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时间:2019-11-22  阅读:

主题:Sustained Compassion Organizing: Insights from an Indian Hospital Providing High-Quality Health Care Free of Charge






The literature on positive organizational scholarship (POS) emphasizes the generative role of compassion in organizations, yet scholars have also identified potential limits to individual compassion related to decision bias, compassion fatigue, and distress. Our inductive study of a hospital in India that provides free, high-quality health care to the poor reveals how a sustained compassion organizing process can help attenuate such limitations and mitigate the suffering of large numbers of people over a long period. We identify four key organizational practices: distinctive enticing, disciplined synergizing, utilitarian channeling, and immersive restoring. We show how individuals’ compassion, albeit transient, can be coordinated to alleviate suffering on a large scale through a paradoxical resourcing cycle. Our research offers fresh insights to the compassion organizing literature, the POS perspective, and resourcing theory.


郭依迪,现担任清华大学经济管理学院创新创业与战略系助理教授。她于2005年获得清华大学经济管理学院管理学学士学位(信息管理与信息系统专业),2008年获得清华大学经济管理学院管理学硕士学位(管理科学与工程专业),2017年在法国和新加坡获得欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)管理学博士学位(战略管理方向)。郭依迪教授的主要研究领域是复杂制度环境下的战略管理过程,尤其是企业内部与情绪相关的心理学、社会学过程对企业战略制定和绩效的影响。她的研究成果曾发表于国际顶级学术期刊Strategic Management Journal,并曾获得美国战略管理学会香港特别会议最佳论文奖、美国战略研究基金会毕业论文奖。她是美国管理学会和美国战略管理学会的会员,是Organization Science、Journal of Management Studies、Management and Organization Review以及美国管理学会年会的匿名审稿人。在攻读博士学位之前,她曾任职于国际知名管理咨询公司和国有企业。

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