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时间:2018-11-30  阅读:

  讲座题目:Banks' equity stakes in firms: A blessing or curse in credit markets?







  讲座摘要:In this paper, we investigate how banks' equity stakes in their borrowers influence their credit provision to those firms in crises times. We merge unique data from the German credit register on individual bank-firm credit exposures with the security deposit data that include banks' equity holdings. We find that a large equity position held by a bank in a firm generally increases the bank's credit provided to that firm but not during the crisis. Only distressed firms seem to obtain more credit in that period and they do so only from relatively weak banks. In our analysis we account for other relationship lending effects at the bank-firm level. Our results suggest that banks' equity stakes in their borrowers do not mitigate debt overhang problems of distressed firms, they rather seem to foster evergreening of banks' outstanding credits with distressed firms.

  主讲人简介:于月娟,荷兰Tilburg University金融学博士,现在在山东大学经济学院工作,研究方向为银行学,信用衍生品等;曾在Journal of Financial Services Research等发发表文章。