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时间:2025-03-21  阅读:

讲座题目:A Theory of Opium as the Cause of the Great Divergence(鸦片贸易与大分流)

主讲人:万军民  日本福冈大学经济学院教授、北京大学新结构经济研究院访问教授




Abstract: The dramatic economic expansion of the British Empire compared with the tragical declining of the Qing Empire in the late 18th and 19th centuries has been called the Great Divergence, while there is no consensus on its cause. It is found here that, for over one hundred years, the smuggling and the forced imports of opium from the British Empire to the Qing Empire had exceeded the state revenues of the Qing Empire. To capture this historical fact, we present a theory of opium intake in a dynamic framework after empirically confirming its explosiveness, then we incorporate it into (a)symmetric two countries’ endogenous growth model. It is proved that opium serves to transfer the savings from one country to the other one so that the abnormal growth of one country accompanies the shrinkage of the other one. The opium intake was considered as a market failure, so the Qing Empire prohibited it by law after 1729, while the state capacity was not enough to execute the law. Therefore, the Great Divergence could be due to the cunning use of opium by Britain Empire and the incompetent Qing Empire. We also provide new insight on why there was rare capital in the Qing Empire, and on why the efficient market and facilitating state argued by Lin, Justin Yifu (2011) is indispensable for economic development.



万军民,现任日本福冈大学经济学院教授经济学教授、博士生导师,先端经济研究中心主任、2024年至2025年在北京大学新结构经济研究院担任访问教授。在大阪大学获得经济学学士、硕士、博士学位,并获得2004年度大阪大学经济学博士毕业代表荣誉,2005年度第七届大阪大学社会经济研究所森口奖,2016年度应用经济学学会图书奖。万教授以中美日为主要研究对象,研究领域涵盖宏观经济学、金融学以及发展经济学。关于成瘾研究的博士论文由纽约Palgrave Macmillan出版,并在《货币、信贷与银行杂志》《金融稳定杂志》《住房经济学杂志》《世界经济》《国际经济与金融评论》《发展经济学评论》等国际期刊上发表二十余篇论文,主题涵盖:泡沫溢价作为新术语、时间约束资产的理性泡沫理论、投机性储蓄理论、家庭的过度债务、固定资产投资的有效寿命、企业的过度投资、商业银行的不良贷款、有奖发票理论、任务特异性人力资本理论等。曾担任二十多种国际期刊的审稿人,获得包括国家自然科学基金项目资助。