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时间:2024-06-21  阅读:

讲座题目:Enhancing Product Efficacy and Evaluation through Sensory Design(通过感官设计提升产品功效和评价)

主讲人:游艳芬 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校





Product design features significantly influence consumer perceptions and product evaluations. Insights from two projects demonstrate the effects of sensory design through tactile and visual channels on consumer perceptions and behaviors. The first project, “Felt Something, Hence It Works: Merely Adding a Sensory Signal to a Product Improves Objective Measures of Product Efficacy and Product Evaluations,” highlights the impact of sensory signals (e.g., tingling, cooling, fizzing) on both perceived and actual product efficacy. The research shows that sensory signaling (vs. nonsignaling) products improve actual performance and product evaluations. This is because consumers infer a greater transfer of benefits to the body when using products with sensory signals, a phenomenon that persists even when persuasion knowledge is activated. The second project, “When and Why Color Chroma Signals Product Efficacy: The Role of Causal Essence Inference,” uncovers that the mere color chroma of a product can alter consumer perceptions of product efficacy and significantly impact their consumption behavior. This effect arises because consumers associate higher color chroma with greater concentration of active ingredients, even though product color can be entirely unrelated to the active ingredients. Together, these studies provide insights into how sensory design elements can be strategically utilized to improve product efficacy and evaluations.



Dr. Yanfen (Cindy) You is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dr. You is a consumer behavior researcher with interests in marketing communication, product design, sensory marketing, and innovative technologies. Her research has been published in or is forthcoming in prestigious journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and International Journal of Research in Marketing. Dr. You’s research has been selected as a finalist for the AMA/MSI/H. Paul Root Award (for significant contribution to marketing practice) and has attracted media coverage from prominent outlets, including Forbes and BBC News.

Yanfen(Cindy)You博士是马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校市场营销学助理教授。You博士是一位消费者行为研究者,对营销传播、产品设计、感官营销和创新技术感兴趣。研究已经发表在或即将发表在著名期刊上,如《市场营销杂志》《市场营销研究杂志》《市场营销科学院杂志》《消费者心理学杂志》和《国际市场营销研究期刊》。You博士的研究已被选为AMA/MSI/H.Paul Root奖(对营销实践的重大贡献)的入围者,并吸引了包括福布斯和BBC新闻在内的知名媒体的报道。