School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University
Wuhan 430072, China
会议日程 | |
8:30-8:40 am | Welcome and Opening Address 开幕致辞:李青原 武汉大学经济与管理学院教授 主 持 人:潘红波 武汉大学经济与管理学院会计系主任 |
主持人:张 琦 中南财经政法大学会计学院 | |
8:40-9:25 am | Paper 1: Life Reverence Culture and Workplace Safety: Evidence from Abortion Rates in China Presenter: 胡 宁 西南财经大学会计学院 Discussant: 王雄元 中南财经政法大学会计学院 |
9:25-10:10 am | Paper 2: 企业债券发行“短期化”:来自负面冲击视角的解释 Presenter: 林晚发 武汉大学经济与管理学院 Discussant: 余明桂 中南财经政法大学金融学院 |
10:10-10:30am | Break |
主持人:潘红波 武汉大学经济与管理学院 | |
10:30-11:15 am | Paper 3: The Bright and Dark Side of a News Paywall: Evidence from the Capital Market Presenter: 汝 毅 中国人民大学商学院 Discussant: 杨道广 对外经济贸易大学国际商学院 |
11:15-12:00 am | Paper 4: High-skilled Foreign Workers and Firm Information Production: Evidence from the H-1B Visa Program Presenter: 朱昊然 南方科技大学商学院 Discussant: 余天成 武汉大学经济与管理学院 |
Lunch and Campus Visit 午餐与校园参观 | |
主持人:王雄元 中南财经政法大学会计学院 | |
2:00-2:45 pm | Paper 5: 排污许可管理制度会影响审计收费吗? Presenter: 李 哲 中央财经大学会计学院 Discussant: 高 茹 华中科技大学管理学院 |
2:45-3:30 pm | Paper 6: Auditor Home Bias, Client Selection, and Audit Quality Presenter: 刘雪娇 对外经济贸易大学国际商学院 Discussant: 李海彤 武汉大学经济与管理学院 |
3:30-3:50 pm | Break |
主持人:陈冬 武汉大学经济与管理学院 | |
3:50-4:35 pm | Paper 7: Data as Capital: Digital Middle Office and Banking Innovation Presenter: 廖 珂 电子科技大学经济与管理学院 Discussant: 陈世来 华中科技大学管理学院 | | Closing Remarks 闭幕总结:潘红波 武汉大学经济与管理学院会计系主任 主 持 人:林晚发 武汉大学经济与管理学院 |
Dinner and Campus Visit 晚餐与校园参观 |
(每篇论文45分钟:Presenter 25 min; Discussant 15 min; Q&A 5 min)
Life Reverence Culture and Workplace Safety: Evidence from Abortion Rates in China
Using regional abortion rates as a proxy for the local culture of reverence for life, this study examines the impact of regional cultural attitudes on corporate workplace safety in China. We find that a stronger local reverence for life is associated with a lower probability of workplace accidents and fewer casualties. To address potential endogeneity concerns, we utilize a quasi-experimental setting provided by the occurrence of earthquakes and the Tianjin explosion in 2015, further confirming a causal relationship between life reverence culture and corporate workplace safety. Moreover, this effect is notably stronger in firms managed by female executives and executives with overseas experience. Additional analyses reveal that local life reverence culture enhances corporate workplace safety by increasing firms' safety-related disclosures and investments. Overall, our findings contribute to the literature examining determinants of workplace safety by highlighting the critical role played by local cultural values.
The Bright and Dark Side of a News Paywall: Evidence from the Capital Market
We examine the implications of a news paywall for the capital market by exploiting the adoption of a digital subscription model by a major financial media outlet in China as a quasi-experiment. Using a difference-in-difference research design, we find that news articles have more original and detailed content and have higher associations with future earnings news after the paywall implementation. However, paywalled news is associated with higher bid-ask spread and lower market depth, and the association is observed only when there is greater information processing cost. Consistent with greater information asymmetry, further analyses show that the paywall leads to a decrease in retail investors’ activities on social media, but an improvement in the forecast accuracy of financial analysts. We also find that the paywall results in slower price discovery. Overall, we provide novel evidence that a news paywall contributes to an unlevel playing field for investors and impairs market efficiency.
