingsheng 2003.” Economic Development, International Trade, and Income Distribution”, Journal of Economics, Vol.78, No. 2, pp.163-190.
Tombazos Christis, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2005. “A Neo-Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Trade with Endogenous Production Patterns”, Economic Record, Vol 81(S1), 2005, pp.S71-81.
Ng Yewkwang and Zhang Dingsheng, 2005. “Increase Returns and the Smith Dilemma”, Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 50 (S1), 2005, pp. 407-416.
Zhang Dingsheng and Shi heling, 2006. “A note on ‘An Inframarginal Analysis of the Ricardian Model”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 11, issue 4, pp.505-512.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2006. “Domestic and global sourcing”, Journal of Division of Labor and Transaction Costs, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 37-53.
Ng Yewkwang and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007, “Average-Cost Pricing, Increasing Returns, and Optimal Output: Comparing Home and Market Production”, Journal of Economics,Vol.90, No.2, pp.167-192.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007. “Can Productivity Progress in China Hurt the US? Samuelson’s Example Extended”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 101-115.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007. “Does Trade in Intermediate Increase or Decrease Wage Inequality?”, Singapore Economic Review, No.2, pp.201-213.
Cheng Wenli, Zhang Dingsheng, and Zou Hengfu, 2008. “The Effects of Foreign Aid on the Creation and Distribution of Wealth”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 223-237.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2008. “Who Should be Given More Foreign Aid?”, Pacific Economic Review,Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 641-648.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2011. “How Should A public Good Be Provided? A Transavction Cost Approach”, the Journal of Division of Labor and Transaction Costs, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 69-80.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2012. “International Transmission of Monetary Shocks and the Non-Neutrality of International Money”, Review of International Economics, Vol. 20(1), pp. 134-149.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2012. “A Monetary Model of China-US Trade Relations”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 29, pp. 233-238.
Zhang Dingsheng, Cheng Wenli, and Ng Yewkwang, 2013. “Increasing returns, land use controls and housing prices in China”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 31, March, pp789-795.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng,2016. “How might the South be helped bu Northern technology yet harmed by Northern money?”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 55, pp83-91.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2021. “Optimal Environmental Tax-Subsidy Regime in the Presence of Increasing Returns”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 22, pp525-540.
Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2024. “Prices, Politics and Persuasion: The Case of Pollution Control and Clean Technology Adoption”, Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 69, pp1685-1695.
张定胜,2000. 外国援助,外债和资本积累的动态分析, 《经济评论》,第101期,14-18页.
张定胜和杨小凯, 2000. 从交易成本的角度看经济发展,贸易模式和二元经济现象,《武汉大学学报》,第3期,314-318页。
张定胜和杨小凯,2004,国际贸易,经济发展和收入分配,《世界经济》,第9期, 1-9页。
冯飞,张永生,和张定胜, 2006. 企业绩效与产权制度——对重庆钢铁集团的案例研究,《管理世界》,第4期,130-139页。
张定胜和成文利, 2011. 人民币升值和中美贸易关系,《世界经济》,第2期,3-13页。
张定胜和成文利, 2011. “嚣张的特权”之理论解释,《经济研究》,第9期,133-146页。
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