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时间:2024-05-24  阅读:

讲座题目:Patent value and the use of citations: New evidence from China issued patents(专利价值和引用的使用:来自中国专利的新证据)

主讲人:史冬波  上海交通大学




This paper seeks to lay the groundwork for future research using citation data from patents issued by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA). We comprehensively review the citation practices of CNIPA and build the first citation dataset from the documents of CNIPA-granted patents. Our dataset includes both examiner and applicant citations. Technical validation shows that the accuracy of our dataset is over 95 percent, making it reliable for academic studies. We find that the number of forward citations is significantly and positively associated with patent value. We also find applicant citations are stronger predictors of patent value. We provide recommendations for best practices using the CNIPA citation data and make the dataset publicly available for future research.



史冬波,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院副教授,上海交通大学智慧法院研究院研究员,上海市晨光学者,新加坡国立大学访问研究员。史冬波是一位关注创新议题的应用经济学家,研究兴趣集中在两个方面:以科学家与发明人为代表的高技能劳动力市场以及相关激励问题,制度对企业进入与产业布局的影响,相关成果发表在Science、Regional Science and Urban Economics、Journal of Informetrics等期刊。他分别于2011年和2016年在清华大学获得理学学士学位和管理学博士学位,曾任哈佛大学肯尼迪学院贝尔弗研究中心访问学者。为了多渠道传播与普及创新经济学的研究成果以及促进学术研究工业化,其实验室运营了微信公众号“熊彼特的厨房”。