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时间:2023-07-15  阅读:

讲座题目: Which One to Follow: Analysis of Lead-follower and Peer Effects in the A Market   跟随哪一个:A股市场的跟随者效应和同行效应分析

主讲人:李少然   北京大学经济学院金融系   助理教授




This project compares the momentum spillover effects detected by different linkage networks in the A Market and concludes that most connectivity documented in past literature can be unified by the cross-firm momentum driven by the news-comention linkage. In other words, like the analyst momentum in the US market, a series of momentum spillover effects lose their predictive power after controlling for the media-implied momentum. We further separate the undirected news-comention network into directed sub-networks, including Lead-follower and Peer-effects networks. Empirical evidence shows significantly contrasting behaviours of sub-networks' momentum spillover, depending on leaders or peers to follow. We finally analyse the mechanism behind these phenomena.



李少然,北京大学经济学院金融系助理教授,2021 年于剑桥大学取得博士学位,研究领域为金融计量,实证资产定价和机器学习。研究成果发表在 Journal of Econometrics 和 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 上。