发布日期:2018-05-15  点击量:

  题目:The Welfare and Distributional Effects of Fiscal Volatility: a Quantitative Evaluation




  报告摘要:This study explores the welfare and distributional effects of fiscal volatility using a neoclassical stochastic growth model with incomplete markets. In our model, households face uninsurable idiosyncratic risks in their labor income and discount factor processes, and we allow aggregate uncertainty to arise from both productivity and government purchases shocks. We calibrate our model to key features of the U.S. economy, before eliminating government purchases shocks. We then evaluate the distributional consequences of the elimination of fiscal volatility and find that, in our baseline case, welfare gains increase with private wealth holdings.


  白金辉博士长期从事在不完全金融市场背景下的财富不平等与宏观政策的相互影响的研究。他在财富不平等与财政和货币政策的互动,以及财富不平等的政治经济学的影响方面取得了多项成果。近年的研究论文发表在以下的英文国际期刊:经济研究评论 (Review of Economic Studies),国际经济评论 (International Economic Review),数量经济学 (Quantitative Economics),经济动态评论 (Review of Economic Dynamics),数理经济学杂志 (Journal of Mathematical Economics)。在攻读博士学位之前,他关于中国货币需求的中文论文曾发表于《经济学(季刊)》。