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Advanced Research Forum in Economics 190,2022

ThemeEvolutionary game dynamics with network structure

Lecturer: Boyu Zhang, Beijing Normal University

Time2022.09.22 15:30

Site: Tecent meeting 485823980


In the era of digital economy, people's game interaction presents complex network characteristics. In recent years, network game theory has developed rapidly, and has been widely used in group decision making, public opinion communication, voting and so on. One of the key issues in network games is how network structure influences the evolution of individual and group behaviors. This report will first introduce the basic concepts related to evolutionary games and evolutionary dynamics, and then introduce some research on evolutionary game dynamics of symmetric and asymmetric networks by the reporter and coauthors. Finally, the influence of game interaction network structure and information network structure on individual and group behavior, especially cooperative and fair behavior and public opinion dissemination in different game scenarios is discussed.

Introduction to the lecturer:

Boyu Zhang is a professor, doctoral supervisor and director of the Behavioral and Game Decision Laboratory at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Beijing Normal University in 2006 and 2009, and his doctorate degree from the University of Vienna, Austria in 2012. He joined Beijing Normal University in 2012. His research interests include evolutionary games and learning models, incentive mechanism design, network games, behavioral experiments and behavioral big data. He has published more than 40 papers in journals like PNAS, One Earth, Operations Research, Games and Economic Behaviors, Experimental Economics, etc. The research results have been specially published by Nature and PNAS, and cited by many international authoritative experts, such as members of the American Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences. In charge of key projects of National Natural Science Foundation and Outstanding Youth Fund. Associate Editor of Dynamic Games and Applications and on the editorial board of several journals.