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时间:2025-03-14  阅读:

讲座题目:Markdown Pricing with Taste-Projecting Consumers(考虑消费者品味投射的降价策略)

主讲人:郑权 教授 中国科学技术大学




Consumers often exaggerate the degree to which others' tastes resemble their own, a phenomenon called taste projection (TP). This paper explores how TP influences consumer beliefs, market demand, and prices in intertemporal pricing. A monopolist selling a fixed quantity of products over two periods can commit to markdown pricing while consumers time their purchases strategically. In the absence of TP, the seller always prefers the uniform pricing scheme. However, TP leads to discrepancies in perceptions of product availability among consumers. We show that under TP, (i) markdown pricing is optimal when both TP and capacity are low or TP is high, (ii) the profit is weakly increasing in the extent of TP but nonmonotonic with the capacity level, and (iii) consumer surplus can be higher than under rational behavior, resulting in a win-win outcome for the seller and consumers. We further examine dynamic pricing with taste-projecting consumers and characterize the seller's preferred pricing regimes. Our paper highlights the behavioral benefits of pricing in revenue management.

消费者常常高估他人的品味与自己的相似程度,这种现象被称为品味投射(Taste Projection, TP)。本文探讨了在跨期定价中,品味投射如何影响消费者的信念、市场需求以及价格。一个垄断企业在两个销售期内销售固定数量的产品,可以承诺采用降价策略,而消费者则会策略性地选择购买时机。在没有品味投射的情况下,卖方总是倾向于采用统一定价策略。然而,品味投射会导致消费者对产品可用性的感知出现差异。我们研究表明,在品味投射存在的情况下:降价定价在品味投射程度和产能较低,或品味投射程度较高时是最优策略;利润随品味投射程度的增加而弱递增,但与产能水平的关系并非单调;消费者剩余可能高于理性行为下的情况,从而实现卖方与消费者的双赢。我们进一步研究了针对具有品味投射行为的消费者的动态定价,并刻画了卖方偏好的定价机制。本文强调了在收益管理中定价策略的行为学益处。


郑权,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授。主要研究领域为人工智能经济学,零售和平台运营管理,供应链管理,行为学定价,运营管理和市场营销/信息系统交叉学科研究等。相关研究成果发表在Marketing Science、Management Science、MIS Quarterly、M&SOM、Production and Operations Management等管理领域知名期刊。