讲座主题:Idea Generation and Research Lifecycle: Develop Marketing Strategy Studies with Unique China Features
讲座摘要:What is most challenging in research project development? Lack of novel ideas may be one of the most critical ones, given the rich literature in most subject areas. How can we generate new ideas? How can we make sure that our new ideas are novel and significant enough? How can we offer novel insights in a mature area? In this session, I will share a strategy for idea generation during various stages of research lifecycle, in the context of developing marketing studies with unique China Features.
Conventional wisdom advocates firms to take market-based strategies such as developing firm capabilities and product innovations to achieve competitive advantage and superior performance. However, such market-based strategies face critical challenges when firms implement them in emerging markets, whose institutional framework is yet to establish to support these market-based strategies. This research will focuses on the unique institutional characteristics that challenge the efficacy of market-based strategies, and identifies potential ways for firms to address such challenges and develop new strategies to achieve competitive advantage.
个人简介:周政,香港大学商学院战略及国际商务正教授, 中国教育部特聘长江学者。周政教授在创新以及关系管治领域有深入的研究,取得了丰硕的成果,并在战略管理研究领域产生了重要的影响。周政教授是目前世界上新兴市场战略领域最多产也最有影响力的学者之一。在许多管理研究的顶尖学术期刊上发表了大量的论文,并在代表商学研究最高水平的UT Dallas 24 Top Journals List认定的顶级期刊上(Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal、Journal of Marketing、Journal of International Business Studies、Organization Science, Journal of Operations Management)发表了20篇文章。这些论文所提出的理论观点、实证结论和理论分析框架被许多国际知名的学者引用。周政教授自2011年起获ISI Essential Science Indicators评为世界首1%顶级学者,更于2016年被评为世界最高引学者,这是大中华区唯一上榜的工商经济类学者。周政教授在多个学术期刊担任编委,包括《战略管理期刊SMJ》,《国际商务研究期刊JIBS》,《营销科学学会期刊JAMS》等。目前他担任《亚太管理期刊APJM》高级主编, 以及《国际营销期刊JIM》副主编。他还应邀在诸多世界知名大学(剑桥、乔治州立大学、堪萨斯大学、清华大学等)演讲,周政教授的学术成就也多次获奖,如香港大学研究成果奖(2006年,2011年);香港大学工商经济学院杰出学者奖(2013年);香港大学杰出学者奖(2016年)。周政教授的研究曾多次荣膺香港研究资助局(RGC)竞争性研究基金以及香港大学的基础研究基金。鉴于其所取得的突出成就,北卡罗来纳大学 (UNC Charlotte)在2008年破例为他提供了Reese Distinguished Professor in International Business的终身教席。从2011年至今,香港研究资助局特聘周政教授为研究基金评审委员会委员,主要负责商学研究项目的评审。