High-skilled Foreign Workers and Firm Information Production: Evidence from the H-1B Visa Program
We posit that, in the era of global business, firms’ information production benefits from hiring high-skilled foreign workers who possess distinct advantages in acquiring and processing information about foreign operations. Employing the drastic reduction of H-1B visa quota in 2004 as a shock to foreign worker supply, we conduct difference-in-differences tests and find that U.S. firms demanding administrative H-1B workers—those primarily involved in information production—experience significant decreases in the frequency of management earnings forecasts post shock, especially when the demand for such workers is high. In contrast, we find no similar effect in relation to demand for non-administrative H-1B workers—those responsible for operational activities. The documented informational effect is more pronounced for firms with greater foreign business exposure and when firms offshore inputs/outputs in countries more dissimilar to the U.S. in culture. Additionally, we find that firms demanding administrative H-1B workers experience significance decreases in the horizon and accuracy of management earnings forecasts after the shock. Further tests exploiting random variation in unfulfilled labor demand via H-1B visa lotteries reinforce our conclusion. Our study underscores the informational role that rank-and-file employees with foreign expertise play in multinational firms.
Auditor Home Bias, Client Selection, and Audit Quality
Using proprietary data from auditors’ personal identifications in China, we examine how auditors’ hometown affiliations influence their client selection and audit quality. We find that auditors preferentially select clients from their hometowns, and these engagements are associated with lower audit quality, as indicated by a higher likelihood of financial misstatements, greater discretionary accruals, and increased earnings smoothing. This finding suggests that place attachment, rather than an information advantage, drives auditor home bias. Channel analyses reveal that subsequent audit treatments, rather than initial client selection, are likely to drive this effect. Furthermore, auditors tend to retain their hometown clients even when those clients suffer reputational damage. However, the negative effect of auditor home bias is mitigated by professional training and a strong institutional environment. These findings shed light on the significant role of home bias in shaping auditors’ professional judgment.
Data as Capital: Digital Middle Office and Banking Innovation
In today’s data-driven economy, the strategic management of data has emerged as a pivotal lever for innovation and value creation; yet, little is known about how organizations systematically translate data potential into measurable economic outcomes. This paper investigates the economic consequences of adopting Digital Middle Office (DMO) systems in commercial banks and their impact on banks’ innovation. By conducting a comprehensive textual analysis of 246,764 news articles and bank annual reports, we assess the level of DMO adoption across 370 Chinese banks from 2015 to 2022 using Tencent AI Lab’s open-source Chinese word embedding model alongside ChatGPT 4.0. Our findings reveal that DMO adoption significantly enhances banks’ innovation output, primarily by streamlining operational efficiency and flattening hierarchical structures to facilitate agile decision-making. This positive effect is more pronounced among non-listed banks, institutions with higher digital capability levels, and during periods of high economic policy uncertainty. Our study contributes to the emerging discussion on data valuation by demonstrating how strategic data utilization—embodied in systems like the DMO—bridges the gap between data potential and economic value.
会计系研究领域涉及财务会计、公司金融、公司治理、审计、税收等多个方面,主要研究方向包括:(1)会计与资本市场;(2)审计;(3)公司财务;(4)管理会计。学术论文已发表于《The Accounting Review》《Review of Financial Studies》《Contemporary Accounting Research》《Review of Accounting Studies》《Journal of Law and Economics》《Journal of Corporate Finance》《Journal of Banking and Finance》《Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance》《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》《Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory》《经济研究》《管理世界》《会计研究》《金融研究》等国内外重要学术期刊,以及由中国经济科学出版社、中国社会科学出版社、清华大学出版社、北京大学出版社等全国优秀出版社出版发行了多部有较高影响力的专著、译著和教材。科研项目方面,会计系已主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、青年项目,国家社会科学基金重大项目、重点项目,教育部人文社会科学重大攻关项目、规划基金项目、青年基金项目等各类科研课题